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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
out with my begawa solo friends was awesome! as usual, i'm always the quiet one. like sweetie has mention i don't enjoy crowds. but well. not that i don't. i guess i just prefer to sit in a corner and soak in whatever that is going on. i'll be more free and easy with the people i'm more familiarise. even during reunion dinner its the same thing. i'll just sit and listen at daddy's side. i'm more of my own crappy self side with mommy's (: haha. its a very huge contrast right for those who know me in poly. i'm not the usual crappy self. heh. call me man re! i need to warm-up first. *grinz* But nevertheless. its still freaking fun with thesr bunch of people. i expected gambling, drinking and whatnot. but guess what! we played donkey. which was hilarious. it has been like !@#$%^& years since i played that! uber blurred at first. haha! but it got exciting later on. we had like stakes of chocolate, potato chips, wine, 1L glass of water, oranges, coke. and zomg. i suffered the fate of 10 pieces of vanhousten chocolates, 4 ferror roche, 1/4 of a can of pringle's potato chip. tell me how not to get fat. eeeeeeeeeeeee. after that, they started chit-chatting while i just sat and listen (: den we had a champagne and a major photo-taking session to send everything off! woo~ peekture time! just the girls ![]() together with the guys ![]() ![]() joanne (jo's sister) and me! ![]() sony erisson ladies! ![]() su zhen and me(again heh)! people say we look alike! even my mom say's so. and i just realise that we actually do esp when we're in the same color clothings. LOL! Ranking from the youngest (me!) to the oldest.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
i'm becoming lazy to blog. pfftt.
that's cos there is like buckets of pictures to upload and i have no idea which to. let's go backwards then. yest was "reunion dinner" with 4/9 peeps. but its the usual few again. its fun to hear stories from YC and jovan. aha. especially about the grenade incident and how army guys look alllllllll the same. AHA. haggen daz is heaven though the price is "heaven" as well. i left early for IMM later on. that's about it. i'm not sure if i should say this here. but i'm tired. tired of waiting for late people, tired of trying to fit in. its not anyone's problem. but i guess there's a difference in our mentality. i can't find the common topic. this problem has been there since #$%^&*( years after we graduated. i'm just there because i thought it would be different each time. i guess i somewhat understand how _________ feels about it now. i've discussed this with sweetie some time back. but it guess its no difference. maybe i can handle something like meeting up annually to update each other about our progress. but if its just some random outing to have fun i'll prolly just cut back on my appearance. cos i just don't feel comfortable. i know someone will see this and it would be passed on to another one. since i've decided to finally pen down my thoughts, well then so be it. i don't think anyone would get hurt by reading this cos i haven't used any harshed words. but if it did, i'm sorry about things going this way. maybe i've changed. not physical appearance. but my character. i know i've became more irritable recently. i get irritated easily and i believe i irritate people too. well maybe its time to do something about it. just maybe. on a happier note! (: friday outing with dodo to JP too. was fun. especially with good food! yum. i had this 50 dollars voucher that mum gave. so we decided to try out the japanese buffet there. wooo! we only had to pay like $6.66 each. for all these wide array of food. hurray! too lazy to upload the rest. maybe in FB? heh. but there are so many unglam shots luh. oh! i have to upload this classic one! okayy as you can see. there are two hole on each of our hands. stupid dodo used her fork to poke me so hard. thus creating a hole on my poor hand. its like the heel step she gave me on thurs is not enough. pfftt. then i had to get back at her and i poke her with a fork too! muahaha~ revenge is sweet. and she said this was some kind of twin mark. eeee childish pig! AHA. shopping with no money is seriously a painfulllllllll affair. sigh i saw so many things that i really wanted. and if i had the ka-chink! i would definately bag them home! muahah. but finally for once! once! dodo did her new year shopping and i went back home empty handed! except for the eclipse that i have been waiting for agessssssss. YIPPIE! at least i would have something to do over the new year. happy NIU year to all. ciao!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
YOHOHO! i'm ba-ck-ck-ck-ck-ck!
holy molly! the week have been tough (again) no doubt. with me staying up till 5 in the morning to finish that bloody NS project. and having to wake up at 745 the next day. nightmare. it was supposed to be finished initially at 12am. and it did. just that i discover major mistakes and me and dodo had to correct them at the last minute. painfully torturous. being a nutrionist is not joke! okayy. Then there was the food exhibition which was the worst one ever. no vibe no vibe and its seriously squeezy. and to make it worst, the judges forgot a bench of us. and we kept having to reheat and reheat our food for them. tsk tsk. but it was hell load of fun playing with jieying's camera thingy. super cool lah! i love the fisheye cam. dodo munny and me made it a day to wear long skirts together. bahah! and we had a duper tak glam phototaking session after the preparation. zomg. its and super unglam. if it were to be seen by anyone. especially our class people. i wouldnt want to be seen by them for a week! HOHO. so the week has finally came to a short but eventful yet torturous end. but i can't wait for tmr. cos its good food good, food good, good food all the way to sunday! vavavoom! tmr's there's lunch date. sat there's dinner date with the lovely 4/9 peeps! early reunion yo. with haggen daz ice cream in plan. waHOO!~ and then there's reunion dinner which i heard its at vivo! love love love the coming 6 days. but i'm gonna hate the days after that. cos it slogging allllll the way till sem exams end. fuhhreak. pffftt. still! i anticipate tmr to come even more. cos eclipse will be waiting for me *in heaven* today today today. many many many stuff happen. i fell in school! holy crap. but luckily no one saw except mun. zomg. its seriously embarassing can. if the others had saw, i swear i would find a hole/dig a hole to hide myself. where has all my "demure-ness" go. BAHAH! not that i had any in the first place. but zomg. i totally love mun expression when she saw me falling. duper CLASSIC! hee. (: i had to just walk away, pretending nothing happened behind "closed" walls thought i bet there would be a blue-black on my tigh. pffft. and my dear foot got stepped on by stinky dodo on heels. pffttt. lastly there was an incident that left me fuming mad. FUMING. i know that B****** won be reading this. but no one shoos me off. you SOB. whatmore you're nothing. just a damm ignorant self-proclaimed "better looking guy". how dare you. i swear i could have almost walked up to you and give you a tight slap. bloody sucker ball. please be less thick skin can. and you think you're the bestest looking guy in the whole world?! think again sucker. go get a mirror. i'm sharp with my words. so what. i'm a bitch if you step on my toe. don't make me go "i told you so". DAMM you. i can't help but be crude here. so pardon me. fuck you fucking "person" go get a mirror and never in a million years let me appear infront of me again. fuck you. sucker. go rot lah! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. i swear i could have been more crude seriously. but i'm holding myself back cos there are ppl reading this and i still gotta maintain my "image" LOL. but i'm still fuming mad whenever i think of it lah! tsk. shan't let a sucker spoil the rest of my day. ciao!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
let me just do this before i lose the mood again. (:
*warning its gonna be a long long longgggg post ahead* school officially sucks for me. never has been this sucky before with all the damm bloody last min deadline of projects ( okayy, maybe its because we didnt check it properly ), but it still sucks. and then there is the preparation of the 50 damm balls on tue. when have i ever started looking like a ball churning machine. pfffttt. and there is closing of the sem exams. FREAk. no time means no time. i had better buck up this time round. otherwise i can just jump down and die for all i care. sigh~ now, on a happier note, retail therapy on friday was hellva awesome. dodo keeps labelling me as a shopaholic. i didnt wanna admit it at first. but after sitting down and recollecting about all the things i bought since the m'sia trip till today. i realise its alot. (opps!) so we started out by going to sch to test the quality of the balls after cook-chilling. lets just skip this part eh. its boring. =P after that, we okayy maybe i excitedly head on to vivo. dodo wasn't really in the mood cos she's sick. pffft. of all days right. LOL. but on the way there, we were so involved in talking about i dunno what, we almost forgot to alight and change train. it was until dodo suddenly asked. eh! aren't we suppose to alight? that we rushed out of the train before the door close. puahaha!~ its embarassing can. at vivio, even being sick, dodo's a glutton. she kept hinting a hungry man is an angry man. she kept wanting to look for food. LOL. after that it was highness upon reaching F21!! i had no idea that the apparels there were like so damm cheap! i've always thought it would cost like 20-30 bucks for some bangles, necklace. bahaha! and i was proven wrong. i almost couldn't control myself and spent on a bangle again. which is my current fetish. i have like tonns of them at home now :X and the end i changed my mind and got something else instead. heehee. not gonna tell just yet. =P dodo got her stuff too and she was suffering just as much as me too. i had to give up my bangle and she had to give up her coin braclet. which she keeps lamenting after that about not getting it. LOL. then there was nothing much at vivo, except i got a belt that was similar to what i was looking for at 37 degrees. 10 bucks. that's quite a steal leh! oh and then there was the phototaking session at some place which i cannot recall.river island/mango/gap?? bahah. but anw i tried on a couple of shoes which are totally to die for. zomg. i could hardly walk with this shoe. cos it like freaking tall. i bet 50 bucks that i would sprain my ankle badly if i were to take 20 steps with this shoes. nevertheless its like hell nice! my dream shoe. (: i love this as well! at least i can walk in them. i'll marry anyone who would get me this pair of shoes. just joking (: but its like 100 over dollars. oh mymy oh my. to end the phototaking session! cam whores!! trying to act like we're doing something else cos somebody was walking past. heh! den we had our early dinner at super dog before heading down to bugis. my virgin trip to super dog and its awesome! (: the dodo that i went out with. muahahah~ she'll kill me if she sees this! =P part 2 now! (: it was at bugis where all hell broke loose. it was dodo for was suppose to be looking for her new year stuff. but in the end, i bought more stuff then her when i was suppose to be already done with my new year stuff. and the last straw was at the shoe shop. mitju. i fell in love with this pair of shoe. and i was almost too broke to get em. i had to dig out every single cent from my already empty wallet. and even had to borrow a dollar from dodo. bahhaa!~ but i still got it. by then, my wallet which was thick and fat in the morning almost shrink half in size. i had not even a single penny in my wallet. and that announced that it was time to go home. LOL. nevertheless, i had sososo much fun with dodo on friday. its like a breath of fresh air after the neverending work in school. but it came to a bad end when i reached home and was told about a couple of bad news regarding school. sigh~ saturday was suppose to be out at bugis AGAIN. with mommsy to look for her stuff and for sissy. but i can't help but but buy a couple of stuff again :X but most of the time i was acting as maria, helping to carry the stuff around okayy! teehee. alrighty. see once i start i can't stop. this is one of the bestest best new year ever. i can't wait to put on my 2009 collection! LOL. gotta get back to work eh. running out of time. till then!~ ciao (:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
i'm a happy little lark. singing like a duck. PUAHAH! please pardon me people. cos i'm on a high now. finally its friday tmr. this week has been really really really hectic. i have never ever been so stressed since poly started in 2007. year 2 is hard. really hard. sem 2 is even harder. and it has been hell from there on. i was already super stress last saturday, trying to rush out the bloody amtd project. Then there was the last minute rushing of trying to create a PPT for the gastronomy competition. trying to finalise the recipe. we have been staring at mr sweet potato and miss soyabean for the past three days. straight on. omgg. no matter how yummylicious the sweet potato is, there is a point where you would be sick and tired of seeing it. and tmr i still have to go back to school to stare at mr kotobuki soy ball. that's our name for the product. Why not we start from the more important matters. Gastronomy competition ended for us yest. after like 3 gruelling months of trying to come up with the product we finalised it. happy with it. its our kotobuki baby. but it was harshly rejected by the GM of _______. thanks lah eh. stupid snobbish old uncle. when we went out of the presentation lab, all three of us knew it was gone case. disheartened but not dejected cos we knew we did our best. it was later on that i realise that the snobbish old uncle treated almost all the groups from our school the same way. apparently, we heard that he came here to look for dim sum and mocca blended drink product. so his mind was obviously shut off from all other choices. if you wanted to look for such stuff why don't you just open your mouth and ask for it. instead of giving us such a wide theme for the competition and then can't be bothered to try them. *rolls eyes* i dun't want to start complaining how unfair this competition was. cos at least it was an experience and if we continue to keep telling ourselves that, we would only be unhappy. i have learnt that from so many things esp the sfma incident. so its over its over. i just wanna shout out to my girls. munny and dodo candy that we have came a long way. we've have went from been pissed to being ultralord happy with the yummy sweet potato chocolate and to being satisfied with the final dish. kotobuki soyball. without you guys the process of the competition would not have been so much fun and every trial was made enjoyable cos we're able to crap with one another. i truly truly think it is one of the experience that i will bring out of poly deeply etched in my head. love you girls! (: team no! my girls (: next was the common test results. i so was damm freaking scared when i knew it came out a day earlier. all i could mouth was wtf wtf. seriously. i was that scared. but thank god i didnt do as bad as i thought i was going too. its really time to buck up. its like almost a month to sem exams. holy crap. then there was this super cool internship that was made known to us.and i'm so gonna apply for it. we would be undergoing an internship by the moe. to teach in secondary school of couse under the wings of one of the teachers there lah. zomg. i want! (: finally its fridayyyyyy tmr. since we didnt need to do the sensory evaluation, and all we had to do is to check on the balls tmr, its retail therapy with dodo for the rest of the day. zomg. we're both sooooo eggcited! with all the projects in mind, i really need a breather. i guess i'm not the only one suffering. everybody are also staying late into the night and actually to the extent of falling asleep on thier laptop. poor us. haha. kk. it has been a long entry. retail therapy tmr. ultralord happy! ciao ppl. nice weekend ahead.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
sigh. sch starts all over again tmr. and its the same damm cycle.
its coming to midnight and i still have truckloads of shit work undone. cool shit. NOT. i'm gonna have a sensitive toe tmr and the rest of the months to come. and if anyone. ANYONE (copy TT's tone if you know what i'm saying) haha. steps on that second toe on my right foot. you're so gonna get it from me. *evil look* HAHA! CNY dinner with 4/9 peeps on the 26th! i can't wait! esp to see CHIN YOU CHUEN. hoho! *grinz*
Saturday, January 10, 2009
hola! openhouse is finally over.
thanks to __________ for the free lunch today! muahaha. i think i'm sensitive to caffeine? after drinking the can of nescafe in the morning, i felt bloated and lowwwww the entire day. its not the only factor contributing to my low-ness luh. there is like truckloads of work waiting for me. and the question that someone asked me also made me felt an all-time low today. i was trying so so hard not to suffer breakdown today. well blame myself for putting things till last min. but knowing that there are so many extra things to be done doesn't help much either. so this weekend would be pretty sucky trying to rush everything out. but i really really have to thank siew may for trying to explain what does controversial aspect mean. it totally totally gave me a new direction to work on. instead of still being lost and having no direction at all. i think it partially contributes to why i'm feeling so stress. cos i just cannot get any progess going on. but hell yeah! the prob is solve. wooo! i need retail therapy soon. but where's the time peepole?!!! sigh!~
HOHO! today was fun shit yo!
no. its not because of the stupid openhouse. uno game was super fun! with so many people although its an never ending game. and we kept laughing. nonstop at all the silly stuff that we're doing and saying. seriously i cannot remember what we have been laughing so much at. there was the "celestchen" own hair joke, "stevenlim" bang his legs joke and OUH! asking ST to lie on the floor as a red carpet for the big shot principle since he's wearing red. LOL. but it was totally fun today. openhouse was boring as usual. with the same'ol ques can we drink, can we eat. -.= wth. these are lab stuff. if you wanna eat or drink it by all means do so. nobody's stopping you. grow up lah. i want the NYP crumpler bag. and i know i'm not the only one out there. everybody is like eyeing for the bag. but sch is so cheapo they have to check our ez link before issuing the bag. which means cos our ez link states NYP i can bet half a million that we can't take it. pffttt. sweetie and shi ting came down today! HAHA! its so fun to make use of them to get free food *sniggers* but yeah! its good to see them again. hoho. bitching online with sweeties tonight was damm fun. omg. i'm such a "gossiper" but who cares?! *roll eyes* AHA! i know i can be a total bitch at times. we're looking forward to dinner tmr. muahah! let's see if the power of seven can convice someone for a free dinner! LOL!! we got cheated of our feelings today. i remember very very clearly that richard khaw says our results would be release today. so i had the jitter and woke up early this morning. at 11 plus. i know its not early already but considering the fact that i can pig in till 2, its early. so i sat there the whole morning refreshing my page while watching 13 going on 30. nothing. and when we were going back, we decided to give it one last try using jessie com. and guess what she say. i thought the results would be release only on next wed. pfffttt. so much for wasting my beauty sleep. but i can already predict what a nightmare its going to be. So. this pretty much marks the end of the post. i'm left with nothing to say. except. i know i shouldn't be so sensitive. but oh wellies. who cares right? au revoir!
Friday, January 9, 2009
its like a deadtown. quoting from mun. there's no vibe! at all -.= while explaining over and over again how to use the texture analyser, i can't believe these sec school students can be so bimbotic. dear lord. were we like them when we're in sec school?!! *shock* esp the classic girl who kept screaming there's colour coming out of the texture analyzer. i was staring at her the whole time. haven we repeated many times its a TEXTURE ANALYZER. what add colour to biscuits. -.= unless she goes and invent one. den there was another joker who went and switch on the emergency eyewash. zomg. its like a miniwater fountain in the middle of the lab lah. all of us were like so stunned. ran to find tsk to switch of the "tap" cos no one knows how to. and the first word that come out was STUPID. who ask them to touch. LOL. this situation of "itchy handness" i can totally imagine coming from my secondary class last time. maybe the culprit would be yao qing? haha! ouhh. the seven of us played uno while wasting our time away. its super fun. but after awhile, everybody gets tired of it cos its never ending. +2 (take card). no colour (take card). haha! i didnt know uno was another never ending game besides monopoly and chopsticks (the finger game). AHA! i'm seriously deliberating whether of not to bring uno stacko tmr. tell me who would come to a open house at 7-9pm at night. i bet it's gonna be a ghost town or to be more descriptive. a ghost lab. -.= but i think the some of the teachers were coolio! they didnt stop us from playing. BAHA! i think they know how seriously boring the openhouse thing is. well yeah. that about it for the open house. next topic. i discover these days i have the tendency to get irritated VERY easily. AGAIN. tsk tsk. how ehh? and sometimes its just so hard to calm myself down. pffttt. anwwwwww. i've come to learn about this reasoning. that there are times that its best not to know the truth. and i've come to learnt it the hard way. i totally get turned off when i see you. cos it just reminds me how you such a ---------. suck balls yo. *roll eyes until eyeballs drop* PFFTTTTTTTTTTT.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
i suddenly remember another two incident with good'ol daddy. HAHA.
* common test period * dad went for a haircut and while i was at home studying. suddenly i had an urge to eat peanut butter MnM. *decided to msg dad to get me a packet* sms to dad: dad. can you help me buy a packet of peanut mnm. my eyeballs almost popped out of my socket when he came back home. dad: Nah. your peanut butter. sitting right in front of me was a bottle of peanut butter -.= i didnt know if i should cry or laugh. he didnt know that such a thing call peanut butter mnm existed. he read my msg as can you buy me a packet of peanut butter. mnm was misinterpreted to mmmm~ he thought i was emphasizing how delicious the peanut butter taste like with the mmm~ so the msg got misinterprated as can you get me a packet of peanut butter MMM~ *pulls hair* and he can even tell me. correct what i got the correct brand. MR peanut. thanks a lot *bangs wall* There was another time i was talking to him but he couldn't get my point. so i told him in chinese " gen ni jiang hua wo yao tu xue" meaning i want to vomit blood speaking to you. and his reply made me laugh like mad. he said " gen ni jiang hua wo yao lao sai" (its a bit crude i know :X) it meant speaking to you i also suffer from diarrhoea. HAHAH!!~ seeeeee. that's my silly father. HOHO!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
i think my dad's a joker. seriously. the conversation i had with him today almost killed me.
imagine the scenario: mum bought a packet of pears home. dad washing them. dad: EHH!~ why is the pear so oily?!!! me-walks out to see what's the commotion about dad: you see my hands its so oily. me- suddenly remembers something learnt during lect and am eager to show off me: ORH! papa. its wax. you know the coating. they put on top of the fruits to prevent gaseous exchange and stop the water from escaping from the fruits. dad: den how? me: you soak the pear in hot water it would remove most of the wax. dad: you sure? hot water can meh? me: can. you soak the pear lah. dad: wouldn't the pear get cooked or something when put into the hot water? me: DADDY! how can pear get cooked 0_o its not even raw in the first place. just don't using boiling water. (after soaking) dad: (while wanting to wash his hands) in that case can you help me pour hot water over my hands? *laughs till mad and keep rolling on the floor* me: why in the world do you want to pour hot water on your hands when you can use soap to wash it off?!! dad : ohh. i only thought about using mama lemon to wash the pear to remove the "oilness" BAHAHAHAH! i couldnt imagine the state of his mind when he wanted me to pour hot water over his hands. AND! using soap to wash the pear. who in the world would do that?!! -.=
Monday, January 5, 2009
life is pretty mundane these days. there's nothing interesting / anything worth blogging about. besides the fact that i'm still hunting down eclipse like a "tracker" haha. twilight fans would know.
so. there's no sch tmr. but sadly we still have to go back for the koufu thingy. oh wellies. i just remember something. goody!~ fortunately i'm looking forward to the NYP open house on thurs and fri which means no lessons. AND. i can do my fav thing in the world. peep obv in short. it means "people observing" muahaha. that's about that. everything that is worth blogging is here. (: P/S: i can't understand why ppl can't just say no. instead of giving stupid excuses.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
WOO!~ im done with new moon. so its two down. two more to go. i can't wait to reach breaking dawn. cos bella gonna have edwards child. COOL. but since shi pei is not done with eclipse yet, i have to wait out for a bit. hee hee. in the meantime i should try sourcing out for another path to my eclipse. wait for me. *grinz*
Friday, January 2, 2009
YEE-HA! (:
so one week of school has flown past. very very fast. we have already taken a step further into year 2009. projects are piling up like nobody's business and its killing everybody. but we'll have to pull through. we just have to (: i have come to a final decision today. that i've decided to drop the idea of going overseas for the attachment. as much as i want to go and have an eggciting three months with my friends in australia, i dun wanna place a burden on my parents. its bad enough that the economy is in such a state and i know they aren't having it any easier. i believe i/we would have the same amount of opportunity here as in anywhere else. yes i do. although poly-life would be least memorable without this trip, but at least i could live on easier with myself. (: have i grown up thinking about it this way? heh. (: anw, i've spent my wonderful new year at my grandma's place yest with cute little xavier. he's just as cheeky as ever. and! i got my belated but always welcome birthday present from my uncle! i love love love the packaging. *grinz* i think the box is really sweet. P/S: i'm falling sick. i have a sore eye. SHUCKS. |