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January 2007
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Friday, June 13, 2008
i'm going to the zoo zoo zoo
how about you you you bring the cutie along too wuwu~ i'm going to the zoo wuwu~ AHAHAHA. this song has been stucked to my head eversince i have decided to go the zoo this sat. it has been donkey years since i've set my foot in the zoo. i think the last time i've been there was like what? pri sch? LOL i wonder if the animals are excited to see me? i dun think so. haha! i dunno if any of you guys are irritated by me cos i keep harping on the fact that i'm going to the zoo tmr. LOL. if i were reading someone else blog and the person keeps saying that they're going to the zoo. i think i will be like yeah yeah yeah. i know i know. stop repeating!!! but i dunno leh seems like i'm not the only one high-ing alone because i'm going to the zoo. at least liyana is having the same thing. LOL. like she says, no wonder we're friends. LOL. okayy i think i'll stop. went to sch today for project 2, and my hands smells of chives now. grrrr. i washed my hand dunno how many times but it still smells like it. maybe its just me. but okayy la. today's outcome wasnt too bad. i'm too lazy to post my pic. wait till i'm happy to do so first. LOL. early in the morning went down to amk hub to purchase the ingredients. with AUNTY ELSIE (story later on) and munny buddy. she's back!! and how nice of her to get us each a keychain ((: sanks~ and so i bought a cup of nice hot soya milk thinking of giving myself a good breakfast after starving myself at home cos i'm too lazy to get out of the house for the past few days to get lunch. the food court below my house is under renovation and the next nearest one is 7 mins walk away. the weather's too hot. and so. i touched the cup and thought "hmm not bad leh warm warm de" so being wery satisfied with my drink, i took one big sip of it from the straw and i almost spit it out. its like freaking hot can. omg. i didnt know if i should cry or scream but i'm too embarassed to do so. but i burnt my tongue and throat by swallowing it quickly. haha!!~~ okayy so to the AUNTY ELSIE STORY. * pardon me that i'm all over the place with my thoughts" our dear aunty elsie can also be known as candy LXX. its a long story why its elsie. but her name was initally elsie instead of candy. and the best thing that ever happen to her was to let me know that her previous name was elsie. i dunno why but i always have a misconception that elsie sounds like a puppy name. like usually you go " ouhh elsie~~~ here elsie elsie" haha. *no hard feelings okayy* =D and and and the bestest thing that has happen to me so far this year was to discover that one of the macdonald(liyana *own joke) aunty is also name as elsie!!~~ ahahahah. so now elsie is not only a doggie name, its also an aunty's name. muhaahahha. our dear candy has to thank her lucky stars that her mum finally changes her name. HAHA. aunty elsie. i cant stop laughing at the sound of it. its like i can imagine asking my future kids to say " come children call aunty elsie" and they will be running towards a woman wearing those aunty aunty kind of flowery tee shirt with those ah ma black pants. HAHAHAHA tsk tsk. see where all these mugging is leading me too. i shuld stop. if not it goes on and on and on. okie dokie. till i come back from the zoo zoo zoo. ciao!~ |