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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i'm very honoured to be able to get hold of the book.

Dear charlie, letters to a lost daughter.

It is a very thought evoking and tear jerking book though not all might agreed with me. BUT. you know reading it with the right kind of music. i cried like three time on the mrt while reading it on the way home. omggg. i wanted to hide under a blanket and bawl my eyes out.

i remembered discovering the book like 1 or 2 years ago in the popular and i was already touched by it. sadly i didnt get a chance to read the whole book. but then again i was glad that i share the story with mun cos one week ago, she actually found the book in the lib and borrowed it.

i saw it in her bag today and apparently she was intending to return it. and i borrowed it from her instead! she didnt think the book was nice enough due to the massive introduction of many characters. but i pull through that bit and the rest of the story just came pouring in.

Speaking so much about it, i have yet to mention what it is about.

Letters to a lost daughter is a true story about a 13 year old girl Charlotte thompson when her friend and her were being killed by a train. The story just foretell how the family cope with the loss of a daughter, sister and a grandaughter. Charlie's father tried writing letters to her as if she's on a holiday trip and she would be back. and he would write about what is happening in the family and how badly he and everyone missed her.

just a small para from the book for those who are interested.

Hello Charlie,
Not mcuh has happened today. Mummy is washing the kitchen, throwing away some dead flowers and picking out live ones to make new bunches. She hasn't siad very much. I cuddle her as much as i can. Horsey slept until midday on the floor in the living room. That's where we've all been sleeping since you went away. I can't talk aobut you as if you aren't coming back. I can't say "used" or "loved" or any word ending with "d".
I love you, darling,

i really strongly strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good read (:

i can't wait continue with the book at night in my bed, my comfort zone. and i think i would continue crying esp with a song like (ocean size love by leigh nash) playing in the background.

i guess i'll be reduced to a tearing mess.

death just tugs at my heartstring like nobody business. i'm deeply frightened by it. paranoid maybe.

it has always been that way ever since i was a child.

things aren't there forever, you'll never know when they be gone. and once they're gone, its gone forever.

being gone forever means its never going to come back. what were the last words that were said would be there forever. you can't change it and there's nothing you can do about it.

we've always hoped that things will last, but deep down inside, we know that its never possible. face each day with grace and be appreciative of what is around you be it a mistake or an expression or even down to nitty gritty stuff like what was the food you last ate together.

no matter how much effort you have taken to be appreciative of what the others has done for you, it's never enough. when its gone, you'll feel lost. but cry your hearts out then pick yourself up.

memories will always be there just between the two of you. private and away from the public eye.

learn to live each day with grace and don't lament your fate.

i felt so touched after reading a friend's blog. from her outer facade, you'll never know that such drastic things had happened back at home. you'll never know who will be the next one and it might just jolly well be you.

cross our finger and pray for your loved and cherish ones.

life is fragile no matter how strong it appears to be.

there won't be many next times.

live everyday as if it your last. its a common phrase.

but have you been able to execute it? have i?

thank you friend for giving me such a valuable lesson in life. be strong. and i know you will.

we ain't close. but i'll keep you in my prayers.


Saturday, April 25, 2009


this week was no less dramatic den a blockbuster movie. it's kinda sad for the people dragged into the turmoil. tsk tsk.

sch IS a bore. its getting tougher and tougher each time. like it's super easy for us to clear every stage every single sem. ALTHOUGH. this sem has pretty awesome stuff like openbook exams and exam-less modules.

but STILL! the lessons are super dry esp the stupid food biz! and fd chem. 6mths ago i cannot understand marlene's accent. 6 mths later, i STILL! cannot understand her accent. you know her voice to me is like a buzzing sound in the background i simply have no interest in listening to her. PFFTT.

and the it doesn't help that the damm weather is freaking HOT! except for the occasionally jumbo wind blowing at night follow by heavy rainfall. my favourite part of the day. you cuddle in your blanket while the world outside is whirling like a whirlpool.

the weekend is short and we're left with one more day to do before the vicious starts all over again. sigh sigh~

till the next boring update. that's all folks!

enjoy the sweltering weather. NOT.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

its a tough year ahead ):

brace up and pull through everyone.


Monday, April 20, 2009

SCHOOL! was a blast today. NOT.

damm. it was an extremely overloaded day. guess what. i went to sch mentally prepared to slack the entire day away. wellies. it just prove that i'm living in a sweet sweet sweet dream. first lesson and i was already without notes. i forgot to print. i wasn't aware that we were given the notes already. prolly because my brain wasn't functioning well. pffttt.

thank god there was mun! (: i photocopied from her. first lesson. dry dry dry. plus here comes along the first project. WAHOO. on the VERY first day of school. never mind. we were release early. very early infact. and the three of us just did something silly. it was the whole wait-for-it-to-turn-11-for-mac's-lunch kinda thing. HAHA. its like waiting for the clock to strike 11 so that we can rush into a sale. that same anxiousness. LOL! we even had time to catch half a movie in the lib. GUI AH GUI AH! damm the movie was super hilarious.


and the watermelon rolled.


we didnt manage to finish the whole show. but nevermind. there will always be a next time.

then came the dry dry and even dryer lesson ):

followed by the food biz bomb. GOD i hate being out of my comfort zone. grrrrrrr. that seriously was info overload. we or at least i was kinda zonk out. literally.

i didnt expect to do so much on the first day. i wasn't mentally prepared. well maybe its time to be eh.

after school, i decided to go check out the blouse i saw last thurs at cotton on. guess what i bought it. hee hee. its like i was "hyptonised" i kept seeing the blouse around me. last sat i saw a girl wearing and today again! in school. another girl was wearing it. prolly was the last straw. i want to own it!

hee hee. by the time i went there the blouse was ALMOST sold out. all that was left was all xs. luckily i saw a M in the midst of other clothes. went to tried it out and surprisingly, i thought i like the size xs better. muahaha.

sat shopping trip with dodo turned out QUITE fruitful for me. though i was the one who spent a BOMB again. pfffttt. i got everything ready for school. yeah!

tmr's a long day. but at least i get to sleep in for abit. lets prepare ourselves all over again.

till the next tiring day gets over and done with.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

YUP. so it has come to and end.

tea with my supervisor was super duper awesome. she treated us swenson! how nice right ((: and the three of us chatted over "lunch cum tea"

seriously the new pizza from swenson, america hamburger pizza. ironic name i know. is so so good. really.

we had so much fun just talking about everything. since its over, we could almost speak about every single thing that we have noticed in school. mini politics, weird teachers, weird students. SO FUN.

and the group of relief teachers that i spoke about, they're really sweet people. one of them even drew something for the both of us!

last but not least, my partner who had shared this entire experience with me throughout the one month (: brenda!

i just realise that we didnt take a pic with the group of relief teachers. so sad )):

its off to the exchange session tmr. and WAHOO! time on sat. teehee.



ghost whisper is such a tear jerker. whenever i had time in sch i'll be watching them and without fail! i would always tear towards the end. EVERY episode. and its super embarassing to do that in sch.

so i always do it secretly. teehee.

if one day i watch ghost whisper and i don't cry. there's something wrong with me. though i'm still pretty stuck to the first season. i have no idea where to watch the other seasons ):

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



muahahha! although i'm not left with much to spent. thanks to me myself and I for spending my future money. pffttt.

tmr's the last day. its kinda saddening. i'm sure i'll miss the atmosphere. sigh.

would it just be? (:


i am a very PARANOID person. so here is another understanding yunrong NO. 101.

if you have yet to see the news OR! receive any email whatsoever, it is rumoured that there would be a major tsunami coming on the 22nd july 2009. its gonna hit asia including SINGAPORE.

when i did some searching on the net, there were ppl who dismissed the whole thing by saying its not possible for an eclipse to trigger a tsunami base on its gravitational pull or something. i know its so sciency.

i wanted to ignore it at first. but then my mum called me out at night to listen to the news, though i missed it -.= she told me that the upcoming tsunami incident was reported. it is to be believed that the tsunami would be coming from tokyo.

you know these people were saying to keep away from the coast during the mth of july. i mean com'on singapore is so friggin small. i bet one tsunami is enough to drown the entire nation. what can keeping away from the coast do. right?

i dunno i just find it so scary. knowing that everyone around you might just _______ in 2 mths time. how can????

i'm just super scared. and i keep scaring myself with all those stupid thoughts. i mean look at us. we wasted almost 20 years of our life studying. we have yet to get into relationships, get a career, set up a family.

if we were gonna die soon, it means that we have wasted our entire life studying and achieving nothing. )))))))))))):

its so hard not to think about it. SO HARD.

okayy. i'm paranoid. anyone getting into it just like me?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


this IS week 4. i really believe i will miss this experience. no doubt i really learn something from this informative 4 weeks. i bet its one of the most fufilling holidays i have ever spent.

i learnt more about myself. and its very sad that i'm still very much and still am an introvert. i can't speed up my pace of opening up to people. HOW???

maybe i someone should create a how-not-to-be-an-introvert-and-sit-there-and-laugh-sillie course. den i'll go and attend. tsk tsk.

HAHA. okayy enough said. i really cannot believe that up till now, i have almost spend half of my haven-reach-my-pocket-yet salary. PFFTTT. give me the damm money already. i guess its the last day to spent this coming weekend since sch is starting next week. HOHO~ should i just spent a bomb this sat? i got so many things i want ): maybe its time i should self convince that its time to spent my hard earn money. at least i save half of it right! hee hee. i wanttttt. and i'm so materialistic! shitto.

THAT has gotta change.

anww~ its the first ever korean song i have place as my blogsongs. i usually don't upload korean songs cos i'm sure not EVERYONE will appreciate it as compare to english songs. BUT! i think this song is super awesome. it has this eng RnB feel. I LIKE! so i shall share. ((:

i'm a happy girl when i pop in my earpiece recently cos yours truly has dl-ed many many korean songs. which are duper nice! i bet you won't know how to appreciate the following artist if you don't listen to korean songs. so sad ):

but never mind. i'm so into

bae seul gi - tiresome!!
son dambi - saturday night!
deez - entire album. esp! GO!
Chung lim
AJ - dancing shoes!
Last but not least
Chun G - weakly man feat wondergirls yoobin!

i started mass dl-ing because of that one song. feat wondergirls yoobin and i stumble upon this mass treasure of korean songs. MUAHAHA!


okayy. i gonna start sounding like a crazy fan-girl cum bimbo. save you the misery.

i'm gonna end off on this note.

till DEN! ciao ciao! (:

*ihavenoreasonwhyi'msohighhere. pardonme.* =D teehee.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


someone just stop me from eating already. either that. or just kill me.



Saturday, April 11, 2009

SUDDENLY. there is this wondergirl nobody craze.

dear lord. when you thought it was over, suddenly you see ppl's nick, FB doing this "i want nobody nobody but chu" *point, clap clap, point*

its so. UHMMMM. idk how to express it. weirdddd. cos i thought i was overrrrrr like at least 6 mths ago. HMMMM.

i officially cannot stay up late anymore.

sleeping at 12 plus everyday helped to intune my biological clock to a normal state. i'll feel duper sleep once the clock strike 12. it that bad?

i used to be able to do random things till 4 in the morning and yet still feel not tired. weirdddoooooo.

a good three days break though i'm pretty much rotting at home. i can't even sleep till 2-3pm anymoreeee. i'm super amaze with my current biological clock. LOL.

there's still some work to do for wk 4. i can't believe that we're coming to the end of the internship soon. that's kinda saddddd.

anw. recently i just finish watching a jap drama! i took two days to finish it. teehee. if you're interested its call mei's butler. 10 episodes its like zoom zoom zoom. finished. pretty nice though. i like!

muahaha. thats all for my ranting once again.

Some things in life are explained using an on and off switch...black and white...there's no middle ground. Love, however, falls in that middle ground. It's one of the rare aspects of life where there is no black and white. People embroil themselves with love...only to discover that there is a scale. Each scale of love is defined by....I don't know...ingredients in a way. One kind of love is for mankind......or material goods. Then there's love based on fond memories, emotional bonds...that's love for friends and family. Finally, we get to love based on physical and emotional intimacy...it's passionate and active. What you feel for me, is similar to your love for brother. It's the kind of love based on memories and an emotional bond you share with a close member of the family. It's static and stable. You love oppa, your closest friends, omoni and abeoji...me....but you're not in love with any one of us. Human beings can't control who we fall in love with..it's physically impossible. The heart is a labyrinth...a maze that we don't know where it'll lead us. When you reach the end of that maze...it won't be me waiting...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you know. i'm just running out of things to do at home.

worst still that boys before flower is finally over. i have no idea what kinda vids i wanna watch. everything seems so blahhh. the only only only thing that i'm looking forward to is ANTM. which would be uploaded tmr.

school has been really taxing. sleeping at 12 plus and waking up at 6 plus everyday is sucking the energy outta me. i wake up everyday only to be thinking of sleeping when i get home i think its rather stupid.

whatmore having to put together what i should wear for the day is so damm troublesome. somedays i have to spent literally 10mins wearing and changing wearing and changing. i just miss the times in poly where i can literally just throw on what i want with simple dear'ol skinnies. sigh~

i sound so demoralise here which i'm not actually. i'm just bored. and sleepy. and feeling too lazy to shower. blahhhh.

thank god for the 2 hour time-off tmr. i get to have another extra 2 hour of sleep. deeply in need no doubt.

thats all for my once in awhile ranting.

till things get more energertic for me.

nighty people!

i want a getaway. sigh ): &


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Before 7th of april come to end.


Thank you for always fufilling my materialistic wants.

Thank you for being such a great daddy that i can so joke and play around with though your temper suck. just like mine! no wonder you're my dad. or should i say no wonder i'm your daughter.

but still, happy 48th birthday and may you have more awesome birthday to come and do stay healthy always!


i sound as if my dad will read this. hoho. but never mind it doesn't matter.

will be back for more updates! cherrios peepole! (:

OH. and did i mention. my current love is MR wu jing =DDDD muahaha~ i think he looks abit like junsu ya'know. charismatic. hee hee okayy. *shy*

Saturday, April 4, 2009

ANYEONG!! i'm back for round 2!

this is week 2 of the attachment and things are definately picking up. monday and tuesday kinda went by like a breeze i couldnt really remember what happened. i almost forgot where i left off and which day was it and was pondering mentioning that i went to the gym this week which i did. on monday. haha just that i kinda forgot i already blogged about it. but i went jogging on thur again though! i found a new jogging place near my estate! very cool. (:

so we should just start from tue! hee hee.

met up with stinky dodo! whom i accidentally gave her 2 nice blueblack as a meet and greet present! i felt a teensy weensy wave of guilt. but now remembering how she gave me cuts and bruises too. i shouldn't be feeling bad right! muahahha~ *i'm evil*

so okayy. met her at kovan and i was late. not that my time management suck. but it was because the bloody 67 is super hard to wait and i still have not grasp the intervals at which the bus will be coming. headed down to the dp/topshop warehouse sales. some warehouse sales it is. i think the two of us just missed out by alot. it was the last day tat we went and i bet all the things were actually swept out during the past month. what were left there were remains of a stampede. hoho. we had evidence. and it was a pretty classic one too. ms lim would know. haha!

ended up we went all the way there and shop for a few accessories and dodo a blouse too. i confirmed my suspicion that she has a craze for yellow clothings recently. haha! walked back to heartland mall and had a sumptuous dinner at thai express to end the dinner we had some dessert there. i'm too lazy to elaborate. but the food was yummy. very. i missed their prawn paste fried rice. and dodo had her curry softshell crab rice which is pretty good stuff too! gossip and joked. loads of catching up to do.

by the time dinner ended it was about 630. we decided to move on to bugis since that day catch wasn't good. realization hit me that our miss candy lim is pretty much a shoppaholic too. she unleashed her fury for things that very day infront of me! usually when we go out i'll always be the one splurging on stuff and she's be beside me prolly buying one or 2 item. but that day she was pretty determined to get stuff i betcha! so you put 1 and 1 together you get 2 frenzy shoppaholic. we were pretty much each other's live atm. believe me. when i dun have enough cash i'll take it from her. when she can't pay by nets i'll be the one giving cash. haha! its good to bring out a live atm next time. LOL!

so we were pretty much god damm broke at the end of the shopping trip. i bought a dress at 10. pretty much a steal. love love love it. i have been looking around for something like it for sometime. yippie! and i got my leggings that i have been considering to buy. i'm such a spendthrift. just kill me already. ):

now comes weds. i conducted my first lesson ever in the morning on vitamins to the sec 3 express. wowwee. i find myself looking at things in a different point of view. the class wasn't all the bad actually. but there were a few cheeky fellows who kept trying to challenge me. i guess i'm the devil teacher and my partner's the angelic one. who prepares sweet for the class in case they are sleepy. haha. i guess its just different method of doing things.

after that we brought out this bunch of kids for the junior chef. oh how god damm lucky are they. i totally loveeeee the lesson. its so fun. there were some point in time that i actually really wanted to push the kids away and say: let me do it! haha. of course i didnt. but it wasn't as bad as i thought. not at all. the kids were quite manageable except for the few chao ah-bengs as you call it. *roll eyes* the minas and matt ( i dunno how you spell it ) malay ah bengs and ah lians were quite immpressive actually. they were one of the fastest learners among the rest and i actually love sticking around group seeing how they do things and progress and they are actually quite friendly! one of the guys while seeing me outside school even asked me if i would be still joining them next mon and tue. so i learn to not just judge a book by its cover. if you have the passion in doing things. you'll have the heart. i can't wait for next monday and tuesday really! their learning how to make desserts and on tue they'll have a competition. and i MIGHT just get to try it as well. OH! how fun ((:

thursday was nothing much actually. except for a deadly sms! by dodo lim.

there's a HUGE sale for brands like gap, guess, banana republic etc at the waytt hotel! omgggggg. its like for 3 days only. friday is the second day and dodo asked if i wanted to gooooo. that pretty much burned a goddamm hole in my "future" salary. and we actually did go there. pretty eggciting when you first step into the place and you see tonnes of stuff selling at ridiculous prices. esp gap! they were selling their tees at 10 bucks each. the both of us just split apart immediately and head pluge into the pile of clothes.i was sooooo engrossed diggin for clothes that i didnt realise that the prices was increasing gradually. knitted tops were sellin at 15. pretty cheap still though. but not what i'm willing to pay. and dresses and skirts were like 25 each. it was where it all stopped. we moved on to several areas. and the prices are greatly slashed. but it would be heaven for OLs. not students. it still pretty high end. 50 bucks for a blouse from banana republic. in the end, we didnt actually picked up loads of awesome stuff. i bought only like 3 tops and one of which for my sissy. dodo was worse. only 1 top from gap.

tsk tsk the shopping mood was more or less gone. we headed on to far east plaza for a little tour. nothing much too. just wasn't in a mood to shop anymore. we kept circling the complex. went for dinner, and then continue to circle the place until 9 plus. of which i bought a dress AGAIN which i loveeeeeee to. it very sweet. from my POV (point of view). dodo didnt think so. i cannot understand how we can shop together when both of our taste differ ALOT. she's the sweet lacy kinda girl. i'm more of the well love trying different outfits and style kinda girl. i go from demure dresses to shiny leggings. pretty much about it. haha. so i actually cater to different style. but my fav has to be vintage and maybe a little boho chic. okayy i'm sidetracking. so dodo wasn't in the right mood that day. so her outcome was so-so too. a tee and several accessories. pretty much about it.

something super embarassing happened to her which i'm nice not to mention here. but it got me laughing my ass out. and she actually got picked *erherm* by a weird lady. but i guess by being picked. it pretty much compliments her on her look. HAHA! awesome stuff.

ALIGHTY! THATS ALL. dear lord mother mary! i just wrote another 5000 word essay. are your eyes still alrighty? HAHA! this sums up my week.

and i still look forward to buying a bag and the pair of shoes that i fell in love with just before school starts. i hope the shoe wouldn't be gone(its quite cheap actaully heh!) by then cos i'll be SUPER heartbroken )):

should save you guys from the further misery of my ranting. till next week!