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Thursday, February 26, 2009
hello. world. i'm BACK.
been on a haitus for 2 weeks or so. hasn't been fum. nah-ah. well the nightmare is finally overrrrrrrrr peeps. let's partayyyyyyyy. speaking of which, i have tonnes to update you guys about. loads of huge ass stuff. so let's begin! first up. i pretty much screw up half of the modules. pffttt. secondly, 987 is such a cheater BUG. they recommend some GREAT horror film to catch. decided to try it out with dodo and vanessa on wed. "let the right one in". i felt soooooooo bad for wasting their 6 bucks on such a crappy show. thank god dodo mention that it wasn't half as bad. but i still thought it sucks though. its some kind of "HORROR" flick which i don't seem to find any part HORRIFYING at all. turns out to be some swedish film about 2 kids. the 12 year old girl's a vamp. the 12 year old boy keeps getting bullied and some BIZZARE stuff happen along the way. totally value for money. NOT. i'll give it like 1/5 stars? turns out to be some minor love story with a few fear factors in them which was totally not scary at all. OK. next up. because of exams, the radio has been pretty much my companion for the past 2 weeks. AND guess what. yay!! and DOUBLE YAY!! both stuff are won on different occasion but on the same day. haha! the watch with the tickets half the credit goes to mun! it so happened that while waiting for her to go to school, i decided to call in to see if i'll get through. and the phone started ringing. 30 sec later. it got picked up. i was totally freaing out cos i had zilch idea what i was suppose to do. luckily, before i got air on radio, mun arrived. and we sorta answered the ques together. teehee! she prolly save my ass on the first one. and the second ques was some soccer ques.zomg.i dun catch soccer! but i randomly picked the right ans. and WALA! hoho~ i've won myself a pair of tickets and a watch! the tickets only, i got it in the middle of the night. and so i had nothing else better to do and decided to try my luck again. hoho! i had to come up with some dark secret which i didnt had any. so i cooked up some lame ass story. not going to reveal here. AHA. only a few knows cos is serious. STUPID. teehee. doesn't matter. i got hooked on winning stuff. don't ask me what this adidas house party is about cos i have NOOOO idea. prolly gonna check it out later. wahoo! such an eyeopener! (: gotta extend my thanks out to dodo and vanessa who accompained me to mediacorp to collect the stuff. such hot and weltering weather. zomg. i nearly died. tsk tsk. but then again! here's the stuff! (: MUAHAH!~ that's part 1 *grinz* part 2 is that! my holiday this year is occupied! hohoho~ apparently the moe guy dropped us an email to confirm the attachment. which means kachink should be flying in more or less! can't wait *rub hands gleefully* and i cross my finger that it won't rain next thurs cos i've gotta a date with sweetie to the marina barriage! awesome. righty. i should end off here for now. till then. wait for the coolest update. teehee. ciao!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
i SIMPLY cannot understand why would someone at aged 18 would still write and do such things. its really, seriously, very. secondary sch-ish. i mean i have NO reason to have any reaction after reading someone's blog. but it just gets on my nerve after reading that entry.
pffft. get a life and change a group lah. *roll eyes* big time.
MAJOR WANT: step on leggings. (: *newsflash* boys are actually just a want. teehee.
Friday, February 13, 2009
c.a.n.'.t. F.O.C.U.S
dang it. it doesnt help that its the bloody weekend tmr. pfttttttttt.
life's too short to be spent mugging away.
life's too short to be spent working your ass off. take life as it is. face it, make do with it, appreciate it. don't wait till you know that its ending and then start regretting about the things undone, the things done wrongly and the things you want to have. live life as it is. live it to its fullest. love it.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
i SWEAR by my name that lizards are the world most digusting creature. and its tail is even worst than it.
HOLY CRAP. i'm afraid of lizards that's enough already. why must its tail haunt me too. i can never understand why its tail is able to have a life on its own. wiggling like nodody's business. i know its how nature is *roll eyes* but it's just freaking GROSS. 5 mins ago i just had an encounter with 1. scare the living daylights outta me. i was clearing the dustbin as usual, place my hand to pick up the remaining rubbish when this freaking thing jumped out of the bin into the sink. i took a peep and there it was a baby lizard *goosebumps* i decided to ignore it at first. but on second look, its tail seems to be missing!!!! zomg. squealed like mad and screamed for my dad to come and check the bin before i place my hands in again. wa lao. he's can't be bother attitude. just because he wanted his beer and peanuts. shook the bin a few times and told me no lah. dun have. i wanted to double check again so i lift up the bin. my bin's transparent fyi. and i see at the bottom of the bin there's this thing wriggling. zomgggggggggggg..... i swear its just freaking grossssssss. i couldn't care less. dad's gonna throw the rubbish. i wouldn't even dream of emptying the bin into the plastic bag. over my dead body yo. GRRRR. why should lizards even exist. pfttt. and to think their from the dinosaur age. EEYER~
Monday, February 9, 2009
When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly love?
i'm totally blown away. yet again. i've finished all 754 pages of the book in just 2 days. too hard for me to resist. too hard for me to hold back. but at least i could concentrate at the task at hand now. BIGGIE thanks to shi pei who lend me her storybook! and its new. as in she haven even read it before and i got the honour to read it first. teehee. i love the happy ending. when i first read the short para above, the only possibility i could come out with was jacob has to kill her. cos she's a vampire now. and he's a werewolf. they're enemies by nature. but after reading halfway through the book and read the line again, i found so much more meaning in it. I would totally adore renesmee if i could see how she looks like. Stephenie meyer made her look so adorable. and i think adorable is an understatement. i love how the story circle around compassion and love. how both enemies can come together and become each other's allies to protect one common thing. i guess i'll be suffering from the withdrawal of twilight. can't wait to see how the movie would be like. thought it would be nothing like the book. i konw (: till den. ciao!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"and i realise that i've been wrong all along about the magnets. It had not been Edward or Jacob that i'd been trying to froce together, it was the two parts of myself, Edward's bella and Jacob's Bella. But they could not exist together, and i never should have tried."
I have never never expected this twist in the story. and i'm totally taken aback. i actually cried reading the book. and this is the second time a storybook made me cry i think the fact that i was also listening to sad music contributed part of it luh. but i teared not because i was sad. its because i'm touched. i'm touched how bella discover that she truly loves jacob. and how she's willing to do anything to keep him save and by her side. and yet again i'm touched by edward's understandng. really touched. then there was the climax of the book. have you ever been pulled into a storybook so bad that time flies before you know it. and its so damm hard to pull yourself away from it.reading notes its tortorous. like time crawls. but when you start reading the book. before you know it 1 hour has just flown past and its amazing. AHA. when i begin reading eclipse, i thought i lost all interest in twilight already. cos i actually found the first part of the book boring. maybe its because i was detached from the plot for quite some time and it took me awhile to warm up. but after that its like a whirlpool! sucking you in. deep. WOO~ and today i hard some crappy shit from the radio. apparantely STEVEN KING is slamming STEPHENIE for exposing young girls to heart matters too soon. he critised her for using heart skipped a beat and blushing etc etc. omg.which era does he live in. as an author you mean using these terms are wrong?! then how should you explain that you're feeling exhiliarated from meeting your loved one? oh. edward my edward. when i see you. my heart will jump fast. very very fast. fast fast leh. why ah? pftttt. and den when you blush you can't say that you're blushing. den what. AIYA when i see you my face turn pink colour leh. OUHH!~ my face is pink colour when i see you. lame shit luh. he's prolly just jealous that stephenie meyer is gaining all the attention. kk. i can't wait to get my hands on breaking dawn from shi pei tmr. woohoo~ i have to curb my desire to read. exams are just around the corner you know~ tskkkkk. that about it for now. ciao!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
LIFE is pretty much a BOREEEEE these days.
sighhhhh~ presentations are killers and so are reports. it does not help that exams are just around the corner. no it does not. GAHH~~ no moody mood. i want charles and keith shoesss. pffttt.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Feeling to blaaahhhh to blog. just do a short one eh.
my dark circles are getting darker. i'm getting fatter with every mouthful of CNY snacks. GRRRR. i gotta get my arse off the chair and bloody excerise. SIGHS. i keep getting comments that my sister is looking more and more like me. esp since she recently started wearing specs. and since its like CNY and we see our every once-in-a-year seen relatives. but today when i looked at our reflection in a window. i suddenly could see the resemblance. it feels so weirdddd. cos we never looked alike since young. okayy. when SHE'S younger. its like she's so fair whereas i'm so chao-ta looking. i'm never fair since young and i kept getting mistaken as a malay when i was younger. i should seriously go dig up one pic. and that was still when my eyes were bigger and rounder. ever since the spec wearing period started my eyes started to shrunk in size. pfftttt. its just really werid to see her growing more and more like me. especially since she's getting more and more under the sun and slowly becoming darker. LOL. that part was random. yea. so just got back from another mini CNY visiting at my dad's friend's house. teehee. more angpaos means more ka-chink! goody. there were many many kids there. and many many adults.i pretty much got stuck in the middle cos i'm not an adult just yet. dunno how to mingle with those already married "aunty and uncles". and i'm no longer a kid i can't speak barbie dolls language with them. so what do i do? EAT. -.= but there's this little girl. that so damm chubby. omgggg. i totally loveeeeee cuddling her can. she's like a teddy bear. and i see her like every once in a year so she still remembers me. hoho! and whatmore! she's born in the year of the horse too. my species. bahaha! and glutton as me. i need to kidnap her home. muahhahaha~ i don't sound like a paedophile right? right. heh. she's just too cute and chubby to resist. the best part was she even came up to me while we were leaving to give me a peck on the cheek! heeheee. so sweet (((: okayy that about it. my "short entry" don't seem really short. i think the main reason i'm doing this is i'm waiting for the bloodt vid to finish dl-ing. whiling some time away. i can hardly understand my point for writing this! LOL i'm in a sleepy mood. so pardon me. CIAO! |