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Oh hello. I'm yunrong and
I am 90's kid! (:

CBOX 195 by 363.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

its a super random post today. read at your own risk eh.

i survided german lesson. but can you believe it, i have another 3 hours tmr. killer.
the two stupid clowns who put up the suggestion of having lesson from 6-8PM didnt turn up. SUCKERS. wasted 5 hours of my life to wait for lesson to start. but thank god there's mun and de sheng to entertain me. haha. the three of us were like fooling around in class la.

but seriously having two hours of german is far better than 3 you know. i mean i still can tahan la. but 3 is like overloading le luh. with that german teacher of mine whom i can hardly understand a word from him.

these days have been HOT, HOT and more HOT. tsk at first i thought it was my prob, waking up every morning being very cranky cos i feel so hot and sticky. by the time i reach the mrt station i'm like sweating luh. i hardly sweat when i walk to the mrt station. just pespire. its different okayy. pespire is whereby i get warm and have little droplets of water on my forehead. sweat is whereby these little water droplets are already rolling down my neck. tsk. such an irritable thing to happen in the morning. i tell you, anyone who steps on my toe that morning is gonna get hell from me. LOL. apparantly. i just discover it wasnt me alone. i heard from the radio that the temperature this morning at 9AM was 35 degree celcius. MADNESS.

i just miss the times during work when i wake up to find that it just finish raining and the weather is cool. i can even put on a jacket as i walk to the mrt. won't even sweat, not to mention pespire.

haha. i believe girls are good at multi tasking you know. SUPER. today i just found myself multi tasking like mad in sch. i was finishing up the tut, speaking to DODO and my mum on msn, listening to songs and watching youtube. not exactly watch. more of listen to the conv. AHA. i do my tut and listen to them. tsk i wonder if anything entered my brain.

okayy. i'm duper random today. guess thats what german does to you eh.

i shall stop. before this gets out of hand. till then. adios~ =D

messy messy mess.

everything's in a mess, everything's all over the place. i'm so messed up with all the modules name. some times i dun even know what i am studying. HA. pathetic.

anw. i made my own milo mcflurry at home. haha. i made four cups.

similar la. only the ice cream wasnt that good. otherwise its the same luh. milo powder and milo nuggets. but it gets a little over once you had too much. haha.

i remember i have thins to say but it somehow slipped my mind.

oh. tmr's damm stupid. cos i have a 5 hour break just for that freaking 2 hour of german was WASNT INITALLY SUPPOSE TO BE THERE. i wanna cuss.

my brains empty for now luh. let it me luh. cant be bother to think of it. heh. so till then.

envy is the first part of jealousy? nah i don't think so

Saturday, April 26, 2008


changed my blogskin like FINALLY. woots.

yest was an eyeopener. really. i shall post some pics taken but i'm sooo lazy to get my usb cable. gahh *runs and get it* haha. and so we went to the FHA exhibition yest. food food, glorious food. but its really irritating during thr first half an hour there. nobody pretty gives you a damm cos you have a big fat sticker on your body name STUDENT. super embarassing cos you wanna try and you don't dare to open your mouth.

but later on as we move along, we got one pkt of prawn crackers, our only prize possesion of the day. we tried one mouthful of cake, 1/8 cup of strawberry smoothie, one piece of sushi, loads of ice cream. really loads. i'll show you the pic later on. we got to see how these food industry machine works. cool stuff though.

but at the end of the day. when we saw the rest they were covered in paper bags. we didnt know where they got all these freebies from. never mind. but i was mainly shock by joyce carrying these entire box of cakes. its not those normal cakes tat you see out there. but those that you see in high class resturant. i think you could sell the cake for 5.50 per piece and people would buy it.

more pics, less talking. watch out.

the big fat sticker i was talking about.

the unglam ppl sitting on the mrt stariway. LOL. actually i'm jealous luh. i'm wearing a dress and i cannot sit and rest my tired feet. =P

the hotelier cakey that i was speaking about. one whole box of them twenty over pieces. WOW. different falvours somemore.

the dried chocolate fondue

Hamburger! its actually a cake. i was super amaze luh.

can you see that this resembles a tea pot? i took mun to say it out before me and DODO realise it. we kept thinking it was an animal of some sort just without the head. LOL esp DODO. she thought it was a headless chicken. LOL. so dui lian. i thought it looked like a lonchness monster with the teapot handle. AHA. blame it on our creative minds

irritating hand of DODO while people's trying to take a pic.

super pretty ice creams. nice right!!

the person there served us this two huge servings of ice cream . . . i think those that you pay to eat outside also don't have such generous amt of servings luh. best.

mine's on the right. strwberry yogurt which was really good and lychee flavour. DODO's on the left with uhh cookie and lychee.

the first ice cream we had since we reached there. mine's on the left this time with dark chococolate and mango. and DODO on the right with watermelon and mango. the watermelon was a new experience. fAV.

so now you see why i went jogging after coming back.LOL. i dunno how long i could stick to thise regime of mine, lets hope it last.

someone made a brave move yest. and i so proud of this person (:

anw. long day ahead. i shall stop after spamming my blog with loads of pic. adios!

we never really moved on. actually pretty much just me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


cos i screwed my phone. i've been CARELESS all my life. i should do something about it i guess. i have yet to show the damaged done to the parents. but my mum knows about it. x) SCREWED.


cos i manage to settle some misunderstandings tats been bugging me. and sch has been pretty much a slack. but i think things are picking up on its pace. its time. but tmr's another "fun filled" day cos we only have ONE lecture food mkrt. and tats it we have to proceed on to the exhibition at 1230 which means we get to SKIP german again! whoosie! X)

i saw KENG WEI today! super shock. he looks so different. (: let see if i still get to see him more around. BOOGLE in sch. heh. so shy la the four of us. i think cos like very childish playing this kindof game. haha but that was the only thing i could think of to use up our 2 hour plus of break. maybe we should bring out the lappy next time. LOL. we played for a while. before giving up. LOL. we talk. me and dodo and mun with her friend (:

all the best. i'll be behind you. (:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

what a day.

endure through 3 hours of german. i cannot imagine whats gonna happen next week 7 hours of german madness. i'll have to prepare myself over the weekend for that.


well my group got selected to participate in the SFMA competition. i heard its a six month project. we get attached to a company and help them produce a new product. so on and so forth. i guess we were pretty taken aback. we handed in our names way beyond the dateline and i sent in the emails, half expectantly not being able to be picked. cos its only 2 groups of 3 ppl who will be selected from each class. and almost my entire class sent in their names. but whatever it is. we still get to learn our own things in our own different way in our own different projects (:

but i was kinda disappointed in someone today. i wasnt expecting such a reaction. i mean "that" meant something to me. but whatever it is, i'm gonna forget about it or until i have a chance i get to bring the subject up in a casual way.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


sarah connor. i love her voice. and the guy in the song is her husband. how sweet. her husband name's marc terenzi. if anyone of you might remember which i don't think you would one of my blog songs love to be loved by you was by him. what a perfect pair. they had a very romantic love story behind them. both of them are german. and the guy's song label company opposed against him going into a relationship. so everything went underground until the lady got pregnant and they both eloped together. i mean how many people get to do that in their entire lifetime? and their wedding could only be labelled in one word. BEAUTIFUL. by the sea, with the guy playing the piano singing to love to be loved by you. i was touched. very. i guess its every girl dream to be treated like a princess by her prince charming. call it a fairytale if you like. but one main point. before you elope, check your bank account first. i mean be practical eh. dun go eloping without cold hard cash and ending up being driven to a dead end. the story behind eloping should be one romantic one not one terrible nightmare. HA.

okayy i sidetrack. another random thought again.

so today sch was short cool cos pract was cancelled *again* and after lect i had to bind my notes and dodo had to print hers. we ended up having to wait for 1/12 hour and we decided to drop by amk hub for lunch. i finally tried the jap restaurant there. sumo something something. i like the salmon rice! definitely had me craving for more. (:

popped by sch to collect the notes and something happen to dodo. awww. she'll need lots and lots of soil to cover her disappointment. but at least you "borrowed" my hand to squeeze can. should lessen abit of it. HAHA. dun brood over it luh (:

headed home. and aimlessly surf the net. until i got so bored i decided to watch some random drama. i like one scene of one of the drama but i shant make an essay out if it here.

yest we had to practice for the pract assessment on week 4. sigh~ can i like shake my head. me + LXX = 2 blur beings. tsk. i really wonder how we manage to survive year 1 with our super KUKU labskills. tsk. its a miracle we didnt burn down the lab. and we keep ouching when we accidentally poke our agar until there were cuts on the poor agar. ha.

and so tmr sch starts late at 1010. duper cool. i am enjoying the timetable for this sem. prolly to make up for our tough timetable last sem. haha. but tmr there's 3 hours of german with tat KUKU german teacher of mine. oh man can somebody kill me?! how am i going to survive 3 hours of german?! sigh~ its hard to imagine how i can pass my german this sem )):

Sunday, April 20, 2008


maybe cos of the vids watched couple of minutes ago. weird.

so anw, tmr there's sch. my left eye is healing alright i guess still kinda swollen though. but i'm still having a runny nose and a stupid ulcer. i hate ulcer. irritates the hell out of you.

and so i can only hope the eye heal fast so that it wont be so obvious when sch starts tmr.

zonk out for now.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


cos i am having a swollen eye. GREAT. -.= the doc says it will only go away in a week time. which means i have to go to the exhibition on tue with a swollen eye.

HA. yest the german teacher tried to tempt us to go for her lesson with 1 cca point she conveniently pointed out that we could go help out with the club crawl for german club from 1-4 which would reward us with 1 cca point and at the same time come for german lesson. nice one. but i told her i was nursing a swollen eye and couldnt go help out. i didnt think it convinced her. must have tot i was lying. i'll prove to her with the MC. muaha!

so. lets all pray that the swelling goes away in a week. else i have to go to some eye specialist and go under the knife. a small one la. just my eyelid to remove the infection. ughh. scary. its this thing call eye sty where you have an infection on the corner of the eyelid. and i did NOT peep at people showering okayy. haha. having one is bad enough. fancy having two side by side at the corner of the eyelid. -.= it sounds strange though eye sty sounds like einstein. maybe having this would make you smart like einstein. HA. random i guess.

anw. even with this swollen eye of mine i didnt wanna let go of the chance of going out to chill. heh. so i went and caught a movie forbidden kingdom with DODO at the cathay. i have been wanting to catch that show since i know its gonna come out. i'll never let go of a jackie chan movie just for a good laugh. pretty good luh. i shall rate it 3.5 or 4. even a KUKU like miss candy over here who dosent catch kungfu film rated it okayy. but its only strange to watch a chinese kungfu flick in english. haha i mean we are all used to watching ancient kungfu show in chinese. so this was pretty much a breath of fresh air.

wore sunglasses to hide the swollen eye of mine on the way to meet DODO. pretty embarrassing cos i'm not exactly used to wearing sunglasses out. esp with the fact that i cannot see anything without my specs which = i am as blind as a bat wearing sunglasses today. had to change back to my glasses while watching the movie. no doubt.

and something duper embarrassing happened la. apparently our MISS CANDY over here thought they were having the express counter at the snack bar. she told me we could buy our ticket and snack together. being gullible i believed her cos i have actually seen such a counter b4. but when i told the person at the counter we wanted to buy tickets, she gave me a weird look and told me we have to purchase our tickets at the ticketing counter. wa lao. i wanted to find a hole and hide can. so being too embarrassed, i lost my mind and told dodo we buy our snack first. she say okayy.

after buying, while walking towards the ticketing counter she threw me this question more of a statement la. dont you think we bought our snack to early? the movie starts at 1250 and its onlt 1230 now. i only realise my mistake when she asked me that. HAHA. but what could we do. already bought. we could only resist the temptation of finishing the nachos before we even stepped into the cinema. while buying the tickets it was also very embarrassing. i didnt know why luh but we appeared to me two country bumpkins who have never catch a movie b4.fancy trying to dig out my and her student card when my hands full and hers too. and fancy standing at the counter arguing about which place to sit. HA. i really wanted to find a hole and hide can.

thats what you get for watching a movie with a sotong and uhh okayy i have to admit for once. an octopus. = P but a big thank you for catching this movie with me even though you don't watch kungfu film okayy. =D see i publicise my thank you for you on my blog leh. must be duper honoured can x)

after the movie, we went down to bugis street again. this is my second trip down there within a span of two weeks x) and burnt another hole in my pocket. three holes in all after my pay day. i guess no more retail therapy until god knows when. HEH. dodo burnt another hole in her pocket too! muahaha. but i truly believe is she influence me to become such a shopping freak can. three out of 2 shopping trips were with her.-.= tsk tsk. people open your eyes big big when you make friends next time okayy. HEH. jk. X)

and so we chatted for awhile before heading our own separate way. her to burn another hole in her pocket for dinner. and me. to burn a hole in my mum's pocket with the doctor's fee.

speak about saving. tsk. till den. adios.

i'm sick and you'll never know about it. sad fact.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the "weekends are here" that cos sch's out tmr.

i'm falling sick i guess. my eyelid's hurting and i got a runny nose. GREAT.

DODO. sent me this song by chen xiao chun. its been a longggg time since i listen to a chinese song. i mean its nice when you are really moody. i love this particular line in there. 我爱的人不是我的爱人。他心里每一寸都属于另一个人。他真幸福幸福的镇残忍. when you translate it into english, it simply means. the one i love izzen my lover. every bit of his heart belongs to someone else. he's so blissful yet blissful in a cruel way.

heh heh. nice one.

so after the short 2 hours food ingr lect today which was so-so cos i am not exactly a fan of the notes format, i headed down to the gym. like finally. i could see myself growing horizontally for the past week and i can no longer take it. had a good run/cycle etc. and head back home for a few piece of pound cake and a cup of milk. sinful? heh i hope not.

i had to resist like a ton of temptation la. in my mind i kept going okayy. i have exercised i can eat something. but this isnt the correct way. rite rite? haha. initally when i left i tot of going down to lot 1 to have kaya toast. den i told myself no i'm not exactly hungry. cannot.

den i pass my this bread shop. okayy not so much of a temptation. den the malay kueh stall i was so tempted by the *dunno the name* got many many colour de kueh. heh. physco myself again. cannot cannot. take mrt. and i manage to get onto the mrt without gaining another few pound.

den i reached my stop. sigh. i was again tempted by the peanut ball or whatever you call it.i almost reached my hand into my wallet la. keep telling myself no.cannot cannot. the peanut ball not nice one from morning until now not fresh. faster walk away. haha i can almost see the peanut ball waving at me. eh hey.

and finally. i reached the food court at the foot of my blk. i was tempeted by the ice cream at the provision shop. haha. and i told myself again i just had ice cream yest. cannot.

and i finally made it safely home. hah. can you see what i glutton i am now. and if i dun continue with my regime i'll be taking 2 mrt seats in no time. eh hey. exggerating la i know. but DODO. i am not being ego here can. its a important concern over my weight isuue here. bleah =P

so i shall be off trying to nurse myself back to healt.and i wanna go out tmr. heh.

unswered questions that will never be answered.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


cos vanessa will be joining the other group for project 2 instead of us.
cos german lesson was pretty sucky today. couldnt make out what the teacher was saying.

so these few days have been pretty awesome cos lesson ends rather early or they were cancelled. muaha! and friday there isnt even sch cos lessons were cancelled except for german la. but its like 50 mins only. who wants to go to sch just for that? so we and munny buddy has decided to "pon" but we are nice people can. so we just explain to the teacher beforehand la. maybe tmr. X)

so this means friday i can SLEEP IN! cool.

tue's are lovely cos sch starts only at 11. so more of my beauty sleep are to come by.

been speaking to yvonne by ex-colleague. she's missing me. HAHA! =P
"why you never tag?" heh.

yest was pretty moody cos of whatever reasons there were. i'm just down in the dump. which explains my heartbroken display pic.

but i love talking to DODO. she understands what's going on deep down there behind the pretender i sometimes am. it make's it better. and i guess i pretty much am able to understand some of her situations. and it just makes it so much easier.

rihanna songs are not bad you know. recently i'm lovin' R&B music. chris brown is cute! X)

so pretty randomly i shall end my post. and i love the current song. nice.
love doesnt just go away in a matter of days or weeks. i guess he dosent deserve what you are giving to him. its hard to let go. but i know you're trying hard. i hope the feeling you have would fade away day by day and it wont be that hard for you. jia you my friend! i'm here. (:
its hard to let go, because its you

Monday, April 14, 2008

so so. first day of school. everything's cool.

missing work so much. not. AHA.

BOGGLE tmr. muaha!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

i'm bored. so just a random fact. and a thought.

i don't know if most of you have seen the news. but apparantly maia lee from the first season of singapore idol. she's pregnant again. this time with a thai boxer child. he's this boxer from contender asia muay thai. some thai boxing competiton that happened today or should i say yest (SAT). he's not a local. from greece or somewhere. and you cant say she's being a single mum this time around. as that guy apparantly states that he acknowledge the fact that he's gonna have a baby soon.

but the thing was that he mention that he and maia are just very close friend and no. they are not together and neither do they have any intention of getting married. when i saw the article in 8 days, i felt kindof ridiculous. i mean which pair of "close friend" has babies together. nonsensical. i guess its another way of shrugging responsibility for this guy.

*the above was another comment in my own context. no offence again* (:

alright boredom got to me this way and i just had to do something about it. LOL.

anw sch's starting next week. i'm cool about it i guess. at least its like back to sch life after an entire 6 weeks of holiday not that i slack through this one this time round. but i guess i appreciate it a little more than i am still studying and am still a student. wait till you step out into the working world and you can never turn back time. trust me.

Friday, April 11, 2008

today's another crazy frenzy.

haha. omg. i didnt know vanessa koh is such a hiong shopper as well!!! hahaha. i guess. if ever anyone asks you whats your talent and you cannot think of one on your feet, LADIES. shopping is the word. X)

and so i woked up with a body ache this morning from all the walking yest. dodo say i weak. i think its because she has done too many shoppings and she already has a stamina of a crazy dizy shopper. i'm still a green horn. =P

and did i mention? i actually took the wrong train home yest. i went from city hall all the way to kallang before i realise that i am taking the train in the wrong direction. speak of having no sense of direction. at first i heard lavander. but i tot i remembered lavander was going towards pasar ris that area. i ignored the first warning. until the train reached kallang. and then i hit me izzen kallang the area i went for kayaking. and i looked across the platform and i saw the sign going towards boonlay. =.- how dumb can i get. but at least i didnt wait until i reach pasar ris before i realise my mistake. i'll be a disaster. LOL.

and so today. i met van at bugis and while we decided to move to bugis street, we passed by the ticketing counter of Shaw House. and i randomly asked her if she wanted to catch a movie. HA. and we randomly ended up catching one. we asked for the orphanage but they didnt have it. they only had 4 shows. how pathetic.and the next best choice was definately, maybe. duper rushed. cos we bought the tickets at 1250. and the show starts at 1250. first time i did such last minutes ticker buying. cos the next available timing was 515. nah.

we literally ran up to the cinema, grab some poppie corns and a drink.

wow. i was really impressed by the movie can. i thought it was gonna be some crappy old american love story. but this movie had some really special twist in it. it gets you thinking on your feet. whenever you are sure that thats how the plot gonna turn out, it takes another dive. really cool. and another special thing about this movie was everytime it gets to this touching part and your tears are already ready to fall, something funny will happen. and its so hard to laugh and cry at the same time. AH. somethings cannot be expressed in words. and i dun wanna be a spoiler as well. so people. go watch it. its like 4.5 stars. nicest love story i have ever watched.

there were many classic lines in the show. but i only rememberd the last one which was one duper classy one. " i kept the book because it was the only thing that was left of you." awww. which girl wouldnt be touch if a guy ever said this to her.

so after the show, we popped by bugis street and there's were all the frenzy occured. haha. but i love it. money's hard to come buy and easy to go. really. i almost lost count of how much i spent there.

i love vintage tees babe! its just love love and more love. i can have an entire collection of them. VINTAGE TEES. \o/

and so the grand total or should i say the damaged caused for this two days rounds up to about 200. this is serious craziness. i guess it will be another 6 months b4 i can ever fall into such a frenzy again X)

i found 2 shopping buddy and i hearts them! muahaha *wink wink*

i kept the letters because that is the only thing that's left of you.

i finally manage to collect some of my thoughts back. my thoughts are like running all ard up there and its so hard for me to catch them back. haha.

so met miss dodo at cityhall. she was the piggy. she was late coming back from the toilet. i was on the dot. =P

and so i was rejuvenated today like totally. its kindof like the first time i spend money without actually having to think much. like its my own money and i get to spend it the way i want without any restriction. if you get what i mean (:

marina square is a nice place to go to. better than what i have expected. i got my loads of stuff there. i think the only thing i bought from far east was an accessory.
and it was pouring when we decided to go orchard. and you see two silly girls huddling under one umbrella. running across road and from street to street.

and so tmr's haji lane outing has been cancelled cos mun our tour guide is sick. *take care and rest well munny!* so i guess i'll be walking ard bugis street with van. hoping to get a steal for some item which dodo introduce.

i haven got enough of it yet. haha the urge to buy you know. its addictive. and bad.

both of us got something similar. haha. just for the fun of it. next time i go out with her i have to bring a bottle of oil *own joke* some pics:

okayy so by doing a little of tubing and chatting i forgot a bulk of what i wanted to say. OH! i came up with some theory today. AHA. i just discover it myself after saying what i wanted to.

theory 1.

AH LIANS are differentiated into 2 types. one typical chinese ahlian. and second type is those ang moh ah lians.


well typical chinese ah lians have typical ah beng boyfriends. who spouts hokkien vulgarities. and typical ah lians go for fluffy pinky stuff.

ang moh ah lians are those who wear until kinda revealing, put on heavy eyeliner and mascara. wear big big loop earrings. and have ang moh ah beng boyfriends who are very open ina way they will openly hug and uhh french kiss.

*newsflah* the above hypothesis is made by me. and its all in my own context. no offence ehh. (: period.

my eyes are like closing already i'll be off for now. be back tmr adios!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


i dunno what has gotten into me. hell and dammnation. i'm not in a good mood now. i think partially its because i'm worried of my cousin. another thing is i just discover that i'm a very very sensitive person to the extent i get paranoid sometimes and read toooo much into stuff. i dont like that part of me. i'm gonna go to bed now and wake up as a happy girl tmr. sleep is the only solution left to forget everything.

listening to the songs i am listening now doesnt help pretty much now.


imma pretender sometimes. its just part and parcel of me i guess. PRETENDER.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


nah. not me. my dear toddler cousin. MR. handsome boy. the one in my previous previous entry. sigh. 5 days of stomach ache and vomiting and suffering from dehydration. poor thing. why does such innocent kids have to suffer from this kind of suffering. and why is MR. wanted man running ard. okayy i know. no link. but just to put across my point eh.

and so. i wish darling a speedy recovery okayy. and that it is nothing major. just some kids ailment. hush hush. i think he must be so drained from all the crying. and my uncle i guess must be pretty devastated. worst still my auntie is like overseas on a business trip and she cannot book a air ticket to fly back to see her son. can you imagine the anxious-ness she is feeling over there. i think it must be worst than my uncle. at least he gets to see xavier. and know his progress rather than her knowing nuts in a foreign country. must be driving her nuts. gahh

i'll prolly pop by to see him these couple of days. but if he gets discharged early all the better.

well so. todays my last day of work.COOL. i got to say goodbye to everyone although i felt a little uhh. how you say. bu-she-de. 'unwilling" to leave the place la. alast i get to become friendlier with everyone else and its time to leave. but trust me all these would be forgotten by tmr when i am happily shopping. LOL. i got my final "installment" of my pay. hurray. i could see the cheque smiling at me. from the way i count my final salary i seem to have gotten another 50 dollars more. haha. idk why maybe its because i dunno how to count? no idea. but having more money is a blessing izzen it. uber-ly cool. baha.

and so, today the old recept is back. this china lady. i got a feeling she really know how to "jia zhua" uhh. "eat snake" in proper eng its means slack. she is forever like ard the place but never at her desk. not answering the phone. tsk tsk. and the work which i was suppose to do like typing all the accounting stuff, she doesnt seem to be doing it. it feels like this wasnt within my job scope in the first place eh. feel cheated. heh.

like i said. the desk was a crowd for two so i wasnt even sitting at the recept desk today. i spent my ENTIRE day in the HR office. doing what? SHREDDING PAPER. one WHOLE day. how nice. not. apparantly they wanted to renovate the HR room and she was suppose to clear all the mess in her office which is like a lot. all the papers couldnt be thrown away like that cos they contain personal information of people like their salary and everything so i had to shred them. and the STUPID shredding machine is damm KUKU can. even the people say that the machine is an antique. one of them died on me during the first 4 hours. and couldnt be repaired. so they have to move the accounting one over. which is no better.

with two machine which was suppose to help me quicken my pace. i end up having one dying on me and the other. JAMMING the whole way through. every 10 mins i had to stop shredding and open the machine and start digging out all the stuck paper. and having to warm up the machine b4 i can start all over again. the HR manager also said by the end of today i can go become a shredding technician. THANKS. but my fingers hurts from all the digging. i end up shredding almost 7 thick files of pay invoice and producing 10 big black garbage bag of shredded paper. no kidding. she still has this whole damm stack to clear tmr. like a mountain. all the best to her man. (:

but all is gone. all is well. its time to spent some cold hard cash. DODO~

i'll be leaving now. till tmr. adios. (:

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

okayy i have many many many things to say today okayy. but all my thoughts are like damm scattered. i need to recollect.

first thing. PEEPOLE. pop the champane for me. tmr's my last day of work. i lasted 29 DAYS! but i'm kinda dead. cos the old recept is coming back tmr and i have to hand over mt work to her. i kinda mess up her stuff a little eh. LOL. but who cares? i'm never gonna see her again.

i actually tried getting off early by asking my HR manager if i could have a half-day off since the old recept is coming back tmr and its my last day. i mean i just have to tell her where i left off and the rest she handle mah. why does she need like 2 recept . . . and i ask her i izzit have to sit together with her she say yes. they place just nice for one. 2 is a crowd la. duper weird if you step into the company and you see two recept squeezing togther. haha strange.

okayy. move on. thurs is coming. and i am drawing *twist* sign everywhere. on the recept calander, even in the stamp logbook. haha thats why i think when the recept come back she will have a fit. eh heh. ppl still 17 mah HAVEN 18 yet.what you expect? i'm still a child at heart. awww. AHAHA!

i have another date on friday!!! yeah. i'm gonna jam pack my remaining two days of holiday after being stuck at work for the whole month. i'm gonna have my first virgin trip to haji lane with MUN. and van (haven ask her yet xD )LOL. but i'm hoping to get a steal there.

i think i'm gonna stop and leave the rest for tmr. i wanted to post some lyrics. ta!

Monday, April 7, 2008


i'm blogging. unbelievable cos i should be at work? well i kinda snuck online eh.

so so.


work was as usual. Except that i bought a magazine this morning which somewhat made my day more interesting. something to entertain me at least rather than that boring manual that lies infront of em waiting for my to type. gahh.

Recently i've bought this months' issue of CLEO. lovely magazine that kept me entertain for a day or two. besides the fact that i am eyeing on certain stuff for this coming thursday, i saw this particular article which is pretty intriguing. i guess it ans many of life questions for women basically. one example:

one of the most vexing of all male behaviours is their apparant ability to get over a break-up far quicker than woman. Regardless if whether they're the dumpers or the dumpee, there's usually the ex lest wondering how they've managed to return to the single issue with such apparant ease. understandably, this leads to teh woman concerned questioning this guy's character. After all, how much could she have meant to hom if all the pain has been dispensed of so easily?


He's not so much inot dealing with the pain as anaesthetsing it. The majority are simply seeking disraction from their hurting hearts and confused brain by which it means flirtation, a regaining of the scene that they could be found attractive by the opposite sex again. few things can piece together a shattered ego quicker than a smile from an attractive stranger or some alcohol-induced compliments. For men this confidence building therapy can start hours after a relationship has ended. it doesn't have to go further, but they open themselves to the possibility faster than woman do.

pretty intresting eh? its just one small para of the article only. you might wanna go get yourself a copy if you wanna know more. chek. like helping to advertise for the mag. tsk.

kk. i better go before i get caught =P i only asked for permission to use the person's internet for a while.

before that, i found 3 duper intresting website from the mag. i can't wait to go home and explore. i'll list them. chop. chop.

contains paintings by a swedish girl who brings dark fairytales character to life with a swish of her pen

**i think mun will enjoy the below two eh *wink wink* **

all clothings and accessiories


its not as obscene as it sounds though i dunno why the person choose such a name. but its like a fashion blog where the webmistress shows no mercy in critinsing celeb dressing and appearances.

enjoy. till then when i get back home.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

back home after having an early celebration of my dad's birthday.

went to some japanese restaurant at tiong baru. and finally i had my long awaited sashimi.

this was lovely. the soup's very refreshing. (:

and then?

haha. i was too lazy to take more pictures. stuffing myself away. everything went well until 3 ignorant B****es whose eyes grew on top of their heads entered. we were almost ready to settle the bill when suddenly me and my dad heard "what's there to look at man!" haha. both me and my dad turn to each other and went huh? literally the face was like o_0 apparantly people thought they had damm shapely body, model faces that people wanted to stare at them and like what take pictures?!

until now we still haven figure out how did we step on their tails. was it me who was browising thru my handphone pictures, with my camera open, facing them and they thought i was snapping at them. or.

they though my dad was looking at them cos they were sitting just beside us. and there was nothing to face to except them.

so. with their puny brains, they concluded that we were looking at them. so without stooping to their level i was laughing away cos i think it was rather ridiculous that these bimbos thought people actually care to look at them. my dad was rather pissed. stupid girls thought they have shapely bodies that people wanna look at them.

end of the story. people who had to spoil others meal. as we were leaving they didnt forget to *diao* us. i think i can even see daggers flying out already. ha. beware of your eyeballs girls. i return one to them.

its a wonder they dun get slapped just walking out of their house with the foul mouth of theirs.


okayy changed of topic. eh. no point killing my brain cells other these ignorant fools.

went down to vivo city before the dinner. they had some kind of modelling competition down there. youngsters of our age. ha. i was like wow la. these girls actually has washboard tummies. *envy* can. its like damm flat. duper. and there were a couple of eyecandies. *grinz*

we didnt get to shop ard much cos the dinner reservation was at 6. but still i manage to steal some time to try out a couple of outfits. =D

i liked this one. but my mum commented that i look kinda plum in this. all thanks to my broad shoulders. its not that i dun admit i am fat la. but. do i really look fat in this? aww. *embarassed* heh.

kinda cool that this shop CLUBMARC COMPANY NEW YORK was like having a 50% discount storewide. so its more or less a steal to be able to get 2 pieces of clothings at 65. i mean the orginal price of just the green shirt itself was already 70 bucks. eh eh. daylight robbery can. so you probably wanna make a guess which 2 outfits i bought eh. heh.

others will probably know when they see me in sch next time.

till den. ciao. 3 more day to last day of work. woopie!

oh before i go, look at this gorgeous boy of mine! (:

must i swallow an eraser just to make you disappear from my mind?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

6 more days to retail therapy with DODO.
5 more days to last day of work
3 more days to daddy's birthday
2 more days to nice foodie.
1 more day to growing a day old.

i cannot wait to end work. like NOW. i hate mornings where i can just sit at my desk and doze off. but cos people keeps walking past, its hard for me to do. and i start to stone. i'm becoming a rock soon. sigh~

this post is short which more or less can conclude how boring my weekdays are. some dumbass people just threw their manual to me and ask me to type out the soft copy AGAIN. c'mon la i feel so used and cheated can. tsk. i'm gonna take my time and do. and for godsake like please stop asking me where am i at now can. like duper irritating. why not you do yourself eh? lazybum.

every song reminds me of you. every nook and corner which has your presence brings me down memory lane again. i have promise myself to stop. Haven't i?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

i'm back.

have been on a hiatus this couple of days cos i'm sleepy.

i have good news. haha. i've won tickets to a event hosted by 987. its call are you singapore's janet jackson. LOL. i was too bored in the office and decided to call the radio for fun again.

i called up once on tue and won a pair of tickets. i decided to try on wed again for fun to see if i could get thru. i did. and i won another pair.LOL. den i just realise something. if you always call at that particular timing, you coudld more or less get thru. so i decided to test out my philosophy today. i called again at that timing and the call got picked up again. AHA! but i put down the phone after that. i mean why would i want so many tickets luh. but i was wondering if i always call at that timing would my call always get through? AHA. den what the whole event is filled with people i know. eh hey. okayy la. i think many will think i'm kinda stoopid. nothing else better to do.

but thats what office boredom drives you too i guess. but its the first time i have ever won something in my entire life. kinda thrilling. how i wish the tickets were air tickets instead. how nice. =D

anw. i feel so cheated for the past 2 days can. i kept thinking 9th april falls on a monday. and next monday is my last day of work. so i would have FOUR days to hibernate. until miss candy had to burst my bubble and tell me that 9th of april is a wednesday. which means i still have 4 more days of work. gahhh. i almost wanted to bang my head aganist the wall and literally die on the spot can. if it wasnt for the $$$ i wouldnt be slogging my guts out. actually in fact. i didnt really do much. but just waking up in the morning to go to work is already a chore. it takes me gigantic giant amount of energy just to pull myself off the bed. and i wanna spend some hard earned cash on thurs and i was thinking of visiting my grandma on fri. so where to squeeze time to sleep until 2pm. oh god.

working is such a chore. sleep is a luxury now.