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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Thursday, November 22, 2007
currently hanging up the "i am sick sign"
meanwhile enjoy a healthy picture of me. till i get back (((: who can get tired of pop princess?!!! and and. funny ah ppl. very nice to make fun of my voice now eh. can open "ah Du" concert right. wait till i get back my voice. you guys will get it from me. muahahahah!! -voiceless for now-
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
HEY! you must feel so honoured okayy. cos this is the first ever birthday dedication ever on my blog. LOL so alrighty the dedication: cannot imagine i have known you for 4 years counting 5 eh. now then i realise you were also my classmate since sec 1. LOL. never been close to you until sec 3 where we had no one but you me and ting together going to a new class. i guess thats where it all begin. haha. there were misunderstandings (see if you remember (: ), happy moments, sad moments, piss-tified moments, birthday surprise moments... each and every one of them are etched close to me. it will be years later on when we will walk down memory lane together and reminisce the past. although this year i am not able to wish you a happy 17th birhtday face to face due to my stoopid sch schedule, still i wish that you have enjoyed every single sec of your special day since you skipped work eh. ^ ^ LOL. so once again. happy 17th birthday! you are old already la admit it. muhahaha. quickly get a prince charming okayy. i will be waiting. loads of love sweetie (me) xoxo the sweetie of the day: okayy. back to me. (: i am still sick. gahh. this time the flu bug got me. shattt. i sneeze the entire day away. luckly for me my noseee is still attached. haha. almost everyone tat saw me thought i cried like siao. cos my nosee and eyes were damm watery and red. but, haha its just a servere flu ppl ((: no worries. thank you everyone who gave me free tissues. haha. i cannot keep track how many packets of tissue paper i have stolen yest. and many many thanks to MUNNY!! for her cardigan. if not i would have freeze to death in the lecture hall. anw i can feel a sore throat coming along to join the virus crowd. my voice is gone case already. sighh. and tmr! BIG BIG sigh. i have german classes up to 7. many thanks to betty boob. and the german talk. great great great! the refreshments had better be good. gahh. will i have good food tmr? ^ ^ woohoo. stupidly i dread comm skills. can sleep man. sigh. off for flu medicine for now. ciao! and take care everybody the flu bug is ard. haha. sotong piggy wiggy almost got it from me =P -i need TLC. anyone?? (: -
Friday, November 16, 2007
ahh. missing in action??
heh. looks like the lazy bug has come right back up and bite me.
but well. i have many things to share!! i have pictures too! look out. (: first thing first. gahh people i suffered from food poisoning!! but well i got up and running again. thank god my parents came back in time from their trip else ... who know what might have happened to me. LOL and and and. hmm i remember having loads of things to type. cant seem to remember. ahh... ahh... ahh... OH!!!! i have a fan in sch!!! woohoo. i finally found one kjk fan in my class. haha! miss karina. hee hee. i stepped into the lecture hall on freitag afternoon hearing kjk song suddenly. my eyes swept the entire lecture hall looking for that fateful person. and it landed on karina and jadelyn.( cos both were fiddling with their handphone.) jadelyn gave me the its not me its her kinda look. i immediately started screaming with karina. haha! she heard me playing one of kjk songs outside practical lab on mon. but she couldnt figure out who was playing it cos i suddenly switched it off due to the dm walking by. so so so. i shall cut the long story short. cos i seem to be writing a compo here. i found a fan. fullstop. (: and to piggy wiggy sotong scc. neh neh!! i found a fan =P i got a whole new collection of stuff. but i dont think it shall be revealed soon. bit by bit huh. a lil here, a lil there. and i have a whole new collection coming right up. hee. ohh and lastly, i finally took picture of our creation during project 1. ((: this is the one with the orange whip cream. the one with the strawberry whip cream. the nice-ciest one. haha. lastly the chocolate cream one. which is so damm sweet. i have a craving for milo dinosaur!!! i'm gonna make one now. ciao! -hey there! MR pretty face-
Sunday, November 11, 2007
stuck at home. boring weekend.
cos of my sis. see what a reponsible sister i am. LOL even so, i am entertained by many many videos by him <33 many many thanks to piggy wiggy scc who introduce me to that site. and allowed me to link to other stuff. =D
apparantly my sweetie is also into a korean guy. ahaha! i saw your blog. you can't deny. ^ ^ well i have nothing much to say cos nothing much happened. ehh. i sold two of my stuff away and got some cash flying in. woohoo. one was my econs book. the other you should be able to guess. i mentioned it in one of my post. (: shall end it with yet another pic. haha i think those who keep reading my blog will get tired already. cos every other post posted recently kept mentioning about him. so pray hard that i'll get over him soon. haha! ![]() -oppa <3-
Thursday, November 8, 2007
aha!!! i am SO SO SO in love with this guy!!! Don't be mistaken. its him <3 (:
![]() he's so sweet.sigh. i love sweet people. hee okay. i have decided he will be my number 1 hottie. sorry levine. you're no. 2 for now. i didnt know i could get myself so cra-ziee over a korean guy. but but. sigh. i am so into HIM. could he appear in my dreams again. hee. i can smile the entire day to myself you know. ask mun. she experienced it already. haha i suddenly look at her on the mrt platform and just burst out laughing. she must have thought i was crazy. LOL. as i am typing this i am smiling to myself and again. gahh. piggy wiggy SCC promised to help me look for something also related to him. but i guess being a piggy wiggy sotong SCC she has the right's to be forgetful. never mind i shall remind her again tmr (((: dun worry its not a poster or what not. i dun go for this stuff. hee (: okayy betty boob has cheated my feelings. she made me and mun go for her weird german club. and made us dead bored there. at first we get to see these hot german guys. but the game later on was stupid. okay not stupid. boring i guess. boring games with crazy ppl.crazy ATTENTION SEEKING ppl. " you see ghost?" ahahaha. that phrase made me laugh for a full 5 mins. muahahah. i am yet again laughing to myself again. i think i am going bonkers. i guess nobody will understand it except mun again. haha. cos she was there and she knew what happen. muahaha. look what i've got! arent they love!! hee. seeing this entire packet is enough to make my day. they are a packet of sunflower seed. CHOCOLATE. in case you didnt know. ahh. how sweet izzit if one day suddenly someone pops out and gives me an entire jar (must be a nice nice glass one la) filled with sunflower seeds in these colour. i must be dreaming again. LOL. but dreaming never harms one. hee (: i kinda slept 1/2 - 3/4 of the day away today. thats how tired i am. really. it has been a thousand years since i took an afternoon nap.it never has been a habit for me. but while typing this i can feel the sleeping bug kicking in again. i am amaze how much i can sleep you know. i dindt tot i would feel sleepy again in the night. LOL. anw. i like this phrase out of sight, out of mind hee. i heard it on the radio. kk i am getting random here. my brain izzen functioning properly already cos my eyelids are getting heavier. shall zonk out for know. adios! i got a list to make =P shall end it with a last pic. :D -out of sight, out of mind-
Saturday, November 3, 2007
i have pictures! i have fun! woohoo!!
i wanna type a long long long entry and decorate it with pics..
just had a lovely 4/9 gathering/bbq/celebrate you chuen birthday. i missed everyone and i have been longing to see EVERYONE. Finally like after 123456789 years i saw MISS CHIAM QIN PEI! woohoo. she hasnt change a bit. uh huh. not one bit. i love to see more of her eh. let's see when. maybe another year later. LOL. i had fun!!! i missed every single one there. EVERYONE! haha.although the food was a disaster. this is the first ever bbq in my entire life that i have starve through cause we couldnt set up a proper fire. haha. but nevertheless its still great. we celebrated you chuen birthday.i guess we caught him by surprise?? LOL. the pics now: birthday boy (: look what i found just right above the bbq pit. a no eating sign. izzen it ironic?! bye bye my dear : i wont elaborate further (: lastly. haha i have a new toy!!!: ![]() ![]() kk. i just spam my blog with loads of pics. too high for now. shall stop eh. ((: woohoo! presentation is on tue. its cra-zee! lets hope for the best! adios! -i shall forget all of it- |