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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Friday, March 30, 2007

i happen to chance upon this vid while on youtube. some might find it stupid but out of curiosity i click on it. unfortunately tat particular vid doesnt have an embed tat i can copy. but more or less the story was about this girl liking a guy in her class but doesn't have the courage to go up to him and speak. and on tat particular day it was her last time having a class wif him. she was saying tat tat day she was as usual staring at his back in class when she discover a ring on his second last finger. apparently he was attached. she ended up going home a posting a vid bout tat. and commented tat she was very sad tat it was going to be the last time seeing him. tat was the first part of the story. if you are really interested on seeing her vid heres the web: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRo7JiHTQ1Y&mode=related&search=

wasnt really what i wanted to show. the whole idea of these post was to show you this vid of a guy commenting on his vid bout her. ha! he was a hell of a sarcastic guy. pretty interesting things he talk about. but some of his words does make sense. so out of boredom decided to post it here. take a look :

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

phew time is really passing by fast. before i notice it, my sweet and boring holiday is gonna be over soon. orientation starts for me next week for a couple of days. den i get to enjoy one more week of holiday and sch starts for me on 16. when 16th comes i will offically be a student in tertiary education. haha never occurred to me tat i will up as a poly student. its only after my result and ppl comments tat i take into consideration poly education. anyway i am glad i found a course tat i like reasonably. hope to excel in dere. i am damm lucky tat i didnt take the early childhood education course on impluse. all thanks to my parents. they manage to see wat i didnt see and talk me out of it. later on did i realise tat yes i have a love for kids, babay maybe. but for toodlers or young pri sch kids. ha. no way can i handle them. they can be annoying at times. pester pester pester. so ah-uh don think i shuld be in the teaching industry maybe just not in pri sch. (:

at least food is within my league. so food science won be too bad for me ((: some to think of it. i didnt actually notice dered was such a course until i sat down with my parents and look through the brochures carefully. thankfully i saw tat (:

hmm. eoough of tat stuff. i recently discover i have a obsession with rings. haha, whenever i see the actress in the tv wearing rings i will take special notice of them.its not those wedding rings i am talking bout but rings as a form of an accessories. (:

hmm wat else do i have to say? eh... ya i saw the show after hours on channel 5 pretty nice show (: oh and ya. i recently got to chance upon a taiwan drama tat has been dere for a long time. 1oo% senorita. haha i wanna get addicted to the show to while my time away. its 1:29 now i guess i will be off to youtube for now. ta! (:

Sunday, March 18, 2007

haha. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (: i manage to get both my ring and cardigan. yeah yeah!! haha. but i didnt get the rectangular ring i mention previously. i tried it but hmm doesnt suit me. so i got another one.

i finally discover why the rings are so cheap. its because they are the leftover!!! hmm put it in a nicer way they are only left with certain sizez lar. so of you spot something you like it might not exaxtly fit you. put it in a wonderful way, -its linited edition. haha ((:

hmm my cardigan. i didnt but the brown one. just discover tat i didnt look really good wif brown. hmm geryish colour suits me better so i got a greyish jacket. haha and guess wat the cardigan i bought was also kind of limited.haha. tats wat the sales man told me. if have medium i would of course like tat lar. but since my parents says small looks fine. so i got small. cos it was the onlt size and only piece left. haha

hmm jc ppl all starting sch today le. all the best to them. haha i cant wait for sch to start for me too. i finally receive the package from nyp. haha *finally* well all admin stuff lar i still need to go online to comfirm tat i want my place there by 30 march. so ma fan. so sch officially starts for me on 16 april. but i still have to go back dere on the 3rd and 4th have orientation. hmm wonder if have the freshman orientationn camp as mention by one of the lectures the other i visit the sch. still have to go for body checkup. hmm so weird. you know if you suffer from certain illness you can go for certain courese. like for biomed you cant have physological illness and stuff. and for my course i have to go for another extra check call thypoid inoculation. hmm watever tat is. still have to take blood test also *eeks*
oh ya and they sent us a student handbok and inside they have a map showing us on how to get to certain places of the sch. haha but i still think i would be very very extremely lost. wat part A part B?? god knows where they are. haha for ppl who know me i don have a very good sense of direction. haha to go home from bp plaza i already have to ask my friends wat bus to take so many times. heh heh. but aiya. chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi lor (:

haha my dad was complaining tat once sch starts i would have a better notepad den him. hehe. haven learn how to earn money already cause a large hole in his pocket. sorry! (: but he pamper me a lot lar. (: my sch has this offer for laptops. but they are all 2.4-2.9 kg. he was saying it would become a burden for me once i start carrying it to sch everyday. so he was looking for a lighter laptop for me on the net, helping me do research. its my stuff yet he is still willing to help me ((: xie xie! haha my mum also lor. she help me settle all the admin stuff. but complain tat i so old liao still dunno how to settle my stuff = P heh. but its all rather confusing lar esp the sch fees part. but she seetle tat one lor. the rest like fill up the forms is all i handle myself de (:

shall stop here le. nothing else more. until next time. ta! (:

Friday, March 16, 2007

haiz i tried to change my blogskin but you could just say i am a COMPLETE com idiot. couldnt understand all the coding and stuff. pure stupid-ness! urgh! ):

anyway i finally finish the taiwan drama white robe of love. great show! one of the male lead is damm2 normal looking to the extent qp said his looks couldnt make it. haha but from the start of the show his character just grows on me ((: his love story with the second female lead. i really like it alot. and i seriously mean a lot! anyway i am looking for another taiwan drama to indulge myself in. haha.

i want to state something here. (:

-something tat allows me to feel very xin fu-
~eating apple~
(i once told someone tat i felt very xin fu whenever i eat an apple. and tat person said i was really silly and very easily man zhu. where got ppl eat apple until tis kind of state. haha but tat is just me(: but i guess tat person wouldnt have remember all tis. tis were just special moments for me. but well whatever. )

when i say i eat an apple wat i mean is those small looking very very red apple. i like to eat it the way it is and not cut it up or remove the skin. just the way it is.
i love the crunch of it
i love the taste of it - its tat kind of sweetness tat makes me feel on top of the world. some says tat eating chocolate makes you high. beause of its ingredients. but for mine case apple also does the same effect for me! ((:

actually some times simple things can just simply makes someone's day.
~a simple msg like how's my day
~someone showering concern on you
~someone taking notice of small mood changes in you and bother to ask
~a sweet good night msg < 3

its really sweet. but sometimes tis kind of stuff can really be one sided.
when you read too much in between in the lines.

i once saw this show on channel u < say i do>
tis girl has been secretly in love wif one of her male buddies.
when the host ask her wat makes you think the guy shares the same feeling for you she said tis- whenever we are on msn, even though we haven been chatting, when he wants to log off, he will purposely pop in and say good night to me.
the host simply said tis "tats just basic courtesy!"

i guess girls are more of a sensitive creature than guys. and tend to read too much in btw the lines and thus causing many misunderstanding. but i have fallen for this once. i took me very very long to get out of tat kind of whirlpool.

and i swear never to fall for such a thing again. even though i find something sweet in the future i will just keep to myself. dun ever get one sided again. i look forward to a new begnning in my new sch. 3 cheers to tat! (:

whoa dun know wat overcome me today blurp out so many things. feelings, thoughts, and wat not tat has been buried in me for very long. and since its out its out. i wont be bothered anymore! (:

~sweet memories tat i will keep as part of me~

Thursday, March 15, 2007
out of home! yah!

first of all must thank liyana for all the great great song tat she has send me. totally amazing lyrics tune awww. just great!!! (:

haha i love tis song tats when i love you. very very special song.

14/3/07 was supposedly a day of lunching with several ppl. but in the end it just ended up wif me and qp. shi ting suddenly couldnt make it. 11 i accompany qp to her sch to buy uniform must say her sch from eyebird view and front view quite different. haha front view nicer. my sch also very very near to her sch haha can say just directly opp her sch only. guess we might be seeing each other s little more often when sch starts ((:

den we made our way to vivo. haha tat sotong queen told me tat we were supposed to alight at raffles place to change train. heh heh luckily i remembered the other time i change at douby gourt. haha vivo is seriously a very confusing place. SUPER. to find a simple resturant like swensen is like 20-30 mins of searching. my feet also died on me. haha cos i force myself to wear tat pair of shoes tat gives me blister whenever i use them. but haha "ai mei bu yao ming" is all womens weak point. luckily i already prepared "ok bong" -plaster if not i might not even make it home. haha.

finally we found swensen and just like what qp said tat place is an IMITATION. it wasnt really swensen. had a name like Earle's swenson or something. aiya just a fake looking shop didnt really interest us. plus qp said the food there is like 10x more ex den normal swenson. so we continue to look for other restuarant.

and we finally settle for thai express. haha the food there is great!!! i settle for some seafood fried rice and qp settle for softcrab curry rice or something. after we went shooping ard looking at stuff. haha qp bought a handphone strap. and end up looking for the hole to put it. haha we were both trying to open the battary cover to look for it. in the end it still couldnt open. haha i was laughing my head off at her. den i went to the jewellary shop where i bought my ring they had more choices now and their ring just cost a cheap $10 argh!!!! damm nice lar the ring. i had my eyes on the retangular looking ring. haha damm3 nice! dne we went ard looking for coloured cartoonish sock for qp we couldnt find it. den i suggested we go down to junction 8 since its "sun lu"

made our way down. haha guess wat we saw. mr bean! haha very cute and i mean mr bean mascot. there was the granny and mr bean's girlfriend (: we coudnt help but took our hp out and started snapping shots of them. very cute. den we saw minitoons dere, 77 street. den at one of the shop qp bought a brown hp pouch. haha nice. and after walking ard the shopping mall, we finally found a shop tat sells socks. just tat kind of socks tat both of us have in mind. (:

one last thing i found a new love for the colour brown. i spotted a brown cardigan at lp zone in vivo. haha i want. brown cardigan, ring, colored socks. i'll wait for the right timing i will qiao zha my mum. haha tis sat maybe going vivo again. i'll try my chance for the ring first den the cardigan. wahoo! (:

Sunday, March 4, 2007
rotting away

haizzzz. i am seriously rotting at home. seriously!!! after the 6th of march i will seriously get down to work. wat work? hmm. haha still thinking bout it. most probably will start calling up checking for vacancies. i am also thinking of taking up tennis. heh really. just want to get out of home and stop being a couch potato. and and. liyana also mention maybe having a outing during the march holiday too. looking forward to tat too. at least something to do (:

ya also next time round i go working out i will probably pull fizza along too. haha. dear watch out for tat. soon. most probably will be this coming week. and if you like (: everytime i work out i will pull you along. wahahaha. both of us thinking bout dieting. though i see no point in fizza dieitng when she is only like 30 plus kg!!! i should be the one undergoing starvation. i have been snacking whenever i can. so my life at home is seriously eat sleep eat sleep. if i am still going to stick to the idiot box which i am every single day haha soon you will see a barrel of oil/fats walking to you next time when you see me and not yun rong anymore. haha

ps: zai if you are seeing this. i miss you loads too. i miss your green, i miss your jokes, i miss zai buggy < 3

cheers for now!! (: