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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

*bloodshot eyes*


i finally changed my blogskin. FINALLY.

i think this skin looks pretty can. its love at first sight. i saw this skin when i opened the blogskin search page and already got a strong feeling i would use this. the rest that i tried to browse through utterly missed my expectation by one whole big gap. except this! X) *happy happy*

sidetrack. i think i will hate cpf till i pass my 21st birthday. guess what. ppl's salary to start with already not much and here you go deducting my pay which can buy me 5 pairs of skinnies!!! i mean okayy lah i might sound shallow here. but cpf = for you to use and buy house later. but since i'm barely `18 much less 21, obviously my first priotity is to buy all my wanted items mahh. not save up to buy a hdb. can't i do that when i go out and "really" work next time. hurhh~ we students are working part-time to get out wanted items not to save for hdb -.=

sigh~ i want photoshop!! i'm suffering from photoshop withdrawal symptom.

things are happening around me. time is ticking past me. but i'm just sitting there staring at the empty space in the address box no idea where i should go next. boring~

Monday, September 29, 2008

*edit* you got to love this ppl! listen to this

TIME BOMB #3 ( your bone structure)

The next time someone calls you "Fat Face", take comfort in the fact thaht you're probably going to age more gracefully than her. There are benefits to having high cheekbones. " it's as if they hold the skin up and lift the face," says nicholas Joss, celebrity facialist to Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johjannson about the role of cheekbones. In our youth, our faces are filled with fat, causing those with high cheekbones to look a little "round in face" but as we age. the baby-fat starts to go and those without pronounced cheekbones will start to wish they had them when their skins start to slide south.
(extracted from cleo mag)

HA! take that you skinny face ppl. =P

i'm bored at work AGAIN so here i am AGAIN!~

my only source of entertainment. i think i might be suffering from photoshop deprivation. i keep thinking to myself how nice it would be if i had my photoshop here. i can bet you 100 bucks! that i won't be bored. totally.

so i have been surfing through the fonts webbie the entire morning i found some pretty cute ones, some awesome looking ones. i can't wait to try them out!! the time in the morning usually goes very slowly. it takes like 2000 years for 4 hours to pass so that it reaches lunch time.

and when it reaches lunch time its so depressing to see that the canteen has only that few stores. sigh~ i walked like 3 rounds before i could decided wat to eat. i think i look kinda stupid. i wanted to walk out of the canteen and go further up the streets to see what they offer but as i'm gonna place a foot out of the door i look at the sun. and back away. its sweltering out there! ))):

in the end i decided to try my hands on some pork rib prawn noodle. its not at all bad. really. but coming to think of it i cannot imagine how i would be able to survive when i go out to work next time. what if my canteen below only serves limited kinds of food. and the next nearest food court is like streets away. oh man~

k. i forgot wat my next point is. so let's jump!

actually i think that's more or less it. heh heh. my random thoughts have come to an end. for now that is. so till then~~ ((:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

back for some short updates.

haha looks like quite a few ppl share their same views on the previous entry. heh heh. sank yew~ (:

so recently i have been trying my hands out on photoshop. its some cool but complicating stuff. i gotta thank ben for giving me the programme and most of all VANESSA KOH!! for teaching me how to use it. she really really has been of great help. i'll treat you to ice cream sometime okayy *winks winks*

SO lets see my first masterpiece! *drumroll*

JA-JIANG!~ bigbang's G-dragon (jiyoung) heh heh!

next up. dear shi pei made me another workpiece done by another programme photoscape. lovely!~

got my name lehh. so sweet. hee!

alrighty i think that's about that. my current blogsong is nice!!! superb! i came across this song through francina. and david cook's light's on is awesome too!!
haha. okie dokie! till then (:

Friday, September 26, 2008

*warning. Long post ahead*

I'm back. Just a few random stuff and i'll get to the main point.

I almost got lost to work today. Yest i had my aunty to lead the way. But nevertheless with my “powerful” sense of direction i manage to get to work safe and sound. Time is really ticking really slowly at work. Boring. It rained like cats and dog today. I got so irritated. Cos my entire shoe was soaked. I hate it when it rains when i have to go out. I mean who doesn't right. I only love it when it rains at night when its everybody's sleeping time. Its just so nice and comfy to know that its raining heavily outside while you are tucked comfortably in bed ready to sleep. Sigh~

And i realise there is a tv in frnt of me in the servicing room. I think its for those customer who have to wait for the person to come out to serve them but the thing is it its tune to channel 5. no subtitles and i can't hear a single thing from here. So i guess its pointless for me -.=

So back to the main point. Basically there has been this issue of the china's tainted milk containing melamine.You know when ppl around you start asking you wat course you are doing and when you tell them food science, they will usually go. Huh? Wat science. Have you face this type of reaction before? I had it like almost every single time.

In actual fact my parents aren't sure what i'm doing either. Esp my mum. Sometimes she just keeps asking me what future this course has. cos when ppl around her ask her what i will be working as in future she doesn't know how to reply them. Many often relate this course to cooking. Don't you think so? They usually go. “oh so you will be working as a chef when you come out to work” or
“oh so you basically cook in your course?” i mean yes that is one of the job opportunites provided you work towards that area. If you ask me base on mainly this course no. i don't think we are qualified to be a chef using our current diploma.

I guess ppl mainly sterotype food with cooking. But com'on isn't there something more to food than cooking? I sometimes get offended when ppl mention that this course doesn't have a good prospect in future. Why? Because its just cooking.

There is definitely something more to food other than cooking. Take this melamine case for example. How does your food safety come about? Its not handle by any tom, dick or harry from a business diploma. How do you get new food products? Its not just created with a snap of a finger by some random person from a optometry course. These are all done by someone who have taken a diploma in something similar to food science.

And recently after testing the milk for melamine, it was also tested that it contained a kind of pathogen called enterobacter sarkarvii. Don't you find all these very familiar. I mean in the past we usually just study blindly. Most of the time we are also very unclear as to where can we apply all these that we have study. But i think i'm slowly starting to see where the industry needs us.

Seriously we aren't studying to just become a chef you know. There is more depth to the course then what people have in mind.

I know this is rather off the hat. But after reading so many newspaper article about the melamine case i can't help but start thinking how its so similar to what we are doing and how much misconception people have regarding the course i'm / we're taking. So dear people food is not always = cooking. there is so much more to food than just cooking alrighty. (:

i believe i just finish writing an essay. so thats all for now. Adios!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Work has pretty much started. B.O.R.I.N.G as usual. This current recept job is even more slack den the previous one. The entire morning i had less than 10 phone calls. Other than picking up phone calls, its still picking up phonecalls. Thats just basically my job scope. I mean obviously there is somethng more than just picking up phonecalls for the receptionist lah. But i'm just gonna be there for a week can't expect me to do much eh.

So the entire morning i have been just reading tonns of newspaper. No skimming through the newspaper to be exact and surfing the net. HAHA! Bingo! This company has internet access for the recept not like last time the company so cheapo. No internet at all -.=

But nevertheless you would always still feel restricted using the net cos no matter what i'm still working can't just let ppl see me watching vidoes or happily surfing the net.

AND i'm excited that the computer has msn. Woohoo~ come ppl talk to me. AHAH! But the stupid rickity typing board makes so much noise whenever you type. You know the clickty sound you have when you type on your desktop. Its making twice/ thrice the sound. All because of its big fat keys. Eveyone basically can hear me happily typing away. I wonder if the recept working here makes as much noise as i am making on the keyboard. LOL.

Yest i received another call. I have no idea where the company got my contacts from. But apparently they were looking for usher at th shangri-la hotel on the 6 7 8 of oct. just nice my job ends on the third so i have got plenty of time on my hand. EXCEPT. I'm having the external german test on the 8th and another german crash course on the 7th. So great i have to let this go ): *ka-ching! flown away*

so anw as i was reading a storybook in the office i came across this line which i find it very crude. but very much true.

"There are people in life who check for toilet paper before taking a crap. And there's the ones who shit straightaway and find themselves fucked."

heh heh! interesting one izzen it. i have another post coming right up. its pretty much irrelavant to this. so i'll be spliting it. (:

Monday, September 22, 2008

i suddenly got an urge to change my blogskin but there izzen one that suits my liking. sigh~

so some updates:

16th of sept was good. thank god X)

went back for some weird ava briefing today. i am suppose to help out with the conference. AVA. excuse me. i haven got the slightest idea why i was randomly selected out of so many ppl and plus the fact i have no prior experience to this sorta stuff. anyway. lets see how it goes. AHA.

plus! we have to be in formal wear when the rest of the sch are in black polo-tee and jeans -.= i tot it was suppose to be the other way round where the "ava" ppl are suppose to be in casual wear. speaking of random-ness

next up. our HBI poster was selected for exhibition. izzit a big thing? no idea either. but there you go. another piece of my life.

third. work is starting on thurs. i think i might be crazy after all agreeing to work at payer lebar. can you believe wat time i have to wake up?! 5 plus. get out of the house?! 6 plus. i haven got up at such unearthly hour since who knows when. but *starts self-psycho-ing* its the money, its the money. LOL.

so thats pretty much about it. too bored to go on.

love is such a tragic affair

Saturday, September 20, 2008

haha. okayy i have been too much of a lazy bum to blog this few days. THATS because my life is boring. i'm totally rotting at home. and the bloody weather is super hot to go out.

okayy so. i have at least one interesting fact i'm starting work again. next week. being a temp recept again. the place is at payar lebar. near changi. yesyes. i know many of you. not all if you know where i stay would be thinking i must be crazy. BUT. its only a week lah. so its not so bad. just that i have to wake up at wat?! 6 everyday. but i think i can pretty much sleep the whole journey to work.

THIS is the consequence of being bored at home. i have to get out. LOL.

so i meet up with dodo two days ago. have i mention? don't think so. yeah we chatted over lunch before going our separate ways. its cool to see her again. its been weeks since we saw one another.

the next ultra exciting thing is i'm meeting francina tmr! no today (later) i haven seen her in a year. we have so much catching up to do.

i'll stop for now.really sleepy. till den. i'll be back (:

just another silly crush

Monday, September 15, 2008

i can't believe that i am blogging almost every single day. HAHA.

so today my actual holiday started. lets hope it doesn't end too soon for me for the results would be released tonight.

i hibernated till 12 no i think 1. waking in between. i think waking up early this couple of weeks has in some way affected my sleeping timing. it feels kinda weird not going to work. for a while my mind would drift away back to when i was working. interacting with the people there.

okayy i know my entry recently has been very repetitive. but i just can't help it. just cross your fingers that this would be the last one. haha.

like i said i had numerous embarassing incident. i fell like twice during this two weeks. one was one when i was re-stocking the mooncakes. i moved too much on the chair and the four legs of the chair kinda got flimsy and i lost my balance. zomg. i fell. thank god i was in the kiosk. i don't think anyone notice. or at least no one mention it. heh. i got back on my feet in lighting speed.

another time was when i was on the way to throw the garbage bag i slip on the cloth that the other kiosk use to cover their stuff. gahh. thank god i had the huge garbage bag for my protection cos i fell on top of it. AHHHH. this time got ppl see can and its super embarassing. but! i quickly walk away like nothing happen before my colleague got a chance to see what happen. she just told me she heard a *bong* sound. heh heh.

lastly there is this major incident i was carrying 3 huge carton when i step onto the esclator to go down to the basement. okayy i lost my grip on one and it fell down the esclator. OMG. i can only remember the sound *dong dong dong dong dong* and everybody stare at me. *hides* thank god in front of me there was only a pair of father and son whom were quite a distance away from me and the dad caught the carton in time. tsk tsk. the worst worst thing was that right at the foot of the esclator were table and chairs were people were sitting eating the stuff from bengawa solo. oh man. its like sitting right in front of a screen and watching everything unfold. i got all the un-needed attention i could get. i heard someone behind me went tsk tsk tsk. ZOMG. and when it seems nothing could get worst. my shop had to be directly beside the esclator. so allllll my colleagues saw what happen. including mah cute guy. wahh. i couldnt lift up my head can. i almost wanted a hole to appear and swallow me.

coming to think of it. i'm one of the super blur person there. SUPER.

and after complaining to dodo she told me its okayy lah. it always happen in drama. you do something super embarassing and your knight in shining amour comes and find you cute and picks you up. unfortunately there is this word. DRAMA. and you could describe the awfully embrassing incident with any other word other than romantic. LOL.

yeah i think these marks the most "memorable" incident while working. other than the occasionally cutting and kiap-ing by the fridge door of my hands and fingers.

anw. just to side track. i totally love my current blog song. acoustic rocks bigtime. john mayer can just blow me off my feet anytime! (((: the name gives me an impression that he's a black guy. but to my surprise he's a caucasian. LOL.

the next entry would be the case of the mentally disturbed people in westmall. there are many can. and according to each and every special habits by them. they have their given names. HAHA.

till den~

lets pray for the 16th of september
i miss my cute guy X)


okayy its the last day of work. WOW. i didnt know that the last day of work could be so tough. not because its crowded like nobody's business. but because there is nobody!!!

do you know how super boring it is standing there the whole day doing nothing. i almost wanted to sleep. i was soooo sleepy to the point i wanted to cry luh. that boring. haha.

but morning was cool! AHA! i said morning to the cute guy. okayy. no the cute guy greeted me first. PUAHA! something to make my morning. to be exact he is not exactly cute lah. maybe a bit beng beng. but i think his single eyelid is kinda exotic. teehee.

so. they had a mini happy hour after work. i joined them for a bit and i totally love these bunch of people. i understand why everybody is so tense up during work. but after work they're a totally awesome bunch to chill out with. its a pity i couldnt stay for long. as you know. its already 11. when they started to chill. HAHA. but nevertheless. i'll still hope for a chance to work with them again. but these time round i'll be a lil more smarter regarding my pay. tsk tsk.

i'll be seeing them for the very last time when i return the company shirt to them. and den if there's a chance its another year before i'll see everyone again. and even so i wonder if my cute guy would be still there. HAHA!

alright so lets jump to another topic. some bloody ass just cheated my feelings. i tot the results would be out tonight. and so we have to wait for another day. WTH. can you understand my feelings. i have to tahan the anxious-ness for another bloody day. 24 HOURS!!! sian~

so lets now all pray for the 16th of sept.

p/s: sweetie i hope you ain't mad at me for not going alright. sorry i'm toooo shaggggg to go out tmr. i just ended standing for the past two weeks of my life. sorry alright. i hope you guys would have a great time tmr.

p/p/s: PUAHA! thanks benjamin for dropping by again. though he has a motive. -.= he wanted to see if he could get free mooncakes since its the last day today. LOL! thanks ar. the mooncakes is more important than a friend.

and so thats all for now folks! wait till i'm back tmr. i'm sooooo gonna hibernate!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

hello world.

tmr's my last day of work. for some reason instead of feeling relieve and elated. i'm kinda a little sad. i guess no matter how bad the pay is. the people there are really nice. at least those whom i have been interacting with at the kiosk.

i think i'll sortof miss the environment. though i believe no one would miss me. since i'm just another one of the part timers. you get what i mean? i cannot picture what would i be doing for the rest of the holiday. should i get another job? gahh. i dun like my days to be occupied by something that i am not planning for neither am i looking forward to. sigh~

to tell the truth i feel sad lehh. that from tmr onwards after waking up i won see the bunch of people again. no more cute guy ): haha! even though my legs hurts badly. and my hands are cut and bruised by so many things. i tot this time round the environment was great. i could open up more and joke around with the two ladies not like last year when i was so raw and new there.

but then again~ sigh~ there isn't such a thing called forever right. after this period everybody goes back to their normal schedule. we won't see each other again for another year? i guess. maybe. maybe not.

i believe i learn many things from the past two weeks that i am appreciative of. i am just wishing tmr wouldnt end so quickly. i just would and keep missing the times when i am occupied with something rather than whiling my time away.


many embarassing things has happened throughout these two weeks. but i'm too tired to mention it now. maybe after completing my job yeah.

haha. till den~

i pray for the 15th of september

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hellosss. i'm kinda feeling the blues now no idea why.

maybe it was the songs that i am randomly listening too.

anw. just a short update.

i'm gonna rant a little first.

it's super irritating to have to go back to sch for stupid reasons. who wants to go back for stupid talk and exhibition. its such a waste of time can. its not like anthing is gonna register in our head. and it spoils all our damm bloody schedule. like everyone knows part-times are not entitled to off day. so if we are working how in the world are we goona squeeze out time to attend the stupid talk?

no 2. if those who plan to look for jobs or continue to look for one. den how? to start with working for 1 mth is already very short. now within this one month i have to empty a few days for the talk. how to find work like that? that means we are only left with looking for does random jobs. instead of a proper 9-5 desk job. IT SUCKS CAN.

its not that i want to rant luh. but can't you just let us enjoy out holiday in peace sinces its OUR holiday. and not your holiday. stop bombarding us with talks and exhibition that is COMPULSORY for us to attend. you know a thing called democracy? we have a choice to choose if we wanna go back or not. like i say its OUR holiday. period.

okayy on a lighter note. working should be coming to an end for me. another 5 more days. coming to think of it if i count the hours that i have been working, i have been literally standing for 5 days of my life if you get what i mean. but! AHA! the company t-shirt that i am wearing is like a walking voucher/coupon lah. its like you get things discounted when you shop in the mall itself. there was one incident in guardian. but i still think it was the cahsier who key things improperly charging me for a bottle of water when i bought two. oh wellies~ too lazy to care.

den today i just discover that in a hidden corner of west mall, in between a shoe shop and tom and stef i think there is a small shop that sells korean ice cream. okayy maybe korean flavour ice cream to be exact. i went up to buy a 2 cones today. den the guy i think stare at my t-shirt. after a while i ask him how much is a cup of ice cream. he say its the same as the ice cream cone. $3.50 but he charge me 3 dollars! AHA! super cool! i must wear the shirt everytime i go west mall luh.

and surprise surprise! i saw guan lin today. mUAHA!i think he is super shock to see me. so am i. LOL! at first i was even thinking if i saw wrongly. there are just so many familiar faces at WM luh. den there was another time i say elizabeth chew. HAHA! cool.

but ehhh. the one never appears. HAHA. okayy. random.

so anw. single eyelid guys are actually kinda cute you know. i always tot they look weird. but. heyy. sometimes its not bad de loh. HAHA!

k luh. i too tired to go on. leave it to next time alrighty. BYE BYE FWENS~

Monday, September 8, 2008

HAHA! okayy. a short one. cos mr bloggie is almost starting to rot and decompose. but its not my fault lah. haha. i'm too dead tired to update it. so okayy. for my dear few and scarce readers,

hello hello. i'm b-a-c-k.

yes i have been working recently. and its a killer to stand from 10-10. com'on i was so worried that after 2 weeks of working i would have elephant legs. *cries*

but actually i don't exactly detest the current job although the pay as compare to other people *ahem* is half of it. WHICH. makes me very gek xin. but the people there are nice. ((: sometime i would have nice foodie to eat! AHA! thats a plus point. i see the advantage of working both upstairs and downstairs. as in the main shop and the kiosk. downstairs is really stressful cos there is just so many things ongoing at the same time. not only mooncakes. there is the ordering of kueh,cakes,chendol,coffee,tea. omg. and what not. and the thing is i couldnt really go behind the counter and help cos i believe i would only do more harm den help. didnt really wanna get in the way of others and irritate people.

so i could only stand outside and stand outside. HAHA! *okayy i did it on purpose* stand outside. the plus point is i don't get irritated by customer. cos as compare to upstairs i don't serve as much customer as i do in the kiosk

whereas when i'm working in the kiosk i can go behind the counter and help a bit when they are not very busy. i got to learn how to use to cashier though its fun. but super stressful. money leh. tsk tsk. i believe its the root of all evil. AHA! okayy luh. not always. but sometimes. i like to cut samples cos i think its fun. heh.heh.

but at the kiosk i see a lot of weird weird ppl. westmall has many many errrrr. short circuit people. like people who talks to noodles -.= people who randomly hit and scold people. errr. people who keeps taking sample.

then there are the normal people who just irritate the shit out of you. like one irritating chin* lady. keeps asking my question when i am serving a customer. i kinda got a sixth sense she wouldnt be buying. halfway she ran away -.= nothing better to do. den there is the sliding door of the fridge who keeps kiap-ing ppl. my poor fingers dunno suffer how many times already. den i almost cut my finger with the kinfe.thank god there wasnt any blood. ouhh then there's the plastic box thats keeps cutting my fingers too. SEE! i need to get insurance for my fingers. LOL!

but when its busy at the koisk, its really busy. almost to the extent of being stressful cos you have to serve so many customer at the same time. my legs are almost killing me already. at the end of the day. i think it has become too numb from standing the whole day.

so that marks more or less about my job so far. and OH!!! AHA. thanks benjamin for dropping by on sat. LOL. i think he happened to be around the bukit batok area yest. decided to drop by for a few samples *ahem* and a visit. eh heh. but a bit sorry. cos i was too busy refilling the samples to entertain him. heh!

i am still thinking if i wanna continue to work after the two weeks. cos to be truthful i haven exactly got a proper rest since exams ended. i went out consecutively for the next few days after exams and started work right after that. i haven exactly enjoyed a full 12 hour beauty sleep. but hearing mun buddy mention about getting a relief teacher job makes me kinda envious. i always wanted to try that out too but no opportunites ):

okayy lets make my next part-time job a relief teacher okayy! although i'm not sure if anybody wants me. HAHA!

seee. its a super long one right. i told you i cant stop if i start. let hope this entry is enough to cover me for a week.

till den~

*cross finger for the upcoming result release* i think everyone would be doing so luh. i'm super duper worried. just let me scrape through okayy. )))): super worried.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

back for some short updates.

sat. sun. was fun.

sat outing was tiring but its always lovely to chill with dodo. walking aimlessly around vivo, being penniless. alright. not exactly penniless. its just that there isnt really an ongoing income right now. as you know we are all poor students. haha. so we really do have to cut do our expenses. at least for me. heading out continuously since exams has ended it totally draining my savings.which i had a hard time keeping em safe.

sun. wild wild wet was not as fun as i expected. the most attractive ride was closed for renovation. bloody hell. they aren't gonna expect me to ever go back there again. bunch of $$ suckers. thank god for the ticket coupon. but they are quite good liars aren't they. giving people a false impression that admission is free so long as you cut out the coupon on the box of biscuits. but in actual fact its free admission if you buy a ticket. putting it simply its buy one get one free. wth. they totally didnt state anywhere on the ticket that in order to enjoy this offer you have to buy a ticket first. i feel so damm cheated can. i swear i'll never go back there again. unless the ticket pricing falls below 10. humph!

but dinner was amazingly sumptuous. uncle treated us all to seafood Paradise. the crab was simply succulent. its been a longg longg time since i had crab.

today's freaking tired. been out since 9 in the morning. first for german lesson which i had a hard time keeping myself awake. its like having a tonne of pillow hanging on your eyelids. i could hardly kept them open. followed by work. standing 4-10 is no joke. but having experiencing it before it wasn't as bad. and guess who i saw while working at westmall?! AHAHAH!!! MISS WEE PING!!!! i didnt know she lived around the area. LOL.

k. i mention its gonna be a short one. its already 1.08 and i am super tired. till i have more to update.
