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January 2007
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Its a saturday. no a sunday.
well. seem that i haven been blogging much. its kinda my life. boring. only for some exception. home sch home. SEE. thats pretty much it. hmm first week of sch. and it started on a wednesday.
off to sch at 7 plus.org chem lesson at 9. naggy PCW. but people will say " its all for your own good" okayy okayy i know. he mention that our class did very badly for the common test. i think many of us left the class with a heavy heart. just receive news that comm skills lesson was canceled. oh yeah baby! but stupidly we had german lesson. how nice. had brunch as trio. haha. me mun and van. not just 2 pathetic souls waiting for german lesson AT THREE!!! FIVE whole hours of wasting time. after brunch, we went as usual to the lib to chill. just realise that the sch has added more plug points in the lib. how cool is that! mun didnt have a heart to on her laotop for fear that it woudnt last for 5 freaking hours. she decided to read her story book first. well for me. i couldnt care less. switched on my laptop anh had to reduce the brightness in order for it to last longer. sigh. so poor thing. went blog hopping at first. after i went aimlessly ard the net. search for dbsk. den i saw this game on this person blog and decided to try it you. its this macdonalds game on y8.com haha in fact mun was looking for this game. haha send the link to her. and started playing. until now i couldnt last longer den 15 min in the game. its some kind of business game. you rear animals sell patties do marketing. LOL. i kept going bankrupt.looks like i'm not cut out for business eh. mr macdonal keeps poping out and blaming me. LOL well at 11 plus i receive a CALL! the highlight for the day. ^ ^ someone just told me i won a luckily draw. i've just won 5000 bucks. woohoo! many people would say in your dreams eh. unfortuantely its really in my dream. haha. jk. jk. my german classmate astrid call and asked if we wanted to cancel german class. me and mun were like hell yeah. its what we were praying for the entire day. we just keep saying lets pray that german class is cancel knowing in our hearts that it woudnt happen. so this story tells us that as long as you believe, it will come true. ahahaha! anw. she we told her of course of course. den she said she would get back to us saying that she has to comfirm witht the others. the whole time while waiting for her phone call, i just keep staring at my phone. mun kept laughing at me. LOL. i would just suddenly pick up the phone and sadly stare at the black screen. sigh. den i receive a msg~ both of us read the msg together. german class is CANCELED. make up lesson would be discussed on friday. waa. i tell you both if us wanted to pop a champane at that moment. haha. off we pack our bags. and suddenly some girl tapped my on my shoulder. LOL she asked if i were a fan of dbsk. cos of my lappy's wallpaper.haha so random. she even ask me if i am from nursing. LOL. do i have a nursing face? anw. she said she will talk to me later. but i going off already. haha i even ask mun if i should tell her bye bye. she's kinda sweet though. haha. but i didnt in the end. so random. LOL so off i went home to rest my tired soul. slack the entire day and receive news at 10 plus some of our classmates handing in the cell bio reports tmr. wth. i thought it was on on week.i haven even touch a single bit of it.i got freaked out. sigh. but didnt wanna go to sleep with a heavy heart. so i tried to rushed it out. luckily there was miss piggy candy. i had entertainment and a walking dic ((: finally everything was done by 3am. i went from zero to hero. LOL. i finish two reports in a day. an accomplishment. hee hee thurs was kinda cool. lecture for cell bio was elearning. pract was cancel = no sch!! but i still had to go hand up my report. i set my alarm at 10 and end up waking up at 1145. grrr. wanted to rush out of the house. and guess what i found out. i lost my purse. god damm it. i remember seeing it when i came home on wed. search high and low. i think the entire house was turned upside down by me. i even search under the sofa. LOL. and guess where i found it. it was happily laying in my bed, under my foolscape pad and file. gahh. i wasted 2 hours going to sch. its so ridiculous la i take a 35 mins ride to go all the way to sch. wasted 15 mins going to the admin office. wasted another 15 mins walking back to the mrt station. wasted yet another 35 mins taking a train back home. look at the time i wasted. i could have save it on sleeping!!! finally a friday. lab in the morning was canceled. everyone happily thought that we could get another 1 hour of sleep. yeah right. in the end dear mr PCW decided to go through the common test paper. ahhh. "great". he mention names after the lesson about the common test. had german lessons after that. ahh it started all fine. until we got to the grammer section. oh well oh well. i decided to give it a try in the end though i know my german is hopeless. lets all see how it works out in the end luh. ((: After, we decided to chill at the lecture hall for biostats. ha! and guess what.i happily open the front door wide just to see an entire theatre full of peopple staring back at me. ahhh!!! so it happened that it was used for examination purpose. LOL. as the three of us went aimlessly ard the sch, being lecture-less it seems that nowhere wanted us. haha we wanted to sit on the floor near the lecture hall but i suggested going to sit at the pond where they had a nice scenery. we went and sit there for less den 5 mins when it started drizzling. ha. we didnt wanna end up being stranded there. so back we went to the staircase. finally we could enter the hall. biostats was horrible. couldnt figure out how to use the stoopid cal. but thanks to mun (: the mystery was finally solved!! you could see dunno how many tonns of lost sheep stating at the lecturer. and his bloody handwriting is so small. soo irritating. you couldnt see if its a 9 or a 4 or or a 2 or a 5. gahhh. so this ends my faithful week. boring? maybe. exciting. definately not. its a long entry this time round cos i'm bored. LOL. its like some kinda essay. i just saw the news that one of our local celebrity Mr MC KING passed away at the age of 40. wazzup with the people nowsaday anw. they are just leaving us without any reason. 40. its a damm bloody young age. such a waste. such a pity. its so scary you know. gahh. lets all pray that it just gets better. deepest condolences. my dad's going on a business trip soon. may all be well and safe for him. make him come back home soon safe and sound. ((: amen. |