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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Sunday, June 28, 2009
AND if you do not want to incur my wrath.
you puny faggot. i'm so ready to go into details now. but i shall be kind and spare your poor soul for the moment. OR maybe i'm just trying to gather the worst things that can be said about you first before i blow up and come out with a full bitch post. but this is as far as i can go. taking your bloody fucked up attitude. i haven't bother you for the past years so don't make me do this. because you pretty much brought it to yourself for trying to step into my life again. HEY. if you're seeing this i hope you feel the pinch. you're a pretty fucked up person for trying to step into a person's life only when you feel happy. AND WHAT? when you're not in the mood you just fucking ignore the other party even when you're the one who brought it up first? don't only come to me when you need something bitch. i DON'T owe you a living. so just crawl away and step in only when you're R-E-A-D-Y you just try me one more time. i swear i'll give you such a rundown you'll never forget. i don't give a flying fuck about you. *ROLL EYEBALLS TILL THE EYEBALLS COME AND HAUNT YOU BITCH* HA! p/s: and look here. its not the first time you're doing this already. SEE: two years back this was dedicated to the same you. this is the second time. third time. i'll SWEAR you'll suffer. Tuesday, December 18, 2007 Pissed gahhhhhhhh. if you are in no mood to speak don't okayy! nobody else is asking you to do so. and for godsake if you wanna speak. RESPONDE. damm! its tat damm freaking habit of yours UNDERSTAND. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I AM MAD. im gonna let off all my steam here. GET A LIFE. JOLLY WELL GET OUT OF PEOPLES LIFE UNTIL YOU REALLY WANT TO GET BACK IN AND START ALL OVER AGAIN. DON'T HAPPILY JUST STEP INTO SOMEONE'S LIFE AND TRAMPLE ON IT WITHOUT GIVING IT MUCH LESS A DAMM FREAKING THOUGHT. RESPECT IS THE WORD. - I AM RAGING -
Thursday, June 25, 2009
you know my life's pretty much going in the same circle for the past few days that i really had zilch stuff to blog. i sleep at unearthly hours, wake up at unearthly hours, slack like nobody's business and pretend like i'm studying (when i'm daydreaming), surf the net like i have tonnes of stuff to do ( but i'm just surfing aimlessly) then go back to sleep at unearthly hours. TSKKK how like that? i think its like a god sent present that we were given the extra week to stay home. no doubt its for an unfortunate cause due to the H1N1. heyy. i'm not going to pop champagne and be glad that we have H1N1 which grant us that extra week of holiday you know! but its just due to an unforseen circumstance that we had the liberty to get another week of holiday. SO. it means god pretty much know that we're slacking our asses off down here. and in order to save these asses, we are given another week to prepare for the CTS. *phe-ewwwwwwww* i think i would just FLY off the HDB building if CTS were next week. for the past two weeks i just went from *OK! we have got two weeks to prepare for the CTS so lets gogogo!* --> (to) * nevermind we have got so much time lets just slack for abit!* --> (to) when i'm left with 1 week * ok. now its REALLYYYY the time to start* --> (to) *AIYA just rest abit more lah* until i'm left with like 3 more days to the end of the week *just give up luh. no time already. i'll just study with the day comes* <-- this is self destruction. HAHA. okayy so i'm hopeful again! now with that extra week. lets ALL help me pray that i don't fall back into the same routine again. OKAYY! :D i think i sound very ridiculously crappish today. tsk tsk. i think my brain has just melt away ): okayy.till then. TOODLES!
happy moments, praise God.
difficult moments, seek God. quiet moments, worship God. painful moments, trust God. every moment, thank God
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
why do you come haunting me these days?
have'nt i banned you and locked you up somewhere deep? how did you ever get out of that dungeon? must be that someone. if you hadn't did what you did, i would not have to be reduce to this state. you came back haunting me in my dreams last night. do you know how much i yearn to see your face but all it came back was just a figury blur. my heart pins for you, but i know it will never be. i tried, it fail. what if's are never meant to be, it'll just drive you to the edge. there's never a what if unless we can turn back time. no what if, move on. but how do i do that if you keep refreshing yourself up there? i thought i had finally gotten rid of you. but look what you have done to me. time and again. just go away. please.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
AND! my wish came true (:
this weekend fling didnt just end yest. went out with dodo today cos she needa buy a pair of proper shoes for her trip! and she says i give good advice *prouds* teehee! before that we went and caught drag me to hell. OUUUU holy mama~ the show was sure freaky as hell! i utterly enjoyed it though some parts had me laughing because the effect was super silly. i'll rate it 3.5 eyeballs over 5 eyeballs! i don't understand why some say the show was crappy it definately wasn't in my opinion! watching dodo's reaction beside me was even funnier. before the start of the show, her height was near my head, as some scary trailer comes out before the show, she slides down to my shoulder height and when the show was at its peak, she was around my stomach area. if she could she would have already stick her head into her bag! AHA! scardey cat! but the show was creepy enough. we shopped abit and i bought some ear studds. my earrings are more or less disappearing. thus the refill! hoho. so much temptation. but i was struck with the deadly rule of not being able to shop today ): which lead to me buying my ear studs sneakily. teehee! OKAY! the fling should really really end! monday is just about the corner. work should start! TATA!~ look beyond you and you'll find infinite possibility. i love my ______.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
i have a fetish for rings. officially! currently the count is eight. with a new family member today. woo. TELL ME! who can everrrr hate rings right. and i like it simple just like my new add to the collection. =D and you know the bangles count are just about to outgrow the earrings. tsk tsk. so headed down to the suntec pc fair with the family. got a new TV for the living room and i succumbed to the chocolates offer at the watson sales again. this time with 2ritter sport and 2 toblerone the white one and the dark one! teehee. awesome find at the fox and SIX sale. i found the type of simple ring that i want. you know! i can be a bitch at a sale if i want to. i want to look at the rings but the stupid person on the other side kept wanting to turn the block thingy. SO! i held on to my side for dear life. and the women just kept forcing. and i just kept holding on until she gives up. AHA! take that! dinner time i suddenly had so much gossip to tell mommy at the table. i dunno where the outflow came from. but it just did. i was literally laughing to myself while the thoughts ran through my head. hee hee. i'm psyched up today! some unhappy stuff happened today. well i'll just wait till it blows over. i'm not sure if you saw my point of view. but never mind. so holiday is left for mugging. (as if i would mug. HA!)and prolly a haircut soon! drag me to hell is currently outta my list ): maybe i'll find some way to catch it. sooner or later. EH. i guess thats it for my weekend fling. till something awesome happens. BYE!
Friday, June 12, 2009
i have been living in quite a confused state these few days. let me explain why.
wed was a schooless day - which made me felt that thursday was a friday but thurs i had to go school - which made me felt kinda weird. like a friday because friday i had no school - making me feel like its a saturday. i literally went to bed and woke up trying to convice myself that its a friday. my mind kept telling me yunrong. its a saturday. its a saturday. urghhh. see how it messes with my head? pardon me for the ever-so-confused state i am in for the above paragraph. OK! so. have you ever had this kinda thing where you went to bed and keep slipping in and out of consciousness. its like you keep dreaming and dreaming but you can be dreaming about 4 different dreams at the same time. and then, you keep waking up. and you have totally no idea whats reality and whats still in dreamland. its very tiring you know. you can't get the proper sleep you wanted so much. yest i dreamt about my mum hp ringing in the middle of the night and i didnt know i was dreaming. i was contemplating in between dreams wethear i should wake up and check? what if its a urgent call like something happen? SEE! i'm paranoid even when i'm asleep. dear lord. so in the end i woke up to check and no the phone didnt ring. and i ended up questioning myself if i was sleep walking. which i felt was pretty dumb. how can a person be sleep walking and ask if he/she was sleep walking. can you understand the msg that i am trying to convey above? i've got a feeling that i'm not making sense. HA-HA! nevermind! lets move on the next topic. lets look at my steal last sun at the bookfair! HOHO! i got these four at the price of 11. tell me who can ever hate ritter sport and toblerone. and the one at the far left. its pretty cool! its half choc and half milk choc. yummy stuff! though i end up very thirsty everytime i eat one. lemme see! what's next. OH YAH! look what came in my mail two days ago! :D hee hee! its the placement thing at NIE. i seem to be the only one enthusiastic about it. but never mind! alrighty! thats pretty much my weekly updates! till than!~ BON VOYAGE to those leaving on saturday for auzzie! enjoy your trip (: though i'm jealous. heh! AND! for the two lucky ones who's going to m'sia! enjoy your trip too! though i'm GREEENNNN with envy esp the one who's going to berjaya time's square. HUMPH! =P
Saturday, June 6, 2009
quick update!
zomg!!!! (cheeky grinz) i dreamt of daesung yest night! if you guys dunno who he is, well he is one of the bigbang members! he told me: you look pretty but the skirt doesn't suit you. initally i heard he said. you look pretty but you're ugly ): i went HUH?! den he went all shy and mumble you're pretty but the skirt doesn't suit you, it looks a bit weird from the back. and guess what! i gave him this 100watts smile! HOHO! ps: i even remember what skirt i was wearing. this orange bubble skirt that i seldom wear out. pffttt.
Friday, June 5, 2009
JUST as i was about to be proud about heading to the gym after a gazallion years. (okayy two weeks to be exact), here comes an email happily informing us that our NAFA is just next month! awesome!
NOT. its at 5 in the evening! how late can it get leh. pfftt. SO anw. i just finised doing my first ever! forensic report. crapped like hell as usual and the damm food chem report nearly made me suicidal with its crazy like hell questions. pffft. i slept only at 4 plus last night and as usual woked up pretty pissed to the max. adding on to that was the freaking humid weather that made me sweat even before i step out of the house. GRRRR. NEXT WEEK would be even worse for monday and tuesday. there are 4 presentation within the span of two days. awesome much? and i feel bloody unsafe about the food biz presentation.YET AGAIN. yes i might be paranoid. but i really have no idea where the other two standards are since i haven worked with them before at all. With working within my comfort zone, i know what to expect and how to mentally prepare myself for it. BUT THIS! with that deadly sms that just chased all my sleepiness from me last evening. holy crap. i just pray i won't suffer a heart attack when the time comes. i doubt nobody can totally understand what i mean. because you aren't in my shoes. period. i think i've grown to be accustomed being the one always leading and initiating so it just feel unsafe when someone else suddenly comes and take over. well. learn to deal with it chua yun rong! life was never a bed or roses to start with. (: 2 more torturous day and we'll all see the light at the end of the tunnel. just 2 more days to go! OKAYY! on a brighter note. stinky sissy is back! well when she's away she is misses. when she's back she becomes stinky. HA! reality check! that bookworm bought 7 storybooks from china claiming that it was super cheap. AND! i cannot imagine the damage that is going to be done tmr when my mum brings her to the book fair at the suntec. AND to add on to that she has yet to start with the book i bought for her during her birthday. pfftt. if this is not an epic description of a bookworm, please educate me what is further. LOL. she bought me a *ermm* t-shirt in which she kept questioning me why didnt i wear it. apparently i had to lie to her just as not to hurt her 11-year-old heart by saying i have no proper pants to match it with. WHICH is bullcrap. AHA. you know with an 8 years gap, the fashion sense of one can be majorly different. she says EEEEEEEEEE at high waist pants that i totally adore and tell me that my maxi dress looks like a pajamas. -.= now tell me now how am i going to put that piece of shirt on? maybe one day i wake up and realise that all my clothes are gone den i'll put it on. hoho! and i suggested wearing that shirt as a home-tee but she forbade me to do so. SO HOW? LOL. Last sun, before going to pick sissy up, we went out for dinner at this amazing open concept restaurant at east coast! the vista bistro. lovely place and you could feel the cool sea breeze as it is just situated very close to the sea! i didn't like the lighting though. pretty dark.i was very tempted to ask someone to turn on the lights. AHA! now let me show you that special dinner! the way they decorated their dish was an exemplary example to learn from for such a foodie like ME! (: nice ambiance of the restaurant ![]() ![]() We started off with white wine, follow by my main course, pave of salmon. it had whipped potato at the bottom with the salmon, with the skin grilled to perfection and the flesh still tender and juicy! surprisingly, the whip potato went very well with the mango sauce used along with the salmon too! yummy~ ( i'm hungry already -.=) ![]() Lastly i had my dessert pear tart. i liked how the pastry at the bottom tasted crispy yet it was very thick and the pear which somehow tasted abit salty to me went very well with the tart and the ice cream too~ i bet it would have been heavenly it the tart was hot from the stove with the ice cream. perfect combination (: ![]() ![]() Actually the overall cost of this restaurant wasn't as high as i expected. good food that is pretty affordable. vista bistro is definitely worth going. its price range is comparable with places like jack's place but the food is definitely way better and if you go on a weekday or a saturday, they have amazing life bands there. its like soft rock with jazz, not those noisy one where you can barely hear your voice when you speak. sadly, when we went, it was a sunday and there was no live band ): hoho! that's about it. ps: VANESSA! my post gained weight again! haha. till then~ adieus! (: |