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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well well.
Three years has just gone by like that. Three years of stress Three years of tears Three years of exams Three years of projects Three years of reports Three years of happy crap we'll all go our separate ways, and till then. five roses ![]() With the thorn at the back. HAHA (joking) ![]() i guess it was the end of it. no more food lab, no more stephen cooker,no more log book, no more presentation. its hard not to reminisce about the past, no matter how tough it was. because it contained my blood, sweat and tears. but the one person that i will be miss seeing everyday would be no doubt. her. dodo lim (: ![]() my bestest best companion for the past three years, though to be exact would be two. but that two years of companionship contains way more things than just two years. i do not think i could pen down all that we've been through for the past two years in words because its indescribable. you know it, i know it. i believe its enough.(: BUT for another relationship, nobody guaranteed that three years of friendship would be strong. or that person who you thought at least shared something happy with you would want to continue to share more of it. because all you been for that three years for that person could only have been a life-bouy. HA. to think i tried my hardest to reach out to you. but all i've met was a cold hard wall. and the last memory that you could gave me was the worst one. and it would forever be last memory i would have of you. -period- ON A HAPPY NOTE! it's a brand new beginning for ALL of us. 2-0 with a new pen and paper in our hands, we'll start to write a whole new story. and my brand new beginning would start out with a blast on monday with a K-session with zee girls! and i'm totally in love with muay thai right now. if you didnt know, my kickboxing class has more or less ended and i hopped onto the muay thai caravan. really intense 2 hour workout every tuesday. i'm look'in forward to it every tuesday. there are many many things that i have been wanting to do but didnt have the time nor energy. but since the greatest gift right now would be the huge break, i'm gonna make full use of it to immerse myself in godknows what. but the main thing now is to get money rollin' in before i could start. SO YUP! i'm gonna start trying to make it ROLL in on monday. and till plans are confirmed, i'll keep you waiting. hee so till then! peace out lovelies <3
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
final final final week of FYP. i HATE uni application process. dear mother mary its such such sucha bother honestly. that i pray that i will only have to undergo that experience once. being a paranoid person that i have ALWAYS been, i tend to scare myself alot. have i send this? did i click wrongly? did it get through? tskkk. i thought NTU is already bad. who knows NUS is even worst. but who is to blame other than myself eh. like i said, the coming few months is gonna be the longest longest longest one that i will ever put through. i finally can FEEL how my dear JC friends had to undergo such nonsense. but well you would have the smart ones tearing their hairs out over which course they should pick cos all of the faculty seems to want them and then there is the other group who would be tearing their hairs out thinking if they are even gonna be excepted by at least one course. sadly i'm stuck with the latter. TSKK. but STEEEL, couple more days before i'll have the time of my life or at least TRY to. imma gonna look for routes for moneh to roll in. i'm gonna take part in courses that i've always wanted. nowadays courses in CC are so affordable that i feel like packing my entire week with courses! for one, i'm almost coming to an end for my kickboxing class. 6months of kickboxing was really really fun. intense intense intense. but i'm gonna try something else as of now! muay thai. its pretty similar to kickboxing, only that you get to wear boxing gloves and hit sandbags. (ahdoi) do i sound very tomboy-ish. initally i only had muay thai in mind, but unable to find any suitable courses, i had to settle for kickboxing which is pretty similar. i've been trying out loads of different things recently and still, i go for action pack stuff. YOGA is so not my cuppa tea. honestly. joice brought me to try out this bikram yoga at cityhall where you do yoga in a 40 degree celcius room. i almost died in there. not that yoga isn't fun. but its just well, not me. i got bored after the first 15mins of lesson and sweating like a piggy didn't help much as well. i guess you'll slim down quicker in that sense because you're sweating plus i guess it really tones your body looking at how tone and shapely the instructor looked. STILL not my cuppa tea. i need to be constantly occupied instead of being at peace with myself and trying to find the balance in me *shudders* hee. alrighty this pretty much concludes revival post NO 2. till something awesome happens, peace out lovelies! <3
Sunday, February 21, 2010
HELL YEAH! i'm back ((:
![]() well well well. look who we've got here! major major major haitus. and i'm finally back. like veekay says. its "holy mama cow look who's back part 2" LOL! stopped blogging and keeping track of my life for about 6 months at most? i thought i would never start blogging again until i went back one random day and re-read all my old post. ALL the memories came running back. like being ditched byTT ditched for SFMA. somemone even remembered me calling him an AIRHEAD. i had no recollection at all! to all the other funny moments i had with my dad. really got me laughing at my computer screen. at then it occured to me that. HEY! maybe i should continue doing this. no matter if anyone is reading this or not, at least it allows me to backtrack on my life, reminiscing the good'ol time. SO! moving on ((: i kept saying that i would start blogging once my FYP is over. well its almost 3/4 or should i say 3.8/4 over. with one more week to go and the handing up of the final report. i should say we've almost offically semi-graduated. application for uni is such a bother. but what to do? "what has to do be, got to be done" - yunrong (LOL!) let's just hope things could only be for the better. 3months of FYP, not an easy feat. i had days where i felt satisfied with (myself) and days where i thought the day would never end. but well its over.(almost) i prolly should start finding a route to get MONEY rolling in. i still have alot alot alot of things to update but for a revival post, i think i should stop. MISSED YOU GUYS. AND I'LL BE AROUND ALOT. SO! STAY TUNE (: peace out. <3 |