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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

if you happen to be here. press the play button on the imeem player. i love this song. its by mr NO.2 hottie. haha. i have yet to think of another rank yet. so its still mr N0. 2 hottie ((:


i'll be back later

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
kjk is NO. 2 hottie!

SEE! thats him. aww. LOL he's mr korean hottie.

strange that i find a korean guy hot? heh. thats because recently i got hooked on this vid on you tube call x-man. its a korean game show which is freaking funny. i LOVE funny videos. in case you do not know. realised now? (:

he's SWEET AND HOT. heh. i dunno how to describe to you what i saw on the vid. if you want see this link. http://youtube.com/watch?v=7kiVED7D9mI.

watch to understand what i mean by being SWEET. it starts from 3:12. if you watch it and find it corny. aww you must not have a heart. i'll melt into a puddle if that ever happens to me *currently in fantasy land* haha.

tired of sch work already. its endless. and jc ppl are having their hols now. GREAT! SIGH. 3 hours of german. kill me ppl. please. in anyway i'll try my best luh. language... most prolly not have been my thing since my past life. haha. if i ever have one. crappy here.

i want a NEW PHONE!!!! gahh.

- youheartlesspieceofcrap.ihateyou-

Monday, October 29, 2007
cool-liee (:

nice nice? (((: heh. show a pic first b4 i have time to blog more!!

ps:guess which is my leg (;

-so disappointed in you, i guess its over huh.-

Saturday, October 27, 2007

stupid stupid pract with two ungentleman and a irritating pract teacher.

my class would have known what had happen. maybe some may even feel that i am being piss for nothing. but still to hell with them. i am still pissed. cant you just move your butt when you know that you sitting in someone elses place? for all i care you might just want to sit infront so that you might just have perfect conc on the teacher. but HELLO. since you are repeating this module, you should have at least the basic background eh. i think i need these knowledge more then you guys. gahh. i sould stop. maybe i am just making a mountain out of a mole hill. but with a teacher with a screeching voice who just keeps shooting off i think anyone would just be as irritated.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
es ist zwanzig vor zehn

GAHH!! german time reading is driving me cra-zee. how complicating can time get. look at the stoopid title of my entry and you can prolly predict. in the first place my number hasnt been good. i almost return all my german back to frau lian. BEST! and now i have to tell time in freaking german numbers. i can hardly spell them. sucky.

i curse at the person who invented grammer for german and gender for things. who the hell say that newspaper must be a female. do you see any part of the newspaper that actually resembles a female. bloody toot toot.

that aside. biochem pract was a complete mess. simply one word. disastrous. test tubes were lost, broken. i nearly went crazy. in just one simple enzyme experiment we had to use like 20 over test tubes all for different kind of test. MESSEY.

and OH YA! i left my lappy in the german classroom yest. holy mama. i nearly jumped out of my skin when i realise i left my dear lappy behind. luckily it was just a change in classroom during german lesson when i realise. so i ran back and got back my lappy in time. luckily the classroom was locked. i cannot image how disastrous it would be if i realise it only when i am on my way home. i KNEW it was gonna happen cos i placed my lappy under the table and it was just a matter of time. but who ask the table to be so small that i had a problem looking for space to write. LOL

haha! afterwards when i tried to look for the classroom that they were all in i got lost. EH HEH. the place was just so complicating with so many doors. it was like a maze luh.

well well biostats tmr. sigh sigh. staying back after sch sigh sigh.

apparantly the BBQ on sat has met up with huge probs and i have no idea what izzit.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007
dead tired

woohoo. its tue.or should i say the starting of wed. i'm tired. and i have no idea why am i still up when i feel so sleepish. gahh

someone has got her "dream phone". AHA! lucky lucky her. i wonder when will i ever get mine. *big sigh* but still. enjoy your phone!! (:

i dont have the slightest idea what i wanna blog. but yet i am blogging. ironic. i guess those reading have to tahan a bit. cos my inner voice is telling me i am just crapping myself away. LOL

its the second week of sch and i still keep getting mixed up with biochem and organic chem. gahh all chem chem. my brain system is still haywired. toot toot toot.

this sem notes burned a huge freaking hole in my allowance. sheesh. its barely the starting of the sem. and there goes all my cold hard cash. i got cheated by the bloody toot toot printer in sch on monday. ate my money by coming out from the mouth of the money eater aka colour printer. i felt like plugging out all of its damm freaking wire.

but still. i think its kinda worth luh. getting everthing organise. it will be easier when it comes to the end of sem. and i dont have to spent unneccesary time on digging out all the notes and arranging them. so till then i have to bear with the parting of my money for this entire month. i can forsee more of this coming. BYE!! my darling money $$$ (literally see it flying away)

oh yeah the three of us happen to saw this HUGE ENORMOUS HUMONGOUS-LY LARGE book of cell bio notes. omg! i think its the thickest set of notes i have ever seen in my entire life. its damm^1000 thick. i am starting to wonder how in the world am i gonna cramp that entire book into my puny brain. i guess everything will overflow. sigh sigh.

apart from all these, we have started cooking for our PW. its fun though. its MY highlight of the week. woohoo~ i guess the first trial was 40% of a success. izzit 40? or izzit 20% well well all i know is we have to do tonns and tonns of modification to it. and in the first place we dont even know how in the world the orginal thing looks like.gahh.

time is so so so short. but we just have endless things to do. sucky.

and ooh ooh! drama mama is the source of entertainment for the three of us i guess for part of the sem.there is a synopsis everyday. so tune in to ____________________ if you know everyday and you wont be deprive of juicy gossip the next day. LOL

german lesson is tmr. sigh~

guten nacht for now.

-i left part 0f my day behind-

Sunday, October 21, 2007
guten abend!

many thanks to van, i've got M5 whole albulm!! woohoo adam levine is love. He's hot, sexsey,charming, breath taking( LOL VAn's own joke own joke) AHA! his voice is uber fantalicious *melts*

ok ok. i have NO IDEA where did all that languages came from. but well. he's my NO 1 hottie now. boring weekend that i have spent the whole of it doing nothing but slack on the net. yet to tune back to school mode. still kinda on standby still.

tmr we're cooking!! yippie! something thats not boring at least. rather than phy pract where we're fiddling with the huge squarish looking desktop for a couple of hours i think. gahh.

oh yeah. i went causeway for dinner and stumble upon the sell and rent bookshop. i think its moving. cos all its books there were selling at 2 BUCKS!!! damm cheap. LOL. i went into a storybook frenzy and got three. My bookworm sis got 4. NUTS. =P

well well i'm looking forward to 27th OCT haha wasnt NOV.oops i guess after the holiday even my biological calander has went haywire too. LOL

sch's tmr. ciao!

-i have a NO.1 hottie now ((: -

Friday, October 19, 2007

first note

well you dont have to pretend you didnt see me. we both jolly well knew we saw one another. its no big deal. anw in the first place: its not like i was so damm happy to see you. secondly, its not as if i'll go HEY HEY!! HI HI!!!! puh-leese. and to add on your action was so exaggerating can. com'on.

okay kay tat aside. just for someone to see. i saw this news on yahoo. this singer by the name of lucky dude was killed in a robbery. sigh sigh such a pity. what is the world coming to.

practical was cool today. haha did nothing except for a short briefing. den chill away most of the time. biostats was cut short but an hour!!! coolness.

i cant wait for 27 nov. hopefully i'll be able to make it (((: i wanna go! woohoo

-hyped up-

Thursday, October 18, 2007

i just heard something. and its shocking how a person actually succumbs to the tempation of money. money is the root of all evil is that really so? i really hope its not. how could such an innocent looking person do such a thing. well its really never judge a book by its cover. i hope the person's family copes fine. and everything works out in the end.

how will your kids face the world in the future? you've ruined your entire future. maybe i have no right to pin point and judge you, maybe you have your problems. but its still not correct to do this and it never will. you cant escape forever one day you will stumble and fall this i am sure. you had better take care. and to your family be strong.

-i left my words behind-

yeah!!!! and again.

yip yip i changed the skin. AGAIN. Lo and behold. i love this one. (((:

school's cool today!!! in sch for one whole 1/2 hour. haha. just for a short intro. gahh. rubbish. waste my beauty sleep. LOL. but at least we get to take this chance to organise everything within my grp.

lj craving was satisfied today. YES!!!!

sigh german lesson tmr again.

-is there a soulmate for everyone?-

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
a changed skin!!

woohoo i finally change my blogskin. *fireworks*

many thanks to mun who taught me how to change it AGAIN. i am confident that i will remember it well this time round.

i just discover its fun to change blogskin like nobody's business. LOL. i just love scanning through the website to look for a nice2 skin. heh.

i coudnt find a better lookin skin other than this. believe it or not i actually click all the way to 2004 to look for a skin. so in the meantime stick to this ((:

sch's a little sucky. but i promise not to digress so i shant. tiredness just comes out of me everyday. i wanna tune my biological clock back FAST!!! but some good news. although sch's offical timetable starts at 8 on tue wed and thurs, it isn't the case due to tut starting early in the morning and it being a self directed tut, we wont have to be in sch till 9. three cheers. (((:

i hope my entry is read-able cos i have a feeling i am just crapping in my last para. see what tired-ness does to a human being. tsk3. rest is just what i need. gahh.

-i wish i could just turn back time-

Thursday, October 11, 2007
i've blogged. izzen that amazing?!

well well looks who's here.

kk. i know hardly anyone comes to my blog anymore and its my fault. cos i haven been updating. yeah i know it. *newsflash* lazybum here. LOL.

alrighty sch's starting in like 3 days time.bummer. srsly. time really flies.three weeks ago i was still thinking. omg i still have 3 weeks of holiday to spent. what should i do. and now sch's starting soon.

well i kinda look forward to it though fresh start.

but timetable is really crappy. on every other day except thurs i end at 6. with huge chunks of break within. can someone like tell me how am i gonna past time. sigh sigh. alright alright i shant digress. its a fresh start. fresh start. fresh start

oh by the way.i'm getting tired of my blogskin here but i have simply no idea how to change it. dear fizza helped me with it last time.heh. and i happily forgot everything.tsk3 how nice of me. sorry dear. (:

and and i apologise for not comfirming with you the other time about the date. i was busy with work and i cleanly forgot about it. so if you are readin this.sorrie.

enjoy your holiday to all those jc ppl.hibernate all you can. adios!