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January 2007
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Friday, September 26, 2008
*warning. Long post ahead*
I'm back. Just a few random stuff and i'll get to the main point. I almost got lost to work today. Yest i had my aunty to lead the way. But nevertheless with my “powerful” sense of direction i manage to get to work safe and sound. Time is really ticking really slowly at work. Boring. It rained like cats and dog today. I got so irritated. Cos my entire shoe was soaked. I hate it when it rains when i have to go out. I mean who doesn't right. I only love it when it rains at night when its everybody's sleeping time. Its just so nice and comfy to know that its raining heavily outside while you are tucked comfortably in bed ready to sleep. Sigh~ And i realise there is a tv in frnt of me in the servicing room. I think its for those customer who have to wait for the person to come out to serve them but the thing is it its tune to channel 5. no subtitles and i can't hear a single thing from here. So i guess its pointless for me -.= So back to the main point. Basically there has been this issue of the china's tainted milk containing melamine.You know when ppl around you start asking you wat course you are doing and when you tell them food science, they will usually go. Huh? Wat science. Have you face this type of reaction before? I had it like almost every single time. In actual fact my parents aren't sure what i'm doing either. Esp my mum. Sometimes she just keeps asking me what future this course has. cos when ppl around her ask her what i will be working as in future she doesn't know how to reply them. Many often relate this course to cooking. Don't you think so? They usually go. “oh so you will be working as a chef when you come out to work” or “oh so you basically cook in your course?” i mean yes that is one of the job opportunites provided you work towards that area. If you ask me base on mainly this course no. i don't think we are qualified to be a chef using our current diploma. I guess ppl mainly sterotype food with cooking. But com'on isn't there something more to food than cooking? I sometimes get offended when ppl mention that this course doesn't have a good prospect in future. Why? Because its just cooking. There is definitely something more to food other than cooking. Take this melamine case for example. How does your food safety come about? Its not handle by any tom, dick or harry from a business diploma. How do you get new food products? Its not just created with a snap of a finger by some random person from a optometry course. These are all done by someone who have taken a diploma in something similar to food science. And recently after testing the milk for melamine, it was also tested that it contained a kind of pathogen called enterobacter sarkarvii. Don't you find all these very familiar. I mean in the past we usually just study blindly. Most of the time we are also very unclear as to where can we apply all these that we have study. But i think i'm slowly starting to see where the industry needs us. Seriously we aren't studying to just become a chef you know. There is more depth to the course then what people have in mind. I know this is rather off the hat. But after reading so many newspaper article about the melamine case i can't help but start thinking how its so similar to what we are doing and how much misconception people have regarding the course i'm / we're taking. So dear people food is not always = cooking. there is so much more to food than just cooking alrighty. (: i believe i just finish writing an essay. so thats all for now. Adios! |