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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Monday, March 30, 2009
i have some time on my head. so here i am AGAIN.
please clap *11* times for me dear people. i finally FORCED myself to head down to the gym today. i took, i swear. a HUGEEEEEE driving force to get myself out of the house. i was so sleepy on the bus on the way home that i almost wanted to give up the idea of exercising. but remembering the image of my FAT face in the mirror in school, i had no choice but to push myself out of the house. its madness really. i came back from school didnt sit on the sofa for a teeny bit, changed and rushed out of the house. *teehee* something embarassing happened today. AS ALWAYS. but i shan't elaborate. i still need to face the world you know. all i can say that singapore men are gentleman. MY ARSE! pfft. alrighty moving on. we attended the junior chef briefing today. it was the optional elective programme that i was talking about in the previous entry. and holy cow! it sounded reallyyyyyyyy interesting. for one thing! the lesson will be conducted by an EXECUTIVE chef from new york. not any tom, dick or harry leh! i would like to expect some hot handsome chef someone like jamie oliver for a starter. i hope it would not be some fat balding chef. teehee. and he would be teaching these kids how to make appetizers, main course and desserts. OMGGGG. these are all western cuisines. and they would be some spanish dishes too. WOWEEE. it sounds so damm interesting CAN! i really hope that we would get a chance to learn with the students. though i guess prolly not. its so weird to see teachers attending lessons with students right! hoho. so that's about it. i went through with a sec 3 class some exam papers. SUPERRR nervous. but it ended well. (: shopping with DODO! tmr. we didnt go today. cos the warehouse sales is not open on monday. thank god i went and check it out first. otherwise i'll just stand right in the middle of the express way. LOL! another lesson on vitamins with the sec 3 on wed. eek!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
i'm BACKKKKKK. fatter than ever. cos i just can't stop eating. so just kill me already someone. *bang wall*
ANWWWW. this is one time i would prefer to do point updating. as in in point form cos the week just literally flewwwwwwwwwwww past. and i would be typing in a roundabout manner if i were to type in paragraphs. so bear with me (: monday -was the start of school. brenda( my new partner) and me both fully agreed that we were over-dressed. awww com'on the stuff that the teachers wear are like so (...) so we started dressing down on tuesday (: i hate to look 20-ish when i'm only barely 19. i hardly know how to put my mum clothes together and wear them. sheesh. -HOLY MAMA COW! my seconday school home econs teacher MRS HELEN TAN was actually teaching there. AND! she actually recognises me! i swear i thought i was one of those forgetable person in class that just fades into the background. so i didnt try to acknowledge her when i first saw her. but when my in-charge introduce us to her! she actually pointed at me and said " she looks familiar" wowwww. i was so shocked that i was actually stuttering when i told her she was actually from my school and she taught me when i was in sec 2. this is like what? 4 years ago?! later on she told me that she remembered me cos i had one of those GUAI! face. muahaha *shy shy*. people. i'm guai leh. teehee. speak about coincidence. - we had a mini tour around the school. its a small compound. so i won't get lost. dun worry. heh. - we started sitting'in in classes. the first time the students greeted us as teachers was freakishly weird! i had to giggle. teehee. - we had our own table in the staff room! awesome - we had free muffins as the kids are making muffins for the whole of last week. muahahha. - the first class that we sat in was NA. hell. fish market. cute kids at times though. (: -kinda boring for the first day come tuesday! - boring shit. our in-charge went missing! we swear that we saw her in the morning. and ended up? we were having our free and easy session. we just sat in which ever class we like. - slacked in the staff room - sit in an NT class. or actutally it was help out in the lesson. dear god! they can't follow instructions. though some of them are really cute. but the rest are a bully. tsk tsk. wednesday flies by! - our in-charge is STILL not here today! freak. another home econs teacher told us that she was actually on 2 days mc and she didnt even bother to msg us to tell us. -.= - floated around different classes again and we are really more of teacher's helpers there than interns. pffftt. - at least we had something to do today. i was so grateful to be given something to type. though we had to do numerous changes. which i swear wasn't our fault. the picky aunty(opps!) teacher just kept wanting us to change it. i don't understand why she can't just list out everything and then let us make the changes. instead of us printing again and again and she just keeps changing something. - i think it was today that we were informed that the ________ sitting besides us. is a pervert. dear lord. - one NT teacher came to look for us today and requested for our help to bring a group of 21 NA and NT sec3&4 students to a commercial kitchen for their optional elective on the 1st,6th and 7th of april. i'm scaredddd. just the 2 of us! are we even able to control a group of sec 1s! *shudders* thursday took a jet plane here. - our in charged is back. we followed her around, type some exam papers. that's about it. - ouhh! and we were told to get ready for our first lesson next tue. prepare some ppt slides. i wonder how's its like! really. WOW. friday was here in a blink of an eye! - nth much happened again. the usual stuff. see my days get "boring-er and boring-er" each time. i hope it changes for the rest of the coming 3 weeks. but at least i'm not rotting at home. which i bet i will die from. sat. we still had to go back to "observe" the parent teacher meeting. but we left after an hour plus. BORING. and my sat was well spent with my family! i finally went to visit gradma. and little xavier. cheeky as ever as he got a scolding and some wacking while trying to peep( in the wrong way) at sissy and me. tsk tskkkk. after that, we went to some sports warehouse sales again. MY GOD. the queue was madness. luckily we went there a wee bit early otherwise we would have queue AGESSSS to try to get into the shop alone. not speaking of the cashier queue. i saw the ipanema brand on sale! i had been eyeing on that brand for awhie so i kinda went nuts when i saw it. i bought a slipper at 9.90! a steal i scream. and sissy bought this 33 dollar sandal which i didnt think it was cheap at all. but pretty though. AND! i accidentally poked my eye with the hook where they hang their shoes! its a miracle i didnt go blind. ))): we went someplace for claypot rice, fish head, fatty pork with yam and belacan kangkong for dinner. i swear the side-dishes are DAMMM nice! esp the fatty pork with yam and fish head. the rice was so-so. but i would love going back there again SUNDAY! awesome day. we went for the tomb-sweeping in the morning ( not the awesome) part. and went to grandma's house for fish porridge. lovely. headed on to orchard next! awesome part. i actually had a chance to sit in for a fashion show in robinson! the models are superrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tall. and prettyyyyyyyyyyyy. though i thought one of them walked very weirdly. not that i have perfect walking though. but just not very nice as compared to the rest of them. dad bought a hell of stuff. and i got new pillow and bolster. mine at home are already super old. though i'll miss them and prolly suffer from insomia from the major changes. toiletries stock up! robinson was having some sales. and i happen to see this poster up on the counter. that we could actually buy this box of biscuit from marks and spencer for a dollar when the usual price was 3.90 per box for every 20dollar spent. headed there and we found out that we were entitled to buy 11 boxes of biscuits for a dollar each. dad said that we must be crazy to get so many. so we bought 6 INITALLY. we opened up a box to try and guess what within 10 mins my entire family finished the whole box. and my dad sheepish-ly asked me to go buy another 5 more. cos we bet that we would finished the biscuits up in no time. and we're not gonna let dad have a share in them since he didnt want us to buy so many. HAHAH. biscuit stock-up! how it looks like (: such a deli! we bought 11 boxes in the end. we're crazy. but its damm cheap and nice. really. i'm gonna steal 2 boxes and bring it to the office tmr. muahahha~ dinner at prima taste was really great. their laksa is SUPERB! and so is their chicken rice. i would recommend any one of you guys to drop by there sometime and try. veryyyyyyy good. (: tmr's there shopping with DODO LIM! yippie! i'm goona see if i can claim time off early tmr as a compensation for sat. we're allowed to do that okayy! so i'm not skiving. teehee(: and i bet we would have loads to update each other about. yeahh~ SEE! that's what happen if i stop updating for a week. this is like an essay. madness! but i bet it's gonna last you guys for sometime. so till next week. i'll be storing stuffs in my head before i put them down here (: enjoy the rest of your holidays people. *newsflash* you only are left with 3 weeks before school starts. though my ended 1 week ago. heh. adios! and you're greatly missed everyone! xoxo
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i just found one of my ALLLL time favourite song. this is BMK( big mama king) a korean singer's rendtion of it. Air supply-goodbye. love (:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
HOHO! i went cycling today again! with dad, mum and sissy. i keep having to backtrack to search for them cos none of them are avid cyclers which explain their speeds. hee hee.
i want to improve my cycling skills! but i bet i would lose my roller bladding skills in no time. tsk tsk. still i had minor accidents cos i kept swerving into ppl's path. ): i finally tried the dual cycler bike! its fun to always be at the back seat. it means you get to enjoy the wind and scenery while the person in front keeps working. but mum was really akward on the bike! cos she's short and she had a prob with placing her feet on the ground. bahahaha! she complains its tiring. so anw! i had my first EVER! pri school gathering yest. i always used to envy ppl who are having pri sch gathering cos you get to have awesome updates about everyone and you get to see how they have changed! and now its my turn! but like always, i feel so akwardddddd. but it so shocking to see how everyone has changed and can't believe that a load of them are all studying in NYP! but speaking abotu fate, there's this one girl glenna. whom i didnt know all my pri school life she was in a different class from me. but happen to be one of my classmates ex classmates. its just that complicating when you switch classes. but after knowing that we're doing the same course, just that she's doing hers in TP we just automatically clicked! and she even know one of the internship girls in moe that i just got to know. haha! and there's the usual phototaking session. btw pastamania. didnt really go well with me. even the chef recommended dish wasn't good at all. if it wasn't for the chesse i would be terribly upset for the screwed up dinner. tsk tsk. i think that's about it. i have school tmr at 715. OMG! so i have to be gone. till then. anyeong! (:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
yeah!~ it seems like i'm doing this consistently. COOL SHIT! it means my life is more colourful den ever with upcoming events! awesome (:
so today finally MARKS the end of the torturous grandpapa's story session. i had like a 10min power nap during his lessons. it so god damm boring i swear 1/4 of the class was already dozing off. spare me dear lord. but we were very well fed today AGAIN. at this rate. i'm becoming a piggg. GREAT. i even had dinner (katsu curry) YUM! i totally loveeee japanese curry and strawberry shortcake for dessert. DAMM! and you tell me i'm skinny. my foot. so anwsss. school's starting next monday. as in TIP. totally have no idea what i should expect. my new partner seemed so distant from me. but i'll make it work! i will (: teehee. i am still searching for my "inner strength" to get my butt out of the chair and work out. its been 123456789 years since i said i need to work out. but did i do it? no. i just kept DIGRESSING. freak. something's gonna happen tmr. AGAIN! yeahh. firstly i gotta spare my beauty sleep to bring my stinky sis for her piano class. den! i'll be nice and catch a moive with her since her holiday is ending soon. tell me how noble am i. teehee! afterwards. in the evening i'm having a PRIMARY SCHOOL GATHERING! oh my. so much fun! i wonder if i'll start to be very akward again there. but i swear i can barely remember 1/2 of them. tsk tsk. but its such a pity mr teo couldnt be there. i reallyyyyy looked forward to seeing him ): and then there's sunday. which i think my schedule is pretty empty. NEXT SAT! i should be going for some DP/topshop/fox warehouse sales with DODO! yeah yeah yeah. i had better remind her again to keep that time slot free. i'm already spending my future money when i haven even get my salary yet. tsk tsk. AND i'm in love with cotton on. their stuff are like SUPER affordable. but yet super CHIC. i like i like, and my type my type. i'm gonna spent a bomb of my salary there! muahahah~ following sunday its tomb sweeping day. so its left for my paternal grandpa. i guess that's about it. look forward to more eggciting updates alrighty! *winks* till then. i'm outta here!!!! (:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
i have got like a million and one movies to watch. zomg. the unborn, shoppaholic, orphan, uninvited etc etc.
so far the unborn i'm so gonna watch with liyana. we're the horror freaks! shopaholic still pending with munny. teehee! orphan and uninvited might be with liyana AGAIN! but it all depends on our financial condition. tsk tsk. but ANW! i caught coming soon with liyana and chin you cheun on yest! hellva scary movie. but totally value for money. the scare factor is totally there plus they throw in some cheap humor. i like horror show with a tiny humor in it like 4bia and eye10. though i/we didnt scream as much as we did when we watch 4bia. hahaha. i only remember screaming 1 part where the ghost came out of the lift. but after the movie, recollecting the scenes, there are a few which are quite weird eh. but i shan't mention in case any of you are intending to catch it. definitely a must watch if you're a horror freak like me! 3.5 ghosts/5ghosts. i kept thinking of how the ghost look when i was sleeping at night. super horrifying! thank god i pulled my sissy to sleep with me for the night. heh heh! after the movie we had some awesome dinner! firstly it was swenson ice cream! both yc and liyana had 1 for 1 vouchers for sundaes. so the three of us shared 2 sundaes. and paid 3 plus each! WOWWWW. then we headed down to KFC to settle yc's craving. dear lord! i never knew he had such an appetite! but it was sooooo nice just doing simple catching. i like! alright. den its on to the 2-days course. oh my goddddd. we're being taught by a 73 year old grandpa. totally no vibeeeeeeeeeee. totally feel like sleeping. and he just kept going on and on and on and on about his grandpapa's story. sometime's while being "very" engrossed in his story, i'll suddenly realise that he's stories dosen't link back to what we're learning -.= but at least we're pretty well fed there with 2 tea breaks and a lunch. food provided! its like we haven even finish digesting our food its time for more food. hahah. but i think the tea in the morning made my stomach really queasy. xiao jing too! meaning the food might have prob. tsk tsk. NO tea for me tmr! i cannot imagine going to school on monday already. *insert shock face* and tmr's is another longgg and grandpapa's story filling day. till then. adios!~
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
![]() i thought i'll just do a short/long update (depends on my finger)(: while waiting for my movie to load. i finally pull through the scary day. shan't elaborate further. WE stupidly waited for the results at 12 midnight. and i bet everyone's feeling went from > omgomg its coming out. > why izzen it out yet? QUICK!! > dammit just come out i want to get it over and done with and sleep. LOL. and as per expected, it came out only at 8AM in the morning. pffttt. that's part of my day. the second part! i made yummy eggtartssss! WAHOO. i got very disheartened at first cos my crust seems abit too wet. and i thought the entire egg tart will stick to the aluminum foil )): so halfway through, after preparing like 5 tarts for baking i wanted to stop. i wanted to judge how successful the few tarts are after baking before deciding to continue or not. and not to mention, i made a mess out of the kitchen. hoho. there was like a moutain of bowls and untensils waiting to be washed. *slaps forehead* AND this is when god send me a miracle. my mum came back from work! muahaha~ she couldn't stand the mess i made and in the end helped me wash all of them. HOHO! and before she stepped into the house, she already caught a whiff of the baking egg tarts. i got to say they smell real good! after 20mins, i took the egg tarts out, not expecting to be able to remove them as a whole from the aluminium foil. but to my surprise! it popped out real easily. and WOW. piping hot egg tarts does does wonders! (: i'll try something else next time! till my next experiment (: let's all hold our breath and wait ( though i'm afraid you might just die of suffocation) hehe. met up with good'ol pri friend last sun. SHEENA GOH! we decided to go cycling at east cost park and it seems my cycling skills got REAL rusty. tsk tsk. its like the second time i tried cycling after mustering it six months ago. and she mocked me ): "tell your friend if you're going to cycle with them next time that you cycle in a zig-zag manner" PFFTTT. i already told her before hand i sucked at cycling!!! but the main thing was it rained. sigh~ we kinda expected it. and luckily! she prepared poncho beforehand too! so we were almost fully prepared. but i think we both look rather silly cycling in poncho. i mean ppl enjoy cycling in the sun, soaking in the warmth. but we seem to be torturing ourselves by cycling in the rain. tsk tsk. worst still my poncho didnt have the string to secure the hood. luckily i had my cap with me. but there was one point in time where we were seeking shelter from the rain and i lost my momentum. once i lost my momemtum, i have to take some time to straighten my hands and cycle properly again. but i started to panic cos the rainfall was getting heavier and i was trying to find the stupid hood to stop my cap from getting wet. so you imagine me trying to do so many thing at the same time while trying to seek shelter. i gave up and end up my "walking" my bike. i must have looked really pathetic cos sheena who already is safely under the shelter had to run out to help me. and it doesn't help that there was a crowd of ppl standing under the shelter too. i wanted to find a hole and hide. *pulls hair* finally we finished cycling. but both of us were quite unkempt looking by now with icky wet shoes. she suggested to wash our feet in the sea. haha! i gave her the 0_o look. izzen it going to be dirtier if you wash your feet in the sea?!! she didnt believe me. so i stood up ashore and stared at her trying to wash her feet. teehee. for the first few mins she looked like she was enjoying the water i was pretty tempted to join her. but didnt want my feet to be sticky from the sea water. i played with the sand while waiting for her. 15 mins later i was laughing my ass off. hahaha!! she was trying to get the sand out of shoes. but the moment she put her leg down, all the sands starts coming in again. its just a viscous cycle. LOL! finally we reached bedok market. i swear i could swallow a horse. uber hungry. and sesame paste is love (: headed down to tampanies mall and century square after that. pretty cool. i think if i were to go to tamp mall in a better and cleaner state i might have gotten something. but well its WINDOW shopping for the first time in such a long while (: i think the post got pretty long and endless. i bet the cycling adventure bored you guys out right. muahaha~ i'm long winded and its not the first time either. heh. OK! i shall stop. till the next exciting update. i'm outta here! (:
Saturday, March 14, 2009
i realise why i have such a bad habit of "forcing" myself to stay on the net till unearthly hours before heading to bed.
it is to drain myself of any unused energy so that the moment i hit my pillow its off to lala land. i hate fidgeting on the bed waiting for the "sleepiness" to come find me instead. its like insomina. god i hate that.
Friday, March 13, 2009
haven been blogging for a bit since my life is in a cycle now. *oh man*
boring. BORING. boring. and did i mention? BORINGGGGG. anyhowsss, i woke up at 1030 today. its like the firsttt time i'm up and about so early during this holiday. and liyana has to be honoured. muahaha. i woke up to pass her her verification paper. but well well, the early bird gets the worm no doubt. i've got strawberry red teaaaaa. YUMM. thanks sweetie! even though i thick "skinned-ly" asked for it. teehee. so back at home i FINALLYYY caught ANTM cycle 12 ep 3. oh dear lord. i want one of those auhmazinggggg makeovers too. and seriously FO. she looks gorgeous, edgy, *insert whatever word that describes top model here* but i have nooooo idea why she's so affected with it tsk tsk. can't believe sandra is stillll there. i like her at first, seriously. never knew she was such a bitch. just go home already. tsk tsk. pretty disappointed. and then there was celia. i'm starting to loveeee her. WOOO!~ i just love short edgy hair. that's about it. i'm trying to keep this thing(blog) alive. just give me something interesting. i want more ANTMMMMMM. *grabs hair* *4 more days* boy oh boy.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
our last kiss
tasted like tobacco a bitter and sad smell tomorrow, at this time where will you be? who will you be thinking about? you are always gonna be my love even if I fall in love with someone once again I'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song the paused time is about to start moving there's many things that I don't want to forget about tomorrow, at this time I will probably be crying I will probably be thinking about you you will always be inside my heart you will always have your own place I hope that I have a place in your heart too now and forever you are still the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song you are always gonna be my love even if I fall in love with someone once again I'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one it's still a sad song until I can sing a new song
Monday, March 9, 2009
i'm dreading the 17th of march. let's cross our fingers and pray that ms chua yun rong can breeze through that day. OH MAN. in case you didnt know, 17th is the released of the results. ( heard it from mun today) so. i pray that my entire holiday doesnt get ruined.i'm scareddddddddddddd.pfftt. though its no way comparable to alvls results. but its still something that my/our future depends on. sighhh
but on a ligher and a happier note, we can skipped the cooking this friday. in case you didnt know, the "exhibition" this coming friday has been pushed back to somewhere on the first week of april. and it so happens that my entire grp is down for the TIP. which means, we don't have to cook! yippie!~ me and dodo were like jumping for joy at the bouna vista mrt station. hoho~ and so the briefing today wasn't VERYYYY informative. but still, we got to meet up with our teacher-in-charged. i'm having a headache over what to wear cos apparently, they make it sound like our poly attire is not suitable. AT ALL. holy cow. i have zilch idea on what to wear now. *pulls hair* i need to constantly remind myself to bring lappy next next monday cos i bet i'll forget. but i'm nervoussss. pretty much. thats all for the day folks. till the next interesting update! ciao!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
![]() i know i sound downright kiddish. but its seriously yummyy! you know in the past the kinder egg is like super sweet and thick. so you get sick of it after awhile. but this is totally different the two yummy coco balls are love. and whatmore they provide you with a tiny plastic spoon so you literally scoop the chocolate up and eat it. muahah~ i get a kick from eating it cos the coca balls reminds me of the mini kinder egg that they sell in candy empire. the entire egg has this biscust-ty feel. ouhhh~ i'm just salivating from the thought of it. whatmore this mini egg is made in germany. woohoo!~ BUT an egg cost like 1.50. duper ex luh. in the past they sell in a box of 3 right. which i think cos about 3 dollars plus. why can't they just sell it in package form and at a cheaper rate. PFFTT. imagine buying 2 eggs cost you like 3 dollars. tsk tsk.3 dollars can at least buy you a plate of chicken rice. i know i sound super aunty here. but i'm just trying to bring out how expensive the egg is. hee hee. but anw. you guys should try it. i want MORE MORE MORE. which is also about time i start heading to the gym SOON. i'm turning into a blob of fat soon if i continue to sit infront of the DAMM lappy 24/7. gahhh~ but i'm happy that recently i've found this website that has like manyy taiwan dramas and variety show in it. http://tw.sugoideas.com this is the web. its enough to entertain me for abit. heh. anw just a mini shout out to sweetie. i'm sooo proud of you for being so strong. i haven got a chance to say this to you yet. but i'm sure you'll make it to wherever you wanna go. so continue to be strong and you'll always have a bunch of friends behind you.(including me! (: ) alrighty that's more or less about my "adventurous" day. ciao ciao! (:
Friday, March 6, 2009
its standard procedure. but i decided not to do so. haha i mean bombing those alvl peeps with good luck msges and what not. these guys must be STRESS enough. so i'll do it here. (: ALL THE BEST you peeps. there's always someone for you to lean on if anything happens. be it to cry on (choi!) or to celebrate with. so dun get toooo stress out and GOOD LUCK! heeee. oh! and we just got to know where we're being "shipped" to for the TIP (teaching internship programme) i was taken by surprise cos we expected to know it only like on coming monday? and i even expected later. so it was totally OMGWTH! when mun msged me to inform me they sent our posting to our email. hee hee. uber cool. i was kinda disappointed that i didnt get posted to my first choice but i just realise i'm not alone. heh heh~ so its okayy. i got assumption english instead. my second choice. well its really near my house though i still gotta take a train and a bus. grrrr. i hate changing transport. but yeahh. whatever~ i hope its gonna be fun! and interesting too! WAHOO~ thats about it. something random. i painted my nails today! to hell with coming friday. PFTTT. CIAO (:
Thursday, March 5, 2009
yeah its just another one of those day where you wake up and feel all blue and irritated. pffttt.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
why does school have to haunt us with that bloody nightmare of balls and more shitty balls. haven't we already got enough of ballssss already. what platform to interact with companies. bullcrap. you think these people will actually remember our faces and den go OH ITS YOU. when we even have a chance to go for an interview for a prospecting job. DREAM ON. i bet you __________ are just lonely that we get holidays and you don't. PFFTTT. and i won't bloody hell get rid of my nail polish just for that. * just a sidenote* OK. IRRITATING stuff aside. caught he's just not that into you with sweetie today! not bad. not bad at all. prolly 3.5 hearts/ 5 hearts ? just that the beginning of the show was pretty confusing. cos i didnt know who's acting in the film so i just saw many many hot guys and girls popping out. slowly the story sets into place. and yeah! bradely cooper is the sex in the movie! duper hot. but i hated how he cheated on his wife. grrrr. and scarlett johansson was a slut( in the movie). hitting on a married guy. and i can't believe she's married! ( in real life) justin long is my guy! muahaha. i like his character. i kept thinking he looked like adam sandler. okayy i must sound SUPERRRRR bimbotic. let me just have it every once in awhile alright. heh! anw. had a mini shopping spree after that. awesome! and EARLY DINNER was super YUMMLICIOUS too! swensen. the both of us were just bloody hungry that we just dig into our food like nobody's business. muahaha~ bumped into jy and her bf at bugis. haha! den headed to national lib. i'm in need of some good reads this holiday otherwise my brain cells are alll gonna be fried by staring at the com 24/7 tsk tsk. borrowed another 2 thrillers by catherine fox. i have been wanting to read her books for awhile now. yeahh!~ OH! and did i mention. i met amin on the way to city hall had quite a long chat with him updated each other on our progress. cool! i didnt know we could have so much to talk about! i thought it would be rather akward with such a long trip to cityhall. but nope! nice chat we had! (: now, i think thats about it. monday's coming soon. can't wait for what's instore for us cos up till now i still have zilch idea over what we're SUPPOSE to do for the teaching internship programme. and we have yet to know where we're being "shipped" too. haha! so i hope we get to know it by then. then there's the dreadful friday. urghhhh. shall stop. till then. au revoir!~
Monday, March 2, 2009
anyone who knows me WELL. knows i love HORROR. books/film/rides yada yada yada. and being EXTREMELY bored at home today i was looking for a hongkong drama about ghostbusters i heard its funny not scary. so i keyed in the english name of the film found nothing. more research and i came across its chinese title 靈舍不同. typed it in youtube and i didnt get any of the stuff i was looking for. BUT. i came across videos about this taiwan progamme. they're actually speaking about supernatural experiences! ultrlord cool. but the thing is that! i'm SCAREDDDDDD. to watch it alone. i tried watching one on puppets. god knows how frightened i am of puppets. place one in a room with me while i sleep. i swear i'll lose sleep the entire night. especially clowns. *goosebumps* i barely managed to finish watching vids. not mentioning that i kept pausing in btw to watch some "happy" vids because the atmosphere is too creepy. and it doesnt help that its raining pouring thundering outside. i nearly jumped out of my skin for once. i gave up when the person actually tried showing pictures. i covered my eyes in front of my laptop. sounds stupid i knowww. but who cares! haha. i wanted to watch more more more! but the worst thing is that my dad's overseas. i'm totally freaked out. haha! i tried watching another one where a little boy says that he can actually seee a lady and two girl sleeping on his bed. and he refused to sleep there. i couldnt carry on. too scary. until i can overcome this "fear" haha. i bet i'll watch a little and stop. but for those who loves this kinda thing like me. you should prolly go source it out and watch. interesting stuff. 靈舍不同 just type this. heehee. till then! ~
Sunday, March 1, 2009
i dreamt i was __________________ yest night. holy shit. even dreamt of ki bum from boys before flowers. role name: yi jung. teehee. in case you aren't any korean freak. never mind. adidas party was fun fun fun! such an eyeopener.loads of free booze, cocktail and guess what! tonnes of ben n jerry ice cream and frocklick's yoghurt. hoho! then there's all those celebs. though i didnt stay to see all of them. some pictures though! too lazy to upload all of em. (: ![]() ![]() ![]() till then. it nothing much until work begins (: ciao! |