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January 2007
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
sigh. i'm tired of all the test. i slept during comm skills test today. i think i even had a dream =P heh. cell bio test tmr. sucky. and oh ya i needa go dig out notes and print.
sleepy mode
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
its weird
errrr. its weird. its weird to see my count jump from 82 to 90 visitors in a day. while my tagboard stays stagnant. haha. leave a taggie whenever you come by alright (:
feed the addiction. just do it
adventurous day 2.
HA! an adventurous day indeed. sound like a start of an essay? LOL.
today's a tuesday. tuesday are horrible plus terrible = veggietable. wahaha. i'm nuts must have been influence by the guy on the mrt. which guy? ha. i'll tell later. read on... today's a tuesday(again) tuesday are veggie table. why? cos sch starts at 8. and i have to wake up at 635. damm. my beauty sleeps are all going down the drain. and i can see no more beauty sleeps in the coming 3 weeks. OH MY DEAR. sigh sigh. had biochem lect.which is so so la. can pull thru. org chem. so so lar. can pull thru. but got a bit of confused along the way. never mind. den had german. hmm surprisingly i'm quite awake during german today. woohoo~ no idea why. only a little sleepy la. but today's lesson kinda interesting ya' know. haha. so crappy la my above para. okayy the highlight of the day. on the way home. today i took the mrt as per normal home with mun. just within a 3 mins span of time i got harassed by this PKU(own joke) guy. okayy la. in laymen's term, a little low in IQ. i wanted to tell mun something funny when suddenly i heard this guy saying. ehh ehh sit sit. i turn ard, finding myself staring at this guy whos like trying to giving up his seat la. to whom? idk. but maybe because i turn ard, he targetted me. i tot he's a little short circuit so i continue my story my mun. den his voice got louder la and he's moving towards me!!! i tried ignoring him. but coz i was close to the pole right he keep tapping the pole la. keep trying to get me to sit down. den mun was like never mind never mind. continue to talk to me. wa lao i damm scared and embarassed la. den in the end the entire mrt ppl like staring at him. i no choice tell him never mind its okayy he can have the seat. but he kept telling me to sit down. den no choice lor. i end up sitting down to save myself from further embarassement. waaa. thanks for my biostats book man. i covered my entire face with it. haha. and luckily got mun la. if not i would have freaked out.wahaha! den i continue my conv with mun. suddenly i hear his voice again. ehh you wanna sit? hahaha!!! he harassing this lady standing at the door there again. i think she worst dne me lor. he kept speaking to her. i dun think she understand what he was like talking. finally he alight at katib. thank god. while he was talking to the lady i cannot help but laugh lor. hahaha. so bad i know. but the lady herself was also like trying to stop laughing and ignore that guy lor. normally on the train i will be standing infornt of the ppl sitting down to wait for seats la. den when they so long still dun alight i will be like cursign and swearing inside. cos i wanna sleep. haha today i got a seat unexpectedly and i didnt wanna sit cos its so embarassing. so ironic. k la i should stop. tmrs comm skills test. great. i dun know how memo comm skills things lor. like make no sense to me de. den thurs got cell bio test. sigh. friday got german test *cross finger* kkkk all the best to me you, you, you and you. hahaha idciyiyb. dyfaic. dumbass. WHATEVER
Saturday, January 26, 2008
a new song
i love this song. i accidentaly stumble onto it while looking for another song with a similar title. but i fell in love with this.very meaningful. enjoy.
when i see you smile
something more interesting. i purposely separate my post into two if not i think it'll turn into a lullaby. what a waste. LOL
haha this is me trying out what to wear on that day. i ended up with this. some say i look too formal. haha its my mum's clothes what do you expect? LOL. our poster our display our booth is this pretty or is this pretty? haha. work of squidy and cuttlefish. ps:haha you are still our cuttle fish no matter how you deny =P *wink wink* our display again the real thing. haha its look so damm different from what we did la. i think ours is nicer. wahaha. yeah! our master piece. by vanessa. *pree-tay* look at this dodo whom i caught lazing behind the booth. still can pose eh. tsk tsk the ice box which contains our yoghurt and blueberry. haha. we hid it behind the booth. if put outside a bit unglam. you mei you. haha! okok. finally pictures with human being in it. or or should i say sea creatures in it.LOL first up. CANDY. sotong of the grp. really sotong. another nick: DODO. secondly. the master of our poster VAN-NEE-SAA KOH. cuttlefish of the grp last but not least. SIEW MAY. the squidy of the group. we still have a couple more pictures. but its with squidy. i haven got it from her. heh. siew may!!!! i want pictures ((: okok that day was tiring. super duper. i got up at 6 plus. rushed down to sch at 8. siew may arrived and we all went in to the lab. to our horror, all the eqiupments were used up. knives,cutting board. omg omg!! in the end we went around stealing ppl's equipments. haha borrow here borrow there. ended up with two proper knives to peel the chestnuts. and candy had to use a bread knife. aha! better den nothing mah. waaa i tell you peeling 5kg of chestnut is no small accomplishment O-kay! i almost wanna cry just siting there peeling the chestnut. and i only peeled like 1Kg of it. siew may and candy did 2 freaking kg each. like zomg! and everytime i almost finsh peeling the chestnut, one if them will be spoilt its so frustrating la. i think we took like 1 1/2 hour to finish peeling all. and then there was the grating part. we were like racing against time la. cos everything was suppose to be done by 12. and we still haven started the cooking part. and the cooking part is the worst cos we have to wait for like 1/2 an hour for everythnig to dry up. i started emptying the yoghurt. all 15 of them. haha sooo mouth watering. esp when you see all those huge chunks fo strawberry. and then we had to rushed to change at 1150. 10 mins to 12 and we have to get everything ready. wa lao. damm frantic can. in the end the stupid comm skills teacher came at 2. how nice. all our backs and legs were breaking la. esp in heels. can you imagine. we couldnt even find a proper place to sit. i didnt try any of the food products due to my sore throat except for the dumplings. i could hardly swallow. mom came and tried most of the food items. except for a few. i so wanted to try the rest la. but i was afraid it would just worsen my condition. finally van and me found time to sneak up to the lib to rest awhile. haha it was barely 10mins when siew may msged and say very busy. need help.we rushed down. and they the two dodo was smiling. they say. the sec sch pupils about to come out. but haven come out yet. i almost wanna box them. ha! in the end the price for the best poster award went to lim kiat's grp. well although our grp didnt win it. the winner still come from our class mah. so must cheer. haha. i think i going somewhere to steal a picture of their poster. there! ![]() lastly our day ended with the clearing up of the equipments. we were the first grp to arrive in the lab to clear up and the last to leave. all because of one stupid pot. the base of it was entirely black. it took us 1 1/2 hour to clean it up. imagine 3-4 girls standing ard one pot, scrubbing it. ended up, mr lim kiat took over and clean it up within mins. ha. tsk one guy's strength = 4 girls. sigh. we arent weaklings okayy. just that we are all tired and drain of energy =P finally its home sweet home. ha! i literally collapse at home la. tiredness. memories that somtimes stick to you for an entire lifetime
gahhh. i'm sick. okayy. idk how many times i have repeated this already. esp in sch. i was like " i wanna die already" i'm sorry lor. haha this is me when i am sick. i keep complaining. sorry eh. haha. i made all of your ears suffer x) for those who have heard my old grandma story. skip this and the follwing two paragraph alrighty! x) ehh ehh. but horh. i went to see the doc. and i saw this on my doc "list" 10/1/08, 22/1/08, 24/1/08. i have seen a doc for 3 times in a month. OH MY DEAR *ahahaha own joke eh 22 and 24. i saw a doc 2 times in 3 days. the third time i wanted to extend my mc. the receptionist told me " oh you have to see a doc first" waaaa. that means i have to pay again?! she was like unless you got new medicine. you dun have to pay. so ok lor. i went in and see him again. he check my throat and said. the antibotics i gave you is not strong enough to clear your infection. i have to prescribe you a new med. but i will refund you the old antibiotic money. so i was thinking to myself. okayy la not bad still got refund. when i went to collect my med. guess what i found out. they refund me 9 bucks and charged me 34 bucks. * open eyes big big* the receptionist even told me the antibiotics will be more expensive izzit okay? haha. so if not okayy how? no need pay eh? LOL in the end i ended up with another two days mc. well i didnt exactly untilised my two days mc well. i only skipped the morning lectures and went for those impt ones. esp the cell bio lab. wow she mention "i am going to revise for your lab pract test." so i thought it was impt. in the end it was just a 10 mins revision. wasted my time. i could at least sleep for another 1 hour. phy test was " OH SO GREAT" i already expect to fail this test. badly. i finally cleared my german oral. hahaha. as you all know. my german is like 1/2 a bucket of water.no maybe 1/4 only. i meet mun at the lib at 1:15 to do some revision b4 the oral. haha cos we two partners mah. so we tried to "bakah" what questions to ask. hahaha! damm funny can. in the end we used none of it. no actually one came out. but i screwed it up. haha i forget to add in one word. i think the teacher also dunno what am i blabbering about. ah! to hell with it. at least its over. woohoo!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
yip. its D day tmr
whats D day?
haha nothing much really just a food exhibtion that took us almost a sem to set up. all the presentation and the trials. from failure to somewhat out grp regard as success. its a long road. but its finally coming. though it dosent sound much to you guys. but its an impt event for me and my course mates. not forgetting about my grp. which consist of a sotong, a squid, and cuttlefish (van), not fogetting me the grp proclaim "octopus" which i'm not okayy. bahaha! uhhh. i guess everybody would be sleeping early tonight. wayy wayy early. cos everybody have to get up at 5 6 plus. which is horrible counting the fact thats its barely 8 hours of sleep. den den out brain wave would be very slow. hahaha and wat not. i suddenly ran out of things to say. so i shall stop for now. OH! for those wo are free eh come down to the NYP lounge tmr 23/1/08. Food exhibtion. hah! free advertising. next up tmr will be a pic spam. i guess everyone with blog would be doing the same thing haha! must show the master piece of our dear cuttlefish van-nee-saa koh. haha! sweet. ohh ohhh ohh. i remember something. i'm sick again. COMFIRMED. *pops a champagne* twice in a month. wats freaking up man. this time is some kind of throat infection. with my lymp nodes being swollen. how nice. the doc gave me an mc and told me not to go sch tmr. OVER MY DEAD BODY DOC. haha. at most i promise not to talk a lot and give my throat a rest. which i think its impossible luh. bahah! i'll take my medication instead. okayy i think i'm crapping cos i'm toooo HIGH. i shall stop. ADIOS! =) i'm jumpy
Monday, January 21, 2008
uhhh ohhhh.
HOLY MAMA COW!! i feel that the buggy virus is back. somewhere at the back of my throat its kinda starting to hurt. i feel some what a teensy weensy bit feverish. i just recovered for less than a week. i cant come back so soon.it cant!!!!!!
must be i stuffed myself too much just right after i recovered. i missed all the food ya know. but whats up with everyone's immunity system anyway. its the begining of the new year.barely pass a month and i'm gonna fall sick twice.this is cra-zeee. i'm so gonna go back to my hundred plus.clear my throat. who taught me that anw? no idea. but. i cross all my finger and toes and hair that i won fall sick again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... =( sickty sick sick
Saturday, January 19, 2008
new skin
trying to solve the prob with my old blogskin. so i gave dear bloggy a new skin. hmm its the best i could find after searching for a while. so if any of you arent happy with the new formating, give me some time before i can find another one. so this new one has this kind of formatting is like you have to scroll up and down. for everything. from reading the postes to tagging. the tagboard is on the right. right right below the profile. the links are below you have to use your own scroll-er or whatever you call the thing right at the bottom of the page. haha. just explore your own. you should get the hang of it eh. cos i did. if i could, anyone else can. cos i'mma com idiot remember. LOL.
anw anw, i just saw van's blog. hahahah! she took an extract from my bigg bigg rainy day entry. the the bodyguard part. mun found that part funny too. wahaha! all thanks to my vivid imagination. LOL. but VAN-NEE-SAA Koh. you extract from my blog never pay me. ehh. illegal copying leh. wahaha! ohh ohh i'm currenly in love with this song. better in time. its damm nice luh. credits to vanessa. thanks! (:
Friday, January 18, 2008
OMG. i have simply no idea what happen to my blog. its seems that the entire thing is out of aligment after i tried adding a song. oh well at least its better than just now. just now the entire thing was like overlapped. haha. wait till i am free luh. i just have to change my skin again LOL.
meanwhile adios!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
i dunno why but i'm doing all these short postes. i can like do a few in a day. maybe because i dunno who to tell to when i got something to say suddenly. so here comes the use of a blog haha. i kinda broke down. usual? idk. cos usually i dun. maybe its just not me. but i was thinking through a lot of things. and i spoke to someone whom i spilled my heart too. i didnt expect myself to do it la. but thanks to *you* la. and it just started drizzling. non stop. i finally stopped it and i laugh at myself. i think its those kinda pms thing where your mood swings here and there. i shall ensure i dun drive myself crazy before i graduate. but things are in a different perspective when you see yourself in someone shoes. and definately i am indifferent to what others think about me except for the beloved two person. i dun wanna start tearing up again. so i shall stop i keep everthing that is left to myslef.
recently i discover i can be a selfish snobbish irritating bitch. literally. i guess its just this little rage thing thats eating me. LOL. so you step on my toes beware i step back this time onto your whole foot. haha. i shall hang the *beware* sign on me. LOL swinging
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
everything was made known
i discover something today. i learn something today. i will never forget. ONE thing. something that only i will know from what i saw today. really. i'm gonna build a new me. not one that is simply ignorant, stupid, gullible and most of all blind. its time to open my eyes big big and do something.
i should grow up
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
ohh ohh yeah!!!! i forgot. it was my darling "cheeko" nephew birthday like 2 days ago. 11:58 so still can count as 2 days. LOL
HAHA. today's a fun and adventrous day. rain rain rain. my shoes were soaked. omg! and and the rain was heavy, so is the wind. you should have seen how it looks with the wind and rain blowing everything. literally like typhoon luh. we even have to make a detour from level 2 to level 1 to get out of sch haha. before that we popped by collage bookstore cos i got a craving for cuttle fish after being sick for so long. so on the way out from sch, you could see bodyguards protecting "something" LOL
first up is bodyguard no 1. our dear vanessa koh. who was trying as hard as possible to cover her new nike bag with her jacket to prevent it from getting wet. next up is bodyguard. no 2. our dear munny. who's protecting her face from the raindrops with her jacket. and last but not least bodyguard no 3. ME. LOL. i was trying to protect my dear cuttle fish with my jacket from getting wet. as i was nibbling on it on the way out. hahahha! can image. three girls dress in black from head to toe, wearing dark glasses [ bodyguard style] all desperatly trying to protect something important with a jacket. muhahahaha! i shall end my adventerous day here. its back to tut for now. ciao! (: - yesterday, all my troubles seems so far away... -
Monday, January 14, 2008
i'm a busy bee.
busy busy week and next week ahead. food exhibition. quiz. presentation. woohoo.
foodie exhibition is so gonna be fun. this is the first time in my entire life that i am taking part in one. FUN. FUN. FUN. wanna come down and take a look? its on next wed. 1-5.30pm place: unknown yet. i'll post when i know it. i have to get back to work. adios! (:
Sunday, January 13, 2008
i've just finsh watching 30 days of night with my family in the dark dark living room. just for the fun of the effect we switched off every light in the house. EERIE.
the entire movie was like 1 hour plus 2. damm freaky. the vampires are simply horrendous. every single scene is stuck in my brain and its freaking me out. i keep thinking about the movie. the way the people were killed its simply GROSS. VERY GROSS. DAMM GROSS. EXTREMELY GROSS. ___WHATEVER YOU CAN PUT IN HERE ___ GROSS. LOL. all the faces of the vampire and the way those ppl died keeps poping out in my brain GO AWAY.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
GAHHH. sick already on the second week of sch. i have a bad sore throat. SORE. REALLY SORE. PAIN. REALLY PAIN. LOL.
many thanks to the million of virus in my body having a party eh. having a FEVER every night sucks. waking up every night sweating due to some unknown reason sucks. GO AWAY.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Its a saturday. no a sunday.
well. seem that i haven been blogging much. its kinda my life. boring. only for some exception. home sch home. SEE. thats pretty much it. hmm first week of sch. and it started on a wednesday.
off to sch at 7 plus.org chem lesson at 9. naggy PCW. but people will say " its all for your own good" okayy okayy i know. he mention that our class did very badly for the common test. i think many of us left the class with a heavy heart. just receive news that comm skills lesson was canceled. oh yeah baby! but stupidly we had german lesson. how nice. had brunch as trio. haha. me mun and van. not just 2 pathetic souls waiting for german lesson AT THREE!!! FIVE whole hours of wasting time. after brunch, we went as usual to the lib to chill. just realise that the sch has added more plug points in the lib. how cool is that! mun didnt have a heart to on her laotop for fear that it woudnt last for 5 freaking hours. she decided to read her story book first. well for me. i couldnt care less. switched on my laptop anh had to reduce the brightness in order for it to last longer. sigh. so poor thing. went blog hopping at first. after i went aimlessly ard the net. search for dbsk. den i saw this game on this person blog and decided to try it you. its this macdonalds game on y8.com haha in fact mun was looking for this game. haha send the link to her. and started playing. until now i couldnt last longer den 15 min in the game. its some kind of business game. you rear animals sell patties do marketing. LOL. i kept going bankrupt.looks like i'm not cut out for business eh. mr macdonal keeps poping out and blaming me. LOL well at 11 plus i receive a CALL! the highlight for the day. ^ ^ someone just told me i won a luckily draw. i've just won 5000 bucks. woohoo! many people would say in your dreams eh. unfortuantely its really in my dream. haha. jk. jk. my german classmate astrid call and asked if we wanted to cancel german class. me and mun were like hell yeah. its what we were praying for the entire day. we just keep saying lets pray that german class is cancel knowing in our hearts that it woudnt happen. so this story tells us that as long as you believe, it will come true. ahahaha! anw. she we told her of course of course. den she said she would get back to us saying that she has to comfirm witht the others. the whole time while waiting for her phone call, i just keep staring at my phone. mun kept laughing at me. LOL. i would just suddenly pick up the phone and sadly stare at the black screen. sigh. den i receive a msg~ both of us read the msg together. german class is CANCELED. make up lesson would be discussed on friday. waa. i tell you both if us wanted to pop a champane at that moment. haha. off we pack our bags. and suddenly some girl tapped my on my shoulder. LOL she asked if i were a fan of dbsk. cos of my lappy's wallpaper.haha so random. she even ask me if i am from nursing. LOL. do i have a nursing face? anw. she said she will talk to me later. but i going off already. haha i even ask mun if i should tell her bye bye. she's kinda sweet though. haha. but i didnt in the end. so random. LOL so off i went home to rest my tired soul. slack the entire day and receive news at 10 plus some of our classmates handing in the cell bio reports tmr. wth. i thought it was on on week.i haven even touch a single bit of it.i got freaked out. sigh. but didnt wanna go to sleep with a heavy heart. so i tried to rushed it out. luckily there was miss piggy candy. i had entertainment and a walking dic ((: finally everything was done by 3am. i went from zero to hero. LOL. i finish two reports in a day. an accomplishment. hee hee thurs was kinda cool. lecture for cell bio was elearning. pract was cancel = no sch!! but i still had to go hand up my report. i set my alarm at 10 and end up waking up at 1145. grrr. wanted to rush out of the house. and guess what i found out. i lost my purse. god damm it. i remember seeing it when i came home on wed. search high and low. i think the entire house was turned upside down by me. i even search under the sofa. LOL. and guess where i found it. it was happily laying in my bed, under my foolscape pad and file. gahh. i wasted 2 hours going to sch. its so ridiculous la i take a 35 mins ride to go all the way to sch. wasted 15 mins going to the admin office. wasted another 15 mins walking back to the mrt station. wasted yet another 35 mins taking a train back home. look at the time i wasted. i could have save it on sleeping!!! finally a friday. lab in the morning was canceled. everyone happily thought that we could get another 1 hour of sleep. yeah right. in the end dear mr PCW decided to go through the common test paper. ahhh. "great". he mention names after the lesson about the common test. had german lessons after that. ahh it started all fine. until we got to the grammer section. oh well oh well. i decided to give it a try in the end though i know my german is hopeless. lets all see how it works out in the end luh. ((: After, we decided to chill at the lecture hall for biostats. ha! and guess what.i happily open the front door wide just to see an entire theatre full of peopple staring back at me. ahhh!!! so it happened that it was used for examination purpose. LOL. as the three of us went aimlessly ard the sch, being lecture-less it seems that nowhere wanted us. haha we wanted to sit on the floor near the lecture hall but i suggested going to sit at the pond where they had a nice scenery. we went and sit there for less den 5 mins when it started drizzling. ha. we didnt wanna end up being stranded there. so back we went to the staircase. finally we could enter the hall. biostats was horrible. couldnt figure out how to use the stoopid cal. but thanks to mun (: the mystery was finally solved!! you could see dunno how many tonns of lost sheep stating at the lecturer. and his bloody handwriting is so small. soo irritating. you couldnt see if its a 9 or a 4 or or a 2 or a 5. gahhh. so this ends my faithful week. boring? maybe. exciting. definately not. its a long entry this time round cos i'm bored. LOL. its like some kinda essay. i just saw the news that one of our local celebrity Mr MC KING passed away at the age of 40. wazzup with the people nowsaday anw. they are just leaving us without any reason. 40. its a damm bloody young age. such a waste. such a pity. its so scary you know. gahh. lets all pray that it just gets better. deepest condolences. my dad's going on a business trip soon. may all be well and safe for him. make him come back home soon safe and sound. ((: amen.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
CIAO! (((: |