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Saturday, November 29, 2008
i think they should banned the usage of those drilling kind of machine cos the sounds is just pure annoying. grrrrr. i wonder how those workers in the construction site can stand all that noise without going deaf.
this morning while i was enjoying my beauty sleep, suddenly this irritating drilling sound came from somewhere. zomg. its pure torture trying to sleep through that din. i got so frustrated kicked my leg high up and i ended up bruising my toe again. -.= i happen to kick the chair that's in front of my bed. greatttt. not. sigh.i'm wasting my time doing shitty stuff but can't get my mind back on important stuff. i needa go camp up some mountain with my notes away from technology, away from food. go mediate in my seas of notes. double sighh~
Thursday, November 27, 2008
i THINK imma genius in getting myself sick. seriously.
i went nuts yest night. the captain's ball must have ate up a whole lot of my energy cos i got really really hungry in the middle of the night. i had nth much to do with except cocoa balls cereal in my frigde and banana milk. i hate the taste of banana milk. which meant i only had cococa balls to deal with. so nutty me decided to go to the extreme. i added two tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter to my cereal. that wasn't just that. haha! i poured a couple of spoonful of milo powder to my already weird cereal. imagine the calories. TSK! but i think its extremely heaty. and to add on, i had this fried hotdog bread in sch today and devoured an entire packet of hot and spicy chips at home. took a nap and wala! i had a weird feeling in my throat. and to add to that it was spicy mee siam for dinner. it will be a miracle if i didnt fall sick if i keep up with my eating habits. tsk tsk. its time to take in my fluids. 3L of water a day. say what?! haha. i can hardly do with 1L of water a day. to lazy to drink em. unless its flavored beverage. muahahah!~ sch ended early today. and i decided to try out the new xbox game. haha! i'm lovin it~ harry potter and the order of Phoenix. its so story base and the casting of spell part with the wand is just fun fun fun. haha! if it wasnt for all the work, i would be freaking stuck to the xbox till now. SHUCKS. i succedeed in wasting my time today. great. and i still wanna watch tv. tell me how am i gonna survive this sem. SIGH!~ till den. happy CTS! not.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
hello!~ hello!~
i'm fresh and cleaned (: hee. today's captain ball match was awesome! though i did some screaming alone. uhmmmmm. HAHA. but otherwise it was madness with dodo and munny. teehee. you can literally hear us screaming from the opposite court. N0000OOOOOoooooooo~ Woowooooo~ bahahah!! there were a couple of mighty eggciting matches which of course does not only include our class. but other matches too. observing the matches was just plain funny.like how the ball bounce out of the court and directly into the indian worker's "trolley" or whatever you called it filled with dead leafs! (while he was waling by!) in the end the indian worker picked the ball from his "trolley" return to them and rolled away happily. teehee!i just feel like laughing, while trying to re-nact the scene in my head then there was the scene with jiesheng ( i know you're reading ) standing in the court half bare-footed. LOL! he kicked his shoe away as it dropped off in the midst of the match and guess what?! the referee made him put it on. BAHA! it sounds really silly when you're hear him speaking about it. there were just many many hilarious things that make all of us burst out laughing. esp me and dodo. but its just tooooo many to say. TT was just plain semangat ( copy from munny. hee!) quote: this is what i'm talking about man! *smacks ball* UHMMMMMMM. HAHAH!! but its fun. really. esp playing in the rain. HA! but(again) one thing. its just a game. yes. its competitive i know. but at the end of it. its just for fun and laughter and producing happy hormone (own joke) so don't take it TOOOO seriously. enjoy and have fun eh. *winks* there were a couple of cute guys around. heehee! dodo and my taste match for once. with the earring guy. he's hott *grinz* then there was another one with the green whistle. he's cuteee! *shyshy* AHAHHA!!!~ oPps! HAHA! ouhh and the viewing of the jfk assination, white tiger attack and the self-tortured pictures was just plain scary. i couldnt bear to watch the white tiger attacks cos its just horrible. i took a couple of glimps and am already squealing in pain ( for the poor guy. tsk tsk). no one dare to continue reading the blog filled with self-tortured pics. ewwwww~ its just plain plain disgusting. seriously. why do such things?! AND! xiaxue blog filled with the pics she photoshop was plain funny HAHA! the high eye-brow one was super classic. not forgetting the yucky what's-the-guy-name?! AH! steven lim. haha. he's forgettable X) finally two presentation down. but there are common test to go. great. and sigh!~ there is food safety CT on 9 dec. bestttttt. pffttt. i have no idea how i'm gonna start. sigh!~ okok! that's all for zi day. ciao!
Monday, November 24, 2008
finally the horrible nightmare is over over over! my lappy, handphone memory card, thumbdrive are all fixed fixed fixed! and best of all i dun have to reformat mr lappy! which means all my songs songs songs which are actually very very very important to me are all retained. a big thank you to my daddy's colleague who helped me remove the virus.literally removing it. and a BIGGIE thank you to daddy too! *grinz* after so many days of nightmare or should i say a week of nightmare, its time for sweet dreams to be back all the emo elmo thoughts of the virus will be thrown far far far back. heh heh!~ i'm gonna be a happy kiddo for the rest of the day. WAHOO!~
Sunday, November 23, 2008
sigh!~ its still bugging me like mad. there are still times when i can't help but think why am i the only one left in this bothersome situation. when the one who caused it has everything going well. when will it be time when it can be solved?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
great dinner with the common few. (: although i reek of bbq smell after just showering three hours ago. gahhh.
that all for the day. another weekend flown away. i wonder if the targeted person read my entry yest. muahahah!~ must be shot by me like mad. grrrrrrr. step on my tail and you'll get payback time! *evil grinz* why am i so fucking silly? i can't believe it still hurts after such a long time. didnt it go away already? just make it go away. i can't think if it no longer. i know its not worth it. but how can i help? i need one who can make all this go away. i know when one comes it would. but when will it. i'm tired of waiting. and didnt i already say. i'm no longer waiting. ironic. sigh~
Friday, November 21, 2008
HELLO!~ i believe some people have been watching this space, expecting an explosive entry.
well well. i'm gonna have a miniature ranting session and then be ALL forgiving at the end. just watch me. excuse mister. if you have NO idea what that T word indicates. i suggest you do some checking up on the net before you open your mouth and blabber like a fool. making a COMPLETE FOOL of yourself harms no one but yourself. it degrades yourself even further although to start off with, you NEVER had a good image. but i guess you didnt do any self-check which i recommend you do. being **** doesn't mean you can open your mouth and blabber. although singapore practise the freedom of speech, that doesn't give you a right to criticise others. okayy. maybe you can criticise but if you can use that puny brain of yours, you'll know how keep it to yourself. Going around like a gossip monger and spreading rumours is just awfully disgusting. for god sake. look at yourself. you're made out of XY chromosomes. which means you're a GUY! i've never EVER in my life, seen a guy like you. or maybe GUYS ( with the underline S) I'm totally appalled at the fact that you call people names. EXCUSE ME. i'm not even close to you in the first place. i can TRUTHFULLY say you're not even my friend. guess what. you're just my cohort mate. which means you don't know me well. and just based on that, you have ABSOLUTELY ZILCH! right on calling people names. GROW UP PUH-LEASE. you're EIGHTEEN. another year of schooling means your gonna go for your enlistment. act your age. and stop being a baby. otherwise it means you'll have to undergo a blanket party!~ woo. if you even know what that means with that limited brain expansion of yours i'm totally regretting how i helped you recently. i must have been possessed. seriously. you know what. you can totally forget about coming to me for help. now and forever. you're disgusting you know that. irritating piece of crap. OKAY!~ i've let off my steam. so let's watch me be forgiving. wellies ( part 2 ) i'm totally gonna forget this incident cos you're just a nobody to me. you're impression of me, i don't give a damm. as the saying goes. what comes around, goes around. beware of karma mister. BEWARE. and i'm not gonna take the entire incident to heart. cos it'll just make the gossip monger achieve his motive. end of story. period. OH AND TO ADD! to hell with you. peace out!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
BIB number 013. 049. 057.
i'm back from the NYP campus run. totally shagged. but it was a fun experience really. something i have never tried before. and with the companion of candy and munny its even greater! *grinz* 4.8km, jogging without stopping is no joke. i almost died trying to run up that steep slope not once. but twice. i just so wanted to stop on the spot and pant. but since i've came a longggg way. why stop right. hee hee. i was overtaken by a girl -.= at the ending point whom i had no time to take a good look at her. i just wanted to finish the race with just a few more steps to go. and thats that. LOL. actually ah i was kinda touched by my batch of FS ppl leh. if i never remember wrongly, one of them was bernice and some of her friends. they were volunteering as marshals for the race and during the our second round, as we ran past them they actually scream our names lehh. cheering us on. i was going down the pathway and suddenly i hear ppl screaming my name behind. hee. i'm surprise that they even know my name (: to think that our own class ppl weren't there. haa. and it wasn't just me. mun and candy both experience the same thing! munny was even surprise that they were able to call out her full name. LOL! nice bunch of ppl ((: so today as i step out of the house i was kinda watchful of the weather. upon reaching yck mrt station there was the sun shining brightly with a few dark clouds insight. i just kept hoping it would go away. who knows by the time i reached sch, it was already drizzling. and by the time mun finish printing her stuff at the bookshop, it was already pouring like nobody's business. and the sentence i read kept repeating in my head. under bad weather, the organisers have the rights to cancel the event. oh man! doesn't that mean that i have made a wasted trip to sch?!! to think i had no school toay and had specially went down for that event. by the time we reach the stadium, i had already prepared myself that the event would be cancelled. the three of us even kept thinking they would just give us the shirt and ask us to go home. surprisingly, they entire committe was really persistant in carrying out the event. we waited for like 1/2-45mins for the rain to stop and went for the registration. 15 mins later as we thought it had finished raining, there suddenly was a drizzle which later on morph into another heavy rainstorm. and we waited for another 45mins. finally the event got kicked off. and it was fun wooo-ing all the way. BAHAHA. candy had her eyes set on good-looking guys. haha. she told me there were a few not bad ones around. actually there were manyyyy loh. BAHAHAH!!~ kk. i have no idea why i had typed so much for this event. prolly to make a mark so that i can remember next time that my poly life is not that boring and mundane. at least i tried making it more colourful and what more together with friends *winks* i took a couple of pic. but i can't upload it yet cos there is major prob with the phone. sighh~ neither could i take many pics cos there is a possibility that they would be ALLL gone. so what's the point right. alrighty!~ ending on a not so happy note. till then~ ps/: minwoo and amy are dating. WOO!~ that's cute =DD
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
i'm tired of the poker face i'm tired of the poker face i'm tired of the poker face
what can i say what can i say what can i say what can i say what can i say fuck. i simply CANNOT understand. fuck fuckety fuck fuck. can i not give a flying fuck about anything else? WHY?!!!!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
it doesn't pay to be nice. i dun mean anything. so don't take it to heart. its just that i cannot understand why i would end up in such a situation when all i was trying to do was to help. just go away. just make the problem go away. i would be glad as anything else. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I wonder if you still have it.
cos it meant something to me. By your bedside like you promise? or in the bin, breaking your promise?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
end of the happy weekends ):
i was uberly high yest. and its all because shi pei told me there would be a live telecast of MKMF a korean music festival online yest. i eagerly dl the GOM player. in the beginning it was okayy. some streaming prob here and there. but it was super boring cos it was only the red carpet. so after anticipating for 1 1/2hr, the actual event started. and that was where my nightmare began. the streaming was super slowwwww. it went like * play, jerk jerk, play, skip skip, play, jerk* grrrrrrr tell me how to watch like that. -.= finally i gave up. and still trusted my good'ol youtube for the updates! not forgetting to mention after giving up for an hour, i decided to try it once more and it so happen, bigbang was performing with hyori. and i didnt missed the most eggciting part. the "suspense kiss of the year" muahahha!!~ after that i just totally give up with the thing. and did other things. but i really have to apologise to shi pei. HAHAH!~ i was super super high on msn. and i ended up spamming her with my highness X) anw! i sweated today.nah i didnt go jogging =X instead i played badminton with the family. consider that as a form of exercise okay! *winks* i have no idea how i'll pull through this week campus run. provided it doesn't rain *cross finger* but. well. its all in the name of fun! i finally got mr KJK album. love love love it. i think it will playing on my hp for the next say 1 1/2 week *grinz* so this weekend is almost coming to an end. i still can't believe its almost coming to the end of sunday. still feel saturday-ish to me. sigh~ there's more work to be done. ASA ASA fighting!~ till then~ (:
Friday, November 14, 2008
yippie Ya!
i'm done with food processing. uber fun. i love calculation. just that i'm still too careless to handle them. TSK. i took a good half an hour to see my stupid mistake. best -.= but it's fun nevertheless. rather than all those boring memo stuff. i have come to love pract and hate reports too! LOL. that's all for now cos i forgot what i wanna say hee. imma new. sasha fierce. MUAHAHA!~ munny is munyra deselfish. (she name it herself. *grinz*) Zis is soooo fun. let's see den LXX is XX decross. BAHAH!~ den vanessa is Vanessa delorry. its all in the name of fun. right ppl. dun take it to heart! *winks*
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
if you're a regular visitor here, you might just have seen the entry where i was swearing. it has totally no relation to the *chill pill* post. its just so happen that i blogged on the same day at a different time and it got stuck together. so its a separate issue all together.
anw i just realise a foolish mistake of mine. i kept thinking this week is week 6 and week 7 is coming right up. so i kept freaking out when i think of the biotech proj plus everythig else. turns out that this week is just week 5. *heave a sigh of relief* my temper these days are really bad. tsk. i know i should do something about it. but i just can't find the right way to do it. i rant like mad. whine like mad. i'm sorry if these annoys you when i'm around you aites (: take everything with a pinch of salt. stop lamenting. yunrong. take a step back and you'll see the wide horizon. *grinz* till then. ciao!~
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
*chill pill taken*
pffttt. you can imagine how pissed off a lady can be if you were to totally ignite that bomb. totally love this phrase. *newsflash* know what? phrase of the day: if you didnt get what you want, it doesn't mean the rest doesn't deserve it. case C.L.O.S.E.D -period-
Monday, November 10, 2008
everything is everywhere. i can hardly recollect my thoughts on what i have to do. GAHHHH!!~ all i know is that there is many things to do. zomg.
german movie yest was duper boring -.= the ending was so super abrupt. i have no clue what i have been watching so far. one thing. i cannot endure marlene lecture. howw~ i totally have zilch idea what she is trying to say. she seems to be talking to herself always. and her new zeland accent is like. Z.O.M.G i never knew new zelanders have this accent that is so. so hard to understand. gahh. its like the most boring lecture of allll. besides tsk. sigh~ i know this is a ranting post. can't help it either. )):
Saturday, November 8, 2008
okayy i just SCREWED up my previous blogskin. i lost all my cbox code and counter code. so SUPERB. i barely manage to salvage my blog with this skin which looks kinda nice. but. i'm too lazy to do all the necessary changes. maybe when i'm in the mood. bear with me for awhile ppl (:
german movie tmrwwwwwww~ and i scored an 84 for my german external exam. wahoo!~ i'm not trying to be a showoff. but it means a great deal to me okayy. i thought i would barely be able to make it when i started to study for my exams. X) but in anyway. congrats to my german peeps! wahoo!~
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
its been awhile. tsk. sch is really taking up loads of everybody's time loh. i hardly had time to take a breather not to mention updating mr bloggie. i was super high awhile ago cos *fangirls scream* bigbang released their new album and the songs in there are LOVE. i can't wait to *erhem* them *grinz* anw~ i can hardly recall what have happened for the past week. everything just fizzes by. tsk. but as far as i know. nothing interesting happen. life's a bore with all but what not. PROJECTS -.= i'm just glad there's always music to pull me through. my one stop for motivation. at least my mind won't start to wonder off elsewhere. i believe i have not come to terms with some stuff. cos sometimes it just tugs at my heartstring and make my heart ache. i can never understand how did things became how they are now cos you never bother to give me an explanation. but i'm still appalled at how the tables are turned. up till now. i never knew i would have a chance to be in this kinda position. not once did it cross my mind. but i guess its how things happened. no explanation given. *snap* |