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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
BAHA~ i am here. and here i am.
mugging pretty much drove me nuts for all i know. people around me prolly should guess it. i stare at a person and laugh silly-ly. i start muttering incoherent sentence. all these in the name of the common test. LOL. food mirco mcq was pretty much a goner. i'll be very lucky if i could at least score a 10/20. HA! SEQ was ok~~ *gives a little wave of the hand* i thank heaven and earth that they didnt come out with a ques from the fermentation e-lect. opening the notes was like seeing another nightmare unfold. its like a scene from "i know what you did last summer" only in this case the thing that appear wasn't scream that ghost(aka.candy. own joke.) but BIOCHEM~!! omg what kreb cycle, glycosis, pyruvate. i cannot even imagine how i manage to pass the module last sem. not to mention getting a B for it. it must have been the fairy dust. or maybe the marker eye stick stamp. HA! so i totally didnt touch that topic. for godsake i'm already having a hellva time trying to squeeze food micro into my puny brain and here you ask me to memo stuff from biochem?! ha. luckily it only came out for 1 mcq ques 1 mark. ohmitoufuo. HAHA. human bio was okayy but i think i screw up my mcq too. tsk tsk. i think i lost my special ability of remembering test question. i remember in sec sch or pri sch i could memo which ques came after which ques. but now after handing up my paper, my mind's blank. i cannot even remeber what ques i wanted to ask. or what ques i just did. HA. regurgitate everything out and it was gone from my brain. too bad. i think they should invent a external hard drive for us. my brain's memory space is too little to squeeze everything in. i dreamt about food micro last night. eeks. and so did dodo. look what good food micro has done to us. couldnt even let us sleep in peace for the few hours that we are left. came back haunting us. tsk tsk. i pray hard everything i have did and am going to do for the rest of the week wouldnt fail me. pleaseeeee. OKAY! enough of ranting. i'm pretty much a slacker. i should start now. else i think i'll bump into a tree while driving midnight bus tonight. LOL. till the end of the week~ ps:i wanna watch don't mess with the zohan and 10 promises to my dog and all the horror show that's out!!! oh man~ |