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January 2007
February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 May 2011
Saturday, January 26, 2008
something more interesting. i purposely separate my post into two if not i think it'll turn into a lullaby. what a waste. LOL
haha this is me trying out what to wear on that day. i ended up with this. some say i look too formal. haha its my mum's clothes what do you expect? LOL. our poster our display our booth is this pretty or is this pretty? haha. work of squidy and cuttlefish. ps:haha you are still our cuttle fish no matter how you deny =P *wink wink* our display again the real thing. haha its look so damm different from what we did la. i think ours is nicer. wahaha. yeah! our master piece. by vanessa. *pree-tay* look at this dodo whom i caught lazing behind the booth. still can pose eh. tsk tsk the ice box which contains our yoghurt and blueberry. haha. we hid it behind the booth. if put outside a bit unglam. you mei you. haha! okok. finally pictures with human being in it. or or should i say sea creatures in it.LOL first up. CANDY. sotong of the grp. really sotong. another nick: DODO. secondly. the master of our poster VAN-NEE-SAA KOH. cuttlefish of the grp last but not least. SIEW MAY. the squidy of the group. we still have a couple more pictures. but its with squidy. i haven got it from her. heh. siew may!!!! i want pictures ((: okok that day was tiring. super duper. i got up at 6 plus. rushed down to sch at 8. siew may arrived and we all went in to the lab. to our horror, all the eqiupments were used up. knives,cutting board. omg omg!! in the end we went around stealing ppl's equipments. haha borrow here borrow there. ended up with two proper knives to peel the chestnuts. and candy had to use a bread knife. aha! better den nothing mah. waaa i tell you peeling 5kg of chestnut is no small accomplishment O-kay! i almost wanna cry just siting there peeling the chestnut. and i only peeled like 1Kg of it. siew may and candy did 2 freaking kg each. like zomg! and everytime i almost finsh peeling the chestnut, one if them will be spoilt its so frustrating la. i think we took like 1 1/2 hour to finish peeling all. and then there was the grating part. we were like racing against time la. cos everything was suppose to be done by 12. and we still haven started the cooking part. and the cooking part is the worst cos we have to wait for like 1/2 an hour for everythnig to dry up. i started emptying the yoghurt. all 15 of them. haha sooo mouth watering. esp when you see all those huge chunks fo strawberry. and then we had to rushed to change at 1150. 10 mins to 12 and we have to get everything ready. wa lao. damm frantic can. in the end the stupid comm skills teacher came at 2. how nice. all our backs and legs were breaking la. esp in heels. can you imagine. we couldnt even find a proper place to sit. i didnt try any of the food products due to my sore throat except for the dumplings. i could hardly swallow. mom came and tried most of the food items. except for a few. i so wanted to try the rest la. but i was afraid it would just worsen my condition. finally van and me found time to sneak up to the lib to rest awhile. haha it was barely 10mins when siew may msged and say very busy. need help.we rushed down. and they the two dodo was smiling. they say. the sec sch pupils about to come out. but haven come out yet. i almost wanna box them. ha! in the end the price for the best poster award went to lim kiat's grp. well although our grp didnt win it. the winner still come from our class mah. so must cheer. haha. i think i going somewhere to steal a picture of their poster. there! ![]() lastly our day ended with the clearing up of the equipments. we were the first grp to arrive in the lab to clear up and the last to leave. all because of one stupid pot. the base of it was entirely black. it took us 1 1/2 hour to clean it up. imagine 3-4 girls standing ard one pot, scrubbing it. ended up, mr lim kiat took over and clean it up within mins. ha. tsk one guy's strength = 4 girls. sigh. we arent weaklings okayy. just that we are all tired and drain of energy =P finally its home sweet home. ha! i literally collapse at home la. tiredness. memories that somtimes stick to you for an entire lifetime |