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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes
i hate clashes

its so hard to prioritise. i wanna be there for both. both are as important to me. tell me people why must clashes even exist? why can't there be a set timing for each and everything to occur. instead of having 2 happening at the same time. i won't be able to get my mind of this for a while.

i hope its settle X) !! MUAHAHA.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HEY to the HO people!~

i have officially ass-cee-arr-yee-daberu-yee-dee my german. in case you cannot understand the language from a outer space genius its S-C-R-E-W-E-D
PHUAHAHA. but at least german is FINALLY (double highlight) for the rest of my poly life *pops a champange* except for the external exams in which we have to clock in 20hours of german within a week. kill me people. but yeahh. thats still kinda far away.

i blabber and scribble nonsence for my essay. seriously its those essay we write when we're young. if you remember kan tu shuo wen? you see the picture and write the essay. remember all the bad grammer and sentence construction? that's exactly what you will see in my paper. its kinda shameful to write like this when i'm almost eighteen. i think the teacher will either vomit blood marking our paper our laugh till she die. i wonder did any teacher did that before.

kk. enough of german. haha. i have a good mind of learning korean. haha. *don't give me dirty glances* i like korean okayy. LOL.

and so. i finally got over wed. two test in a day. dreadful. thurs tmr i have an interview at 930 for the YEP. i got shortlisted. yips~!

presentation for food chem pract tmr. boring~~

i have to head down to the gym SOON. 2 weeks. already. i need excercise.

i have picture for the food exhibtion to update but i'm too lazy. haha wait lah okayy wait X)

for now. ciao!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

as you guys can see i'm very free. keep wanting to updating my blog for some silly reason. -.= but. i got pictures to show! turkey seriously a very very pretty place. picturesque place. i'll let you guys on a preview of the place ((: the rest i'll upload in flickr. cos its just too many. i didnt know you get to enjoy so many things when attending a seminar X) i wanna go to one too. PUAHAHAHA.

for more pics!

grand dinner on the last day. look how thick the salmon is. *salivates*

food, glorious food and guess what?! my dad told me he didnt eat any. not one single bit. why? cos he didnt like sweet stuff. tell me now. is he silly? or is he silly? i would have swipe the entire table down and hyper-ventilate. LOL.

let you guys on a secret. i used to have a school girl crush on this colleague of my dad. don't you think he has this boyish grin that melts you. PUAHAHA * shy shy*

German CNN.

you jump, i take photo? AHA!

sinful *grinz*

magnificant. the sky just looks perfect as a backdrop right there.

it used to be a church but they have converted it into a mosque

tee hee X)

one of my fav pics. literally breathtaking

POST NO. 200. (:

i came a long way didnt i. haha. i mean for those who know how many dead blogs i had. how this current blog almost turned mouldy. HAHA. i had to hire pest control ppl to come and clear the mess X)

anw. i just came back from watching dark knight. let see. i'll rate it 4 batmans over 5 jokers. PUAHAHA. its good really. i wasn't thinking of watching it until my dad who came home yest told me he heard its nice. and on my side i have also heard pretty good comments on that movie. so i dragged my butt out of my bed this "morning" to go catch one in the early afternoon.

spoilers ahead X)

its sad to see such a impressive actor like heath ledger pass away. what a waste. though the joker was pretty grotesque in the movie but the character he protray left a deep impression on me. definitely blew me away. batman's hot. but hearing the news that he's being charged for assault feels pretty weird. its like seeing a completely different side of him. the hero in the movie and the "joker" in real life. whether its the truth or not. i don't know.

its sad to see a good person die instead of the villian. esp when the female lead dies before him. driving him crazy and becoming a second joker.

i guess for me the most classic scene was when the prisoner threw the detonator out of the ship and another nitizen couldn't bear to ignite the bomb. i really wasn't expecting it. i thought it would sure end up in another tragedy. but their course of action totally blew me off my feet.

and where they say batman isn't a hero. but a silent protector, a guardian. wow. tell me about sacrificing.

you'll understand me if you have already watched it.

well well and so, that's my three cent worth of opinion on the movie. sorry for the spoiler X)

ouhhh and. anyone from NYP reading this, come down to the food lab tmr. blk N level 6 1-5pm there's a food exhibition which means free food. MUAHAHA.

support grilled capsicum canape~!! *woots* =D

Saturday, July 26, 2008

i managed to thaw myself after coming out of the lib. i really freezed up real bad back there.

dinner was fulfilling enough. i had paddle pop too!!! butterscotch ice cream is love (:

anw i borrowed two book from the lib again just now. one is by james patterson title suzanne's diary for nicholas seems really intersting. i read some of the critics. and many said it was a very touching and tear jerking book. ouhh~ i'm eggcited. it has been some time since i read a book that made me cry. the last one was ages ago. and its pretty embarassing cos the novel was meant for my sister and i happen to read it.

another one's a thriller seems interesting enough. HAHA.


dad's back from turkey. there so many super nice pic lahh. i wanna upload. but blogger. nah. i bet it'll be a bitch if i upload all of them. prolly upload them in my flickr account. PUAHA. watch out for them eh. X)

i wanna watch dark knight. seems good. WOOTS~


i could hardly open my eyes this morning. thanks mun for the M&Ms again it made my morning! X)


i'm sitting at the lib now for project work and i'm having a depressing feeling.
i have another one of those dreams yest. but the dream its kinda weirdy. its no wear close to being romantic.AHA.

i just found a song that i have been looking for, for quite sometime. ((:

edit: i'm almost freezing in the library. can't stop shivering. can't~ BRRRRRR.



if one day someone were you ask if i would want a year supply of free bubble tea or a year supply of free peanut butty M&M, i would definately for sure 100% chop go for peanut butty M&M. okayy random duper X)

anw this week is finally over so is german oral. i totally screwed it up. congrats. i have 3/4 -ly expected it. sigh~ and human immuno poster presentation is over too although there were a lot of uhh. weird questions. this is the first time in my entire life where a teacher ask me a question during presentation and i can crap nothing out of it. i mean what would you say if the teacher ask you what is immunomodulatory? what the heck?! and when i say the moderation of the immuue system which i know was a shitty ans they laugh at me -.=

finally the brochures were printed and sauceplates are bought. a load of my shoulder. i kept thinking a got a lot of things haven prepare. LOL. so monday is the final day for proj 2. cool.

capsicum dressing for that day.PUAHAHA.

tmr is yet another burn out sat. food chem proj. i'm super dreading it and so are the rest -.= haiii~ lets get it done once and for all baby!

daddy's coming home tmr. woots~! =D

Thursday, July 24, 2008



that's human.



that's again human.

boring bunch of ppl. BORING~

HAHA!~ i guess i'm so not the only pissed. so i'm at least normal. read ppl's blog, realise this realise that. awesome.

i'm raving mad inside now which explains this extraordinary weird sounding post. but what ever the case. i'll sleep on it and tmr it shall be gone.

p/s: i wanna go changrai. sigh~ its changrai not changmai, two different place peepole. X)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i was super high just now for no reason. HAHA. super. even i was afraid of myself for being do hyped-up. but. i think its mainly because i manage to covert all my songs that couldnt play in my hp into something else. and i'm happy ((:

i bought 2 t-shirts for 10 at sunshine plaza. i remember the lady she was selling these faded tees in bugis last time. but no idea why she changed to sunshine plaza and she's having a moving out sale. and i saw some super awesome nice bag. but ehh. even after discount still duper costly leh tsk tsk. currently i'm broke like mad now.

sunshine plaza was a hell of a deserted place. if i was to go there alone, i'll comfirm plus chop get lost. luckily there's dodo who was as blur as me. so we're the blind leading the blind. and squidy siew may who can say was the one who directed us to the place. =D

next up unit ops is cancelled tmr. which means we all get an hour more of sleep.i can wake up at 10~~!! awesome. (: and proj 2 would be uber slack tmr cos we aren't cooking tmr.

and then there's 3 hours of german. sigh~

SO. i spoke to francina just now, it has been donkey years since i've seen her really really should squeeze some time and do some catching up. she told meshe recently just came back from calcultta. some parts of india and stayed there for 10 days. suppose to write up a report for the hospital there and she get to see 2 live operations in return. cool. natural birth and a c-section. and mind you she's the exact same age as us. just that her sch UWC(united world college) has loads of oversea trips. and the calcutta trip served as a job attachment. WAAA~~

and oh! all the best to your knee operation this coming thur! get well soon buddy (:

local tertiary students. tsk tsk.

p/s: i kinda feel bad. but you were the one who did it to me. don't blame me for being heartless. as stated. 你做初一我做十五. a tit for a tat, an eye for an eye. you deserved it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

dad's flying off to turkey later in the wee morning. bon voyage daddy!!~~ and come back safely X)

*warning* this is pretty much a ranting post. beware of the pinch. X)

anw. i killed loads of my brain cells over the weekends. and its seriously alot. served you right for getting it from me. i was already pissed enough and you without using your puny brain have to do something so ridiculously stupid. where's your sense of responsibilty man?! i am not paid to get such shitty load of stuff from you. period.

i realise that i have changed from sec to poly. i mean who didnt right. but i shan't put it here in words. sweetie should prolly know if she remember X) HAHA.

and so, i suddenly become a person of mood swings. there will always be a day in a week where the same thoughts keeps occuring. and i have no idea why. i'm not the way i am now in the past. changed again. prolly.

i guess not many has seen the side of me where i really flare up. try stepping on my toes time and time again people. i guarantee you it wouldn't be nice. for once grow up and get a life. stop acting like babies. waiting to be spoonfed. thank you very much.

i have not mention any names here at all. but if you read what i wrote and felt a pinch den maybe i'm talking about you. ooPS. not liking it?! see that orangey-red button at the top right hand corner with an X? click it. save you the misery. HA.

am i sounding like F*****?! HAHAHAHAHA. i realise i do lehh a little bit. OH NOOOOOO!!!~~~~ i should go to her blog less. getting influenced. AHA.

but anw. i can be a bitch i know. but if i'm not provoked. i'm still miss goody two shoes. perhaps. LOL.

get to know me now?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Its been awhile. everytime i find the mood to blog, i lose it after doing something else.

i had a lot to rant. and i mean a lot. a few days back. but i guess its like gone after so long i decided to come to term that there's no point getting mad you still can't get things done. so. i still get irritated once in awhile. but i'll get over it soon.

first thing first, its a shout out to sweetie for being my "punching bag" on monday. i literally vent everything out. for one thing i was already feeling pretty sucky over what dodo told me on sunday. and on monday something else has to add on to it as if i hadnt had enough of the injustice served. so A BIG THANK YOU sweetie~ (:

dodo and mun also had to listen to me rant the whole time. heh heh. sank yews as well.

i felt alot of things had happened over the week. but i can't to put them down in words here mainly because these stuff kinda faded away.

ouhh. stewart tan finally lost it. it wasn't that we didnt want to ans him during pract. its just that we dunno the ans. how to ans you tell me? and he die die didnt want to come out and speak to us later when we wanted to ask about project. anything just ask over the phone. oh well~

he commented that he pretty much don't care if we listen during lecture cos the whole cohort was rather rowdy yest. he lost it the second time. tsk tsk.

there seems to be a thailand trip during october. but i don't think i am going mainly because ppl i'm close to ain't going. not much of a point luh. sadded. and i feel a little bad for going for both study trip. the other one in may. destination: sydney. a little bit bai jin nu if you understand what i mean. keep spending my parent's money. tsk tsk. so i should pyscho myself into skipping this thailand trip and not get jealous when the rest are going. i'm gonna be angelic for once. AHA!

after my mum told me if i could only go for one which one would i go. HAHA. obviously it will be sydney lah! although the weekend shopping in thailand is super tempting. cos i been to thailand before and den she rebutted me. you been to sdyney before wat. the only place in australia you didnt go was perth.

seriously there izzen a teeny weeny bit of memory i have that i have been there. i could only remember gold coast. but Aiya. i still want to go sdyney. its a different experience without the family. PUAHAH!

skipped my gym regime this week cos there seems to be something wrong with my knee. but i think its okayy now. so i'll be back in a jiffy. meanwhile, yest was spent "trying" to do the food chem proj. but thanks to the bloody sch internet connection, nothing was achieved.and our weekends are burnt out again. haii~

i wanna go shopping for one last time before the GSS ends this sunday. i realise i missed the entire GSS thanks to sch and its work.

so ended sch pretty early today i decided to drop by my grandma house since i haven seen her for ages. tsktsk. i had a nap there again. HAHA i realise everytime i vist her alone i'll sure KO there. haha. baby josephine is really cute. adorable in fact. and look what i found in my grandma's cupboard.

PUAHAH! vintage pciture

thats my parents in the middle. AHAHAHA. seriously oldies.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


jealousy kills(sometimes). period.

and so i resume my regime today. and my whole body is aching like mad again. i think i have a prob with my knee. it keeps giving me this sharp pain which has been going on for almost a week or less. i have no idea if there is a need to consult a chi doc or just keep waiting for the pain to go away.

i just happen to saw the sch email and saw one regarding YEP. i want to go. but WTFFFFFFFFFFREAKKKKK. (own joke). the deadline to hand up the bloody application form was today. and when did they send the email? yest. does the sch think ppl will stick to their email 24/7?! at least give a week in advance MAHHH. bird brains. GRRRR.

weekends are burnt out and again. and can't the wireless internet in the woodland lib get any worst?! whats the point in having the wireless thing when you can't go to sooooo many pages due to the slow connection speed. -.= how to acheive anything like that. how nice if there's 48 hours in a day. HAIII.

sch is like a choo choo train. can't stop. won't wait.

ps: i bought a ghost mag today!! i saw this lady reading one on the train yest and i couldnt peel my eyes off her magazine. i can't bear to read it for fear of finishing it wery quickly. HAHA, but i tend to scare myself easily. but yet i still like to read and watch this kind of stuff. contradictory ehh. BAHA.

i wanna go changi and have dinner tmr!!~~ but how can i when i have heaps of projects pilling up which are all due in two weeks time. oh man~!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

i suddenly miss having organic chem lect and doing the tut. all these are triggered by today's food chem lect. awww~

can i just trade in unit ops with organic chem lect or food ingrd. or or or food chem. how's that.


i love peanut butty M&M

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hi Hi.

i'm here. suddenly i dunno how to start off with my entry weird.

anw, the four of us had a pigging out session cum picnic session during human bio yest. let the pictures speak.

and so you see, the huge amount of snack up there. i thought i wouldnt be able to finsh the whole packet of the wheel cracker. but i did. and its even b4 his lecture start -.= defeats the purpose cos he kept nagging about the project 2 stuff. haha.

and so, today there's a new family member. lets call it jiang jiang cos its the sound it makes. my kuku sister told me its a grand piano b4 it arrived. cos i didnt went along with my family to purchase i tot it was a grand piano. until it arrived and its a upright one -.= but nevertheless, its cool to see it sitting there but i can't play it for godsake. my hand's are so itchy. but haha. i have no musician genes in me.

i rec a vid of my sis playing it but i dunno how to upload luhh.

uhh. i suddenly got distracted. blog more later. TA.

*edit* *deleted* my wire snapped last night. haha. but after a night of sleep, i guess i'mback to normal again. let's just pray nothing will ever trigger that part of me again.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

my body is super aching. how nice if i have someone to just massage my shoulder for me.

it has yet to recover from the gym trip and the lappy plus the super duper heavy lib book and the charger i carried to the lib today didnt actually help much either. but anw, went down to woodlands lib for project work today. was to meet at 10 at first but i wanted to go early abit to look for places. so i went out of the house early, only to take the wrong mrt and end up at cck in shock. haha. i must have look like a crazy woman running out of a train and trying to hop onto the opp train only to see the door close in front of me. HAHA.

anw. dodo reached earlier than me so i told her to go wait outside the lib first cos i heard already got a lot of ppl queuing up to go in. she got a shock of her life upon reaching. for me i was kinda expecting it. but not to that extent. i half ran half walk towards the lib to meet dod. cos i was afraid she won be able to handle the crowd and we'll end up sitting on the floor for the whole day. but i think the ppl behind me must thought i'm very kiasu running towards the lib to fight for seats. so PS. but anw. a lot a lot of ppl were standing infont of the gate waiting for it to open. and when it did, they ran into the lib. OMG. its super emabrassing can. its like rushing for great singapore sale. wakao. no wonder kiasu-ism is s trademark among all singaporeans. tsk tsk.

thank god we manage to get a table. i almost died in the lib. sitting there to finish the whole thing from the moment the lib was open till library close. but at least i think we're somewhat done. so its one down, many many to do *quoted from dodo*

haii. my eyes were duper heavy from all the last night crying cos i was watching some korean drama. haha.

kk. i'll stop. shagggg

Friday, July 4, 2008

wochende is here. finally. but there are still so many things to be done. the weeks are flying by fast so are the months. and soon it will be december. my birthday. (okayy random). AHA. munny buddy say my okayy is wery cute cos got double y. i have no idea when my okayy has started to become like this okayy. LOL. finger itchy must press y two times i guess. BAHA.

so anw, i finally fufilled my salmon rice carving and a mini craving for bubble tea. blue coral milk tea *peace* HAHA. its influenced by dodo de can. always bubble tea bubble tea and more bubble tea. tsk tsk.

anw. we chatted long long time again today, until the waitress had to came and ask to clear out plates to hint us to leave. AHA. we saw one super guai tai woman and her family. i think she short circuit up there can. made such a din when coming in like her house like that, act like a tai tai even though she doesn't look like one. and den after 10-15 mins of ordering, she left the place -.=

and so, we have concluded that the both of us are like someone. only that we don't do that in sch, but outta sch when we're alone. AHA. while chatting with dodo, suddenly all the things started rushing back in. its like unlocking some locker deep in my brain. i had almost forget about all of those. haha dodo even asked me why hadn't i talk about them b4. but sigh sigh~

haha. so she had a fun time laughing at the funny acts of my sis when i told hee about it. she couldnt stop laughing about them can. and finally after 4 hours, when we decided to leave, i was so full and breathless from all the laughing. HAHA.

went looking for some books at the north wing in the lib today, its like being in a whole new place cos after 1 year plus of my poly life, i have never been there b4. uber cool.

i am seeing dodo face again tmr. for project. poor me, out of 7 days a week my eyes have to suffer 6 days looking at her. AHAHHAA. tsk tsk~

Thursday, July 3, 2008

HAHA. my mum's calling both me and my dad chickens. chickens that she has to chase to bed at night. AND. chase for showering. HAHA. cos my dad's to addicted to his game. and i'm to addicted to my lappy. my sis even came out b4 she sleep and say " mummy jiao ni men liang zhi ji si er dian jiu yao qu shui jiao" which also means " mummy's telling this two chicken to sleep at 12" -.=

HAHA. but i sometimes managae to get off the hook and roam the intenet till late night. dodo knows. cos she always influence me to stay online. tsk tsk.

anw. i finally headed down to the gym today after much much slackiness. i'll pray to be able to continue to head down to the gym every thurs. which is the only day i end early. to at least work out for an hour. burn off some calories so i won't feel so guilty everytime i stuff myself. HAHA. i had to keep psycho-ing myself to head down to the gym instead of going for salmon rice with dodo which i am going for tmr. haha. if i were to switch my plans around and go for salmon rice today and gym tmr, i dun think my determination would last till tmr.

but kinda foolish leh. when my sch has a gym which we can use for free but i headed down to bukit gombak one where i have to pay 1.50. but dunno leh. i feel very intimidated to use the gym in sch. although i haven been there yet. i can imgine huge chunky guys working out there. or those sports business students staring at you. like so PS. tsk tsk. i'll prolly go check it out soon. kinda silly when you have a free gym and you pay to go to one.

haii. i think i'll stop here. be back when i have more random stuff (: ciao!


been feeling out these couple of days. thinking about all the undone work that's piling up is leaving me gasping for air. and the aftermath of the common test which is coming soon in week 14 i leaving me panicky. sigh~~

yest. food chem lect was cancelled due to some irresponsible people. for the sake of god and grace can't the latecomes drag their butts in early. or at least on the dot. instead of enjoying that extra 10mins of sleep at OUR expenses.

project 2 was alrighty today. the sushi rice was very tempting plus tuna with mayo. ouhh~ hungry hungry. thank you munny buddy for that packet of peanut butty m&m. i would have barely survive if it wasnt for the M&Ms. i cleared 2 packets within an hour. can you imagine how bored and drained i am. my mind's suffering from a total shut down and blockage during that two hour.


what was my main purpose in typing this? EHHHH. *i forgot!!!!*

*thinks* & *thinks*

ouhh. i think i'll be heading down to the gym tmr after sch. its time to get back to the regime. i'm growing more and more horizontal by the day. and the stupid tummy which is every girl's nightmare is building up. its time to do something about it. i realise jogging doesn't really help reduce the tummy. except for building up your stamina. so i wanna head down to the gym where you can run AND do proper sit ups with the equpiment there.

so. yest after having the food chem lect cancelled, we had this huge 4 hour break in between in which i manage to influence van and dodo to come my house and play xbox. AHA. i finally bought the guitar hero 3 game. super addictive. but there izzen much gamer genes in my blood so i'm not yet entirely hooked. for now that is. and i concluded that van-nee-saa koh is hellva guitarist but her driving skills sucks! aha. i took out the long buried racing game. and we had a few gos at it. super funny with vanessa turning in circles and she actually screamed. AHAHAHA.

but its shocking to say even though the guitar hero game is mine, vanessa fares at it far better than i do. HAHA. i guess she just have a thing for these kind of games. as for our dear dodo here. tsk. dun wanna say lahh. guitar skills seriously CMI. BAHAHHA. and this meanie was laughing the whole time vanessa was playing with the racing car. tsk tsk.

AHA. i have photos but i'm kinda lazy to post it up. some time soon eh.not to mention the long outdated zoo pictures. AHA. soon soon.

totally zonk out even though i haven done anything productive. tsk. the lappy's buring off all my brain cells. eeksss.