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January 2007
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Friday, April 11, 2008
i finally manage to collect some of my thoughts back. my thoughts are like running all ard up there and its so hard for me to catch them back. haha.
so met miss dodo at cityhall. she was the piggy. she was late coming back from the toilet. i was on the dot. =P and so i was rejuvenated today like totally. its kindof like the first time i spend money without actually having to think much. like its my own money and i get to spend it the way i want without any restriction. if you get what i mean (: marina square is a nice place to go to. better than what i have expected. i got my loads of stuff there. i think the only thing i bought from far east was an accessory. and it was pouring when we decided to go orchard. and you see two silly girls huddling under one umbrella. running across road and from street to street. and so tmr's haji lane outing has been cancelled cos mun our tour guide is sick. *take care and rest well munny!* so i guess i'll be walking ard bugis street with van. hoping to get a steal for some item which dodo introduce. i haven got enough of it yet. haha the urge to buy you know. its addictive. and bad. both of us got something similar. haha. just for the fun of it. next time i go out with her i have to bring a bottle of oil *own joke* some pics: okayy so by doing a little of tubing and chatting i forgot a bulk of what i wanted to say. OH! i came up with some theory today. AHA. i just discover it myself after saying what i wanted to. theory 1. AH LIANS are differentiated into 2 types. one typical chinese ahlian. and second type is those ang moh ah lians. difference? well typical chinese ah lians have typical ah beng boyfriends. who spouts hokkien vulgarities. and typical ah lians go for fluffy pinky stuff. ang moh ah lians are those who wear until kinda revealing, put on heavy eyeliner and mascara. wear big big loop earrings. and have ang moh ah beng boyfriends who are very open ina way they will openly hug and uhh french kiss. *newsflah* the above hypothesis is made by me. and its all in my own context. no offence ehh. (: period. my eyes are like closing already i'll be off for now. be back tmr adios! |