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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HOLY MOLLY ROLLAGOPOLY! ( just because it rhymes.)

it's been WHAT?! 2 freaking years. i'm shock to even remember my blog, not to mention my password.

i've had another of those time where i really have nothing else better to do then read my old blog post. and THEN the feeling of blogging comes rushing in all over again. honestly, hardly anyone blogs anymore. sho sad. i remember i used to have a string of blogs that i religiously check every day and now it has dwindle down to like what 2? ):

can't blame the fact that there are other social networks like twitter and facebook aye.

so guess what. 2-0-1-1. I'm turning 21... and this year my current new year resolution is... (hahaha. just kidding. i'm not even going to go there. goodness me. half a year has almost gone by coming to think of it).

i'm having my holidays now. bout 11/2 more months to go. i've decided not to go into any 9-5 jobs this holiday cos i'm SICK of it. I've a camp facilitator job audition this coming friday and i reallyyyyy hope i can get that. being round kids of age 3-7. it's almost my dream job. (for this holiday that is)

so i'll be crossing my fingers.

that's that.

i've been giving tuition for about a year now. there's up and downs. and sometimes i really wanna stab myself during and after teaching. but there are times where i really have a good laugh with my kid cos their thinking and actions are so cute.

being with them at least reminds me of how we all once were. young and innocent. the people i'm with or i see nowadays is a far cry from the young and innocent image that we all once have.

people who make you of you, people who bad-mouth about you. PERVERTED PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK IN THE HEAD. yeah. PEOPLE who think they are so high and mighty that they have got got to be the MOST HANDSOME GUY/ prettiest girls in the entire world.

generally the above paragraph is referring to only a minority or actually just a couple of person only. i stereotype not.

there are still wonderful and beautiful people that i've met. (:

i honestly think that's about that. i've ran out of brain juice as to what to type next.

until the next wave of "enthu-ness" comes.

i'll check out nao. :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's the end of my near-2months relief teaching stint at assumption. Feels reallyyyy weird that I won't be in sch on Monday, prolly lazing around the bed still dreaming awesome stuff in lala land when the clock strikes 615.

No more dreading my relief schedule when I see it,
No more canteen food,
no more one cup of deliciously sweet fruits only at 1dollar,
no more marking of test paper and laughing at students answer,
and most importantly no more seeing my annoying yet never failing to make laugh students.

Somehow, I feel empty.

That aside, I have no idea if I should continue working. I don't like to laze around at home but neither do I want to be stuck in the office from 9-5 doing admin work. Tsk.

Can't we have a all throw in fun yet money bringing job? maybe I should try being one of those mascot. Barney in a suit or maybe even spongebob! HAHA! very different experience leh. Wouldn't mind trying if there really was one. Teehee.

Or maybe if lady luck is shining on me I would find a part time childcare teacher job or or playgroup teacher! Being around little angels and prolly a few demons.

Yeah yeah, dream on aye cyr.

So wish me luck peeps! meanwhile let's all hold our hands together and pray that the day would come quicker where money starts growing on trees. HA.

Sidetracking a little, Monday is our graduation ceremony! Awesome much?! I always childishly feel very proud when I tell people about my grad day. Teehee. It's like our time have finally come. But formal attire is sucha bother. I've decided to stop looking for them. Make do with what I have at home. Spending 60bucks on one and then having the ginormous robe covering all up? It's like pouring your money down the drain. LOL.

So till Monday! Ciao outside little earthlings!

Ps: ( ginormous is gigantic + enormous ) Teehee.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm sorry for making you worried for the past 20 years.
I'm sorry for annoying you and giving you the attitude whenever I'm peeved.
I'm sorry for disappointing you whenever you held high hopes for me.
I'm sorry that I don't live up to your expectation many atimes.
I'm sorry for making empty promises to you again and again.
I'm sorry that I lie to you many atimes.

I thank you for bringing me here.
I thank you for the endless love that you have given me.
I thank you for pampering me.
I thank you for being the forgiving you.
I thank you for accepting me for who I am.
I thank you giving me a sister who would be there for me until my deathbed so that I'll never be alone.
I thank you for your listening ear.
I thank you for giving up your youth just to have me.
I thank you for your gentle words and priceless advice that seem to be able to make up for all the pain I've been through.

Without you, there's no me mummy.

You know I love you. And love you I would til my last breath even when you're gone by then.

This is for you momsy.

Happy mother's day. And I hope you would enjoy the decades of mother's day to come.

Stay healthy and happy, because that's all that is important to me.

Love you always,
your annoying daughter (:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i don't like it when i overthink.
i don't ike it when i'm over sensitive.
i don't like it when i'm insecure.
i don't like it when my self esteem is low.

bounce back up. and get unknowingly high again CYR. sleep on all the troubles tonight and "reboot" for tmr.

good night world.

Friday, April 16, 2010


been pretty caught up lately which amounted to the lack of updates. BUT nevermind. i'm here once again.

haven got much time or should i say energy to do updates due to work. i'm still at assumption english if you didnt know. working hours are really cool to the max. i get to knock off latest at 2 and i would go home and sleep again most of the time. HAHA.

SO its really heartening to see students acknowledging you whether it is around the school or outside of school. they'll go teacher teacher teacher and its warms my heart. it's really heartening too when they go teacher i'll miss you when you leave. its like all the effort you placed in for them makes it all worth while.

BUT there are also students that makes you wonder what is really going through their head? and its really really disheartening when you see some smart ones who can really do well but they just wanna act all cool and be a BAD boy/girl. you know cursing and swearing, trying to go against the teacher.

Well. blah blah blah. i guess no matter which school you go, there are always students like that. but the speech day i attended today, made me feel that you shouldn't lose all hope just because of one bad apple. you know what i mean.

i saw several of my students today going up on stage receiving their certs for being top in class or best in several subjects and even though their from NA, i really can see their effort when they try to make sense of what i'm teaching in class and especially when they go: teacher i studied for three days for this test leh.

so being there for this entire time really was another eye opener cos you get to see students from all walks of life and all the different attitude that you see. seeing several students up on stage today also reminded me not to judge a book by its cover. honestly.

SO its a longgggggg wait. and i'm still waiting hard and praying hard.

that's all for now.

can't wait for the flea market tmr.

outtahere. <3

Friday, April 9, 2010

TADA! the cliffhanger from god know's which era.

loving this jumpsuit baby! <3

more updates soon! (:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Have you notice that we all live in utmost bliss but yet taking every single thing for granted? A little setback and we are down and out and it's like the world stopped spinning? We feel injustice over slight matters and whine that the world is unfair. But has the world ever been fair? Was life ever fair in the first place?

We bitch about out parents because they don't let us go on overseas trip with friends, they don't let us stay out late with friends, they give us curfew and what not. But we just have to count our lucky stars that at least we still have them to breath down our back. I've just heard really sad news that one of my pri sch friend's dad had just passed away all of a sudden. All it took was a heart attack and he has vanish for good from their life. No prior symtoms whatsoever. She is as old as I am and she has a younger sister who is the same age as mine. It is time like these that really wakes you up, with life blaring it's alarm at you, reminding how bloody lucky you are.

You'll never know when your time on earth is up or when your loved one time on earth is up too. Have you taken the opportunity around you to tell the ones you love that you love them? When was the last time you sat down and really have a proper talk with them? When was the last time you hug them? When was the last time you hold their hands? When was the last time you kiss them?

No matter how old you are, irregardless if you are 10, 20 or even 50 it's never an embarassing to hold your parents hand or any of your loved ones. It's not embarassing to kiss your grandma. Because these are all little ways of helping you remember how lucky you are to still have the time to appreciate them. Don't wait till their gone and you realise it has been years since you held their hands or say I love you.

Look back at our lives and just count our lucky stars that we still have our love ones to count on. Never wait till the last moment and regret. Because ones it's gone, it's never gonna come back.

RIP uncle. And my condolences to "you" and your family. May you find strength to carry on and may god be with you.