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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

tsk tsk. these days, flu just comes as and when it likes.

sometimes i even suspect if its H1N1 since 1 out of 2 person is definately a H1N1 patient. *gasp* its been like the third time since i've been down with the flu in a week. lets just hope it goes away soon. SHOO!

i or WE have learnt a lesson this week (: if you see a abattoir, think it looks like an abattoir, it IS an abattoir. My girls should know what i'm talking about! LOL. otherwise, be ready to track 30mins under the HOT 3PM sun to your destination. but otherwise, tuesday was a pretty fun day.

Wed was NAPFA. the BIG day for guys who are going for NS soon. and for girls well just another day that we're trying to get through. ya' know what i mean. :D

wednesday night and thursday was that awuful thigh ache. friday headed to the sch gym to work out and something hilarious happened thanks to DODO LIM. its always that case with her around. TYVM.

she forgot to bring her towel for gym even though i reminded her the night before -.= and i had to cut my towel into half which was a freebie from the yellow ribbon walk so i didnt mind. BUT we had no scissors. she only remembered it when we were outside of the sch gym. so we had to borrow a scissors from them or SHE had to. and i bet the entire gym knew what the two of us were secretly trying to do outside. they asked her twice what she wanted to cut. pffft.

we stepped into the gym with the same pink towel. pretty obvious. LOL.

saturday was used to explore ion orchrd. only the 3 basement level was pretty worth walking if you like me hoped moolahs fell from the tree. HAHA. but seriously what is the world getting to! shoes which i'm in love with or the "range" of shoes that i'm in love with are at such an affordable price at mitju! holy molly! i'm so in love with trendy zone at orchard central now and mitju at ion orchard! i'm so going to get a pair when i have the money one of these days. i'm definately going to be spoilt for choice *DING!*

charles and keith are getting too pricey nowadays. beware of your competitors dear!

i guess thats pretty much about it. boring life leads to boring post.

the week had not been all peaceful for some of us esp on thurs. lets all cross our fingers and hope that all of us and pull through this hard time. esp those with serious problems! cheer up! and let's all pray that things will get better soon!

till then~


Sunday, July 19, 2009

who the hell name themselves saetan? saetan? satan? saetan=satan?

its not even funny.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

sigh sigh.

EMAIL inbox these days have been such a terror. anyone feeling me out there?
seriously. i do not know when 8mails in my inbox start giving me such heart attack. or sometimes 15.

you know it is not right when you inbox is flooded. ESP at these kinda timing. where deadlines are chasing you like bloodhounds. although there was one particular action that someone made which left me quite shock. SO if you were you to do that. then do you expect people to spoonfeed you?

this week didnt go too well for me. like i mention in the previous post. i don't know since when have i gotten sick for the entire week. although its not some grave illness. but all this little things starts adding up and it takes a toll on you. someway or another. like two days ago, this aching headache started. that is affecting the right side of my face. literally. from my teeth, to my cheek, to my eyeballs and then to the right side of my head.

when will all this end? and give us time to take a breather. take a rest. whatever to make us feel better.


well at least last night was half a day taken off to at least get my mind off sch stuff. i visited the sch's track and gym. and holly molly! the school's gym is damm bloody well high tech! to the point i almost do not know how to use their equipments there. but i realise they have several equipments that helps to tone your upper bod. awesome stuff. and it has been a long long long time. since i have seen a 4 in my weight. but i bet the dinner at night has just brought me back up to where it has started.PFFTT.

evening was dinner at pasta mania and harry potter. dinner was pretty good with meatball pasta and some good'ol talking. movie was VERY blahh. but it's my first time to see the ENTIRE cinema full. hoho! *spoiler's ahead* (i've hidden it in white for those who dun wanna read it. very nice right :D)

i thought the entire 2 1/2 hour of the show JUST focused on the lovey dovey bits of the entire story! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VOLDEMORT?!! nothing much mentioned! but i was quite surprised harry fell for ron wesely's sister. i always thought she as another one of those blahh character in the story. pardon me because i could never find the interest to read J.K rowling books. (opps!) i think the only peak in the movie was when Albus Dumbledore died. saddest scene in the entire story and the ONLY interesting bit.
the ending was horrendously crap. it is just another bait to make you want to see the last sequal. because the ending was super abrupt. i would have rather watched final destination, although i would never ever in my life watch such a show. TOO GORE! gore and horror is different you know. hahaha.

i was on a lucky roll yesterday! after much waiting for the stupid woodlands library to inform me to collect the book i reserved, the time travelers wife, i found it in CCK library. randomly. i went there to find liyana only to think hey why not try my luck here since i have been searching high and low for the book right!

BUT i paid $1.55 for nothing for the reservation at woodlands. i'm never going to reserved any book ever again. apparently they have lost their book, and have order a trace place. when i first saw this i thought someone has already return the book and its place on a tray or something. after like waiting for a week, i went online and search, apparently the book is missing. wth.

so i can't WAIT to start on the book. teehee. and reader's digest randomly sent a thick story book to my house. looks interesting. woo!

on a random note, my sissy is going for the NDP full dress reherseal today. and guess what back in those time we had to take a school bus there and back right. and we have to wait god knows how long to reach sch becaue of the jam while coming back.

BUT NOW! these lucky pri school kids have an ENTIRE. look well ENTIRE MRT booked for them. what is the world coming too now?! even an mrt can be booked?! *insert shock face* apparently its book for the several pri sch around our district. so i guess they would not be caught in the jam when going home, AWESOME SHIT.

and i can't wait for her goodie bag to come back it has since been what? 4-5 years since i last saw one ndp goodie bag. LOL! don't forget i'm 75% auntie. *slams forhead* HAHA.

ok. thats about all, a long post. till i'm back


Thursday, July 16, 2009

little hi little low! little hey little ho!

i'm backkk! haven been in the best of health lately ): it seems like after least week's CTs, i have been down with a sore throat and a flu that comes and go for an entire week already.

Then, heeding all those advice i learnt last time that isotonic drink like 100plus and H2O helps to cure sore throat and from another blog that the 7-up are used as a home remedy when someone is sick back in the US. so i went trying it out too since 7-up has come out with a new au natural formula. i mean i'm like having so many excuses to drink soft drinks. why not right?! teehee!

i guess i basically brought it upon myself with the tummy ache. throughout the flu and sore throat. it suddenly occur to me why these few days i kept having these gastrict like pain. i guess i have been drinking all these gassy and acidic drinks on an empty stomach! so it feels like i have too much acid in my tummy which resulted in the gastrict like pain. -.= great.

then there was this huge ulcer which was incurred while i was chewing my chewing gum during the food biz paper. aggravated my condition even further. painful ulcer, painful tummy, painful throat, flu. what's next right! pfft.

AND i've become really really passive recently. esp for food business. we kept telling ourselves 30% only to give ourselves the excuse to slack in certain area. WHICH is pretty true since FOOD BIZ is really really one of the most redundant-ness module EVER.

i want to go shopping like check out what's new at bugis village. its been ages since i went for a kill there and orchard is making me all eggcited because of soooo many new shopping centers. esp these shoe shop at orchard central. trendy zone! the shoes there are gorgeous!! i think its the umpteen times i'm repeating this. tsk tsk.

i thought i have some funny things to share. but i'm really zonked out. super super ultra sleepy. i think i'll say another time.

working out tmr again! wooo~ burn fats and eat them back during dinner tmr.

its HARRY POTTER TMR! and pastamania and maybe plus some icecream. how to not workout right?!




Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SOMETIMES. you just feel like the whole world own you something.

but you know it's never the case

just another bout of the mood swings+bad health = verge of bursting.


but i know god is always there with me. because he enlighten me with a (: on someone's t-shirt. ((:

Monday, July 13, 2009

will you be sad if i'm gone one day? (:

FINALLY ONE HORRENDOUS WEEK IS DOWN! but another one is on it's way here ):

i'm seriously so STM now that its not even funny anymore. its very scary you know. its like there's something very wrong with my brain. 5 sec ago i could plan a list of things i want to do and then?! 5 secs later i forgot one or two things. its like i know there is something else. but then what is that thing?! omg. *faint*

i'm scared luh ): Izzit too young to get dementia? *insert shock face*

So for the past common test week, i screwed up like two papers. one is CONFIRM PLUS CHOP epic failure! and the other one i'm just glad if i pass. ):

doesn't anyone feel that there is a PARTICULAR lecture that seems to be going out of his/her (let's not be too obvious eh. there's always someone watching. LOL!!) way to make things difficult for us?!! if you had compare all the papers its like all the other lectures are setting the paper at a "cope-able" standard for us. or in a sense if-you-study-properly-you-ca-do-it paper. BUT this INCREDIBLE lecturer that we have seems to make it a goal, to make life difficult for us. THANKS alot to you. and i like you a lot. NOT. pfftt.

so studying at the lib just days before the exams makes me be aware of something. MANY people likes to eat secretly in the lib. and their way of doing it makes me want to laugh lah! its like AIYA. what for be so secretive about it; digging one piece of marshmallow from your bag cover it with your hands and force the whole thing into your mouth. or or! putting the bag on your lap, dig your hands into your bag, eat a piece of bisuit while almost trying to bury your head in the bag. LOL!

i mean i eat openly in the lib! (and i still dare to say this out loud. TSK) thick skin right. hahaha. but hide when someone is coming lah. dun have to do things until its like you're trying to steal something when you're purely just eating! its a natural thing for human beings to eat! i bet many many people do so also. haha.

okayy. discretion is adviced okayy! for the above two paragraph. i'm NOT teaching you to eat in the library. teehee!

i think that's all for now!

i want xin wang's pineapple bread. though i wonder why they call it pineapple because it doesn't taste like one. HMM.

and i think i'm getting sick. my throat is sore. ):

p/s: why should i care when the other party doesn't right? and it weighs more weightage for them! screw it yo!

and i HATE food biz.(everybodyhatestit.)

p/ps: don't mention the name of that particular lecturer if you're tagging okayy! eyes are always watching and you never know. i don't want to dig my own grave. and neither do you LOL. SEE LAH! want to complain also have to be a scardey cat. tsktsk. where are you guts CHUA YUN RONG! *hides face*

CIAO! *cheeky grinz*

Monday, July 6, 2009

i know this isn't the right time.

But suddenly while drifting away all those started flooding back.

we just cannot deny that fact that fate exist can we? or is it just another excuse made up by us to explain why we didnt get the things we want.

just because we're not fated.

very funny