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January 2007
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
BIB number 013. 049. 057.
i'm back from the NYP campus run. totally shagged. but it was a fun experience really. something i have never tried before. and with the companion of candy and munny its even greater! *grinz* 4.8km, jogging without stopping is no joke. i almost died trying to run up that steep slope not once. but twice. i just so wanted to stop on the spot and pant. but since i've came a longggg way. why stop right. hee hee. i was overtaken by a girl -.= at the ending point whom i had no time to take a good look at her. i just wanted to finish the race with just a few more steps to go. and thats that. LOL. actually ah i was kinda touched by my batch of FS ppl leh. if i never remember wrongly, one of them was bernice and some of her friends. they were volunteering as marshals for the race and during the our second round, as we ran past them they actually scream our names lehh. cheering us on. i was going down the pathway and suddenly i hear ppl screaming my name behind. hee. i'm surprise that they even know my name (: to think that our own class ppl weren't there. haa. and it wasn't just me. mun and candy both experience the same thing! munny was even surprise that they were able to call out her full name. LOL! nice bunch of ppl ((: so today as i step out of the house i was kinda watchful of the weather. upon reaching yck mrt station there was the sun shining brightly with a few dark clouds insight. i just kept hoping it would go away. who knows by the time i reached sch, it was already drizzling. and by the time mun finish printing her stuff at the bookshop, it was already pouring like nobody's business. and the sentence i read kept repeating in my head. under bad weather, the organisers have the rights to cancel the event. oh man! doesn't that mean that i have made a wasted trip to sch?!! to think i had no school toay and had specially went down for that event. by the time we reach the stadium, i had already prepared myself that the event would be cancelled. the three of us even kept thinking they would just give us the shirt and ask us to go home. surprisingly, they entire committe was really persistant in carrying out the event. we waited for like 1/2-45mins for the rain to stop and went for the registration. 15 mins later as we thought it had finished raining, there suddenly was a drizzle which later on morph into another heavy rainstorm. and we waited for another 45mins. finally the event got kicked off. and it was fun wooo-ing all the way. BAHAHA. candy had her eyes set on good-looking guys. haha. she told me there were a few not bad ones around. actually there were manyyyy loh. BAHAHAH!!~ kk. i have no idea why i had typed so much for this event. prolly to make a mark so that i can remember next time that my poly life is not that boring and mundane. at least i tried making it more colourful and what more together with friends *winks* i took a couple of pic. but i can't upload it yet cos there is major prob with the phone. sighh~ neither could i take many pics cos there is a possibility that they would be ALLL gone. so what's the point right. alrighty!~ ending on a not so happy note. till then~ ps/: minwoo and amy are dating. WOO!~ that's cute =DD |